Cyril Luckham

Cyril Luckham

Рождение : 1907-07-25, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Смерть : 1989-02-08


Cyril Luckham


Mrs Silly
A mother tries to keep her son’s affections but embarrasses him in front of others.
Doctor Who: Enlightenment
The White Guardian
An Edwardian yacht in deep space races around the planets. There is a double agent in the TARDIS crew. The White Guardian warns the Fifth Doctor of great danger. Turlough must finally choose sides and at the end of the race lies the prize of Enlightenment.
The Winter's Tale
The jealous King Leontes falsely accuse his wife Hermione of infidelity with his best friend, and she dies. Leontes exiles his newborn daughter Perdita, who is raised by shepherds for sixteen years and falls in love with the son of Leontes' friend. When Perdita returns home, a statue of Hermione "comes to life", and everyone is reconciled.
Donkeys' Years
Sydney Birkett
Michael Frayn's play about a college reunion.
Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation
The Guardian
The Doctor is summoned by the mysterious and powerful White Guardian, and sent on a quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time, which, once assembled, will restore balance to the Universe. Joining the Doctor and K9 is the smart and sassy Romana, a Time Lord fresh from the Academy. Landing on the wintry planet of Ribos to locate the first segment, the TARDIS crew quickly find themselves embroiled in a little local trouble with a pair of conmen and an unstable warlord...
Dr. Mark Eddington
On the eve of his 78th birthday, the ailing, alcoholic writer Clive Langham spends a painful and sleepless night mentally composing and recomposing scenes for a novel in which characters based on his own family are shaped by his fantasies and memories, alongside his caustic commentary on their behaviour.
The Doll
Sir Arnold Wyatt
Thriller based on Francis Durbridge
The Wood Demon
A luncheon party gathers to celebrate a wealthy unmarried man's birthday; his sister hopes he'll marry Sonya, the daughter of a selfish gout-ridden old professor who makes life Hell for his son George and his young wife, Helen. At the luncheon is Khrushchov, a passionate environmentalist, called "the Wood Demon" by all, in love with Sonya and she with him, but neither will say it. Two weeks later there's a family meeting at the professor's estate; two weeks after that, a supper at the cabin of Dyadin, who's cheerful to all. George, Helen, Sonya, and Khrushchov are each suffocating. Can any of them take action?
Caring for History
A BAFTA award winning documentary investigating the work undertaken by the Ancient Monuments Division of the Department of the Environment in preserving the fabric of structures from Neolithic to Georgian.
Mr. Forbush and the Penguins
Life for Richard Forbush, brilliant biology student and conceited philanderer, is one long round of eat, drink and be merry. But his decision to accept a six-month research post in the Antarctic, making the first detailed study of a penguin colony, changes all that... Living in Shackleton’s derelict hut, Forbush is alone at the frozen edge of the world, his only links to civilisation a two-way radio and letters to his elusive, would-be girlfriend, Tara, in London. Through an often ferocious winter in the company of the penguins, he grows increasingly attached to his hardy, endearing subjects – learning profound lessons in endurance and humility.
One More Time
London nightclub buddies Salt and Pepper link Pepper's dead twin to diamond smugglers.
Тысяча дней Анны
Prior Houghton
Английский король Генрих VIII всю жизнь мечтал о наследнике, но его жена, королева Екатерина Арагонская за долгие годы совместной жизни произвела на свет лишь дочь. Король просит у Папы римского разрешения на развод. Генрих хочет сделать новой королевой восемнадцатилетнюю Анну Болейн, уже беременную от него. Из Ватикана приходит отказ на просьбу короля. В 1533 году Генрих VIII идет на разрыв с католической церковью и становится основателем новой церкви — англиканской. Генрих устраняет все препятствия и добивается коронации Анны. Но его надеждам не суждено оправдаться, Анна приносит мужу еще одну дочь. Их брак продлится недолго, всего три года. Затем Анна Болейн будет обвинена своим мужем в прелюбодеянии и обезглавлена. В скором времени Генрих женится на другой, надеясь, что новая избранница все же родит ему сына…
Happy DeathDay
An old man has his birthday. On this occasion he is given a present by his grand daughter who is fond of him. On the other hand, she hates her parents and the atmosphere in the family is quite tense.
Stand by Your Screen
Norman Gritter
A film by Alan Clarke for the 'The Company of Five' anthology series.
Обнаженный беглец
Cabinet minister
Американцу Лейкеру, мебельщику из Великобритании, присуждена премия за дизайн, и он едет на выставку в Восточную Германию, чтобы покрасоваться перед коллегами. Но он меняет свои планы, после того как соглашается выполнить незначительное поручение сотрудника британской разведки, знакомого ещё со Второй мировой. Мистер Лейкер не знает, что его хотят использовать в качестве наёмного убийцы.
Человек на все времена
Archbishop Cranmer
События, исторически достоверно воспроизведенные на экране, происходят в Англии XVI века, во времена правления короля Генриха VIII. В основе сюжета — конфликт между королем и лордом-канцлером Томасом Мором, великим гуманистом, государственным деятелем, выдающимися юристом и философом.
Убийства по алфавиту
Sir Carmichael Clarke
Вдумчивое отношение к рассказам очевидцев помогает Эркюлю Пуаро расследовать ряд убийств в Лондоне. Оказывается, что инициалы жертв идут по алфавиту. Первая жертва - А. А., вторая - В. В. и так далее. В итоге Пуаро с помощью капитана Гастингса и инспектора Джеппа разоблачает преступника и спасает невиновного, попавшего под подозрение полиции.
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Nigel Barton
Archibald Lake
Candidate Nigel Barton goes from idealism to cynicism as he becomes disillusioned and suspicious of hollow campaign promises.
Пожиратель тыкв
Джейк Армитаж решил жениться Джо — на женщине с четырьмя детьми и бывшей уже два раза замужем. Вскоре у них появляется свой ребенок, а затем Джейк успешно делает карьеру сценариста. В дом приходит материальный достаток, но у Джо начинаются нервные срывы на почве ревности. И остро встают вопросы: о верности, о возможности сохранить семью.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Theseus, Duke of Athens, is going to marry Hyppolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Demetrius is engaged with Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. Helena loves Demetrius. Oberon and Titania, of the kingdom of fairies have a slight quarrel about whether or not the boy Titania is raising will join Titania's band or Oberon's, so Oberon tries to get him from her by using some magic. But they're not alone in that forest. Lysander and Hermina have there a rendezvous, Helena and Demetrius are there, too as well as some actors, who are practicing a play for the ongoing wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Due to some misunderstandings by Puck, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
Билли Бад
Hallam, Captain of Marines
1797 год. Билли Бад, молодой моряк, призван служить на британский военный корабль. Билли не склонен к конфликтам. Даже с каптенармусом Клэгертом, лютым врагом всей команды, он старается наладить контакт. Однако Клэгерт в присутствии капитана судна обвиняет Билли в подготовке мятежа. Билли настолько возмущён, что отвечает ударом, который по роковому стечению обстоятельств оказывается смертельным.
Some People
Four teen-aged Teds are persuaded to form a rock group and undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to keep them out of trouble.
The Birthday Present
Returning from a business trip, toy salesman Simon Scott is caught attempting to smuggle a wristwatch bought for his wife's birthday through Customs. He is arrested and, due to a bungled defence by his solicitor, obliged to serve a three-month prison sentence. It is only the beginning of his woes; his employer, Colonel Wilson, is understanding, but he is ultimately forced to sack Simon, who discovers that finding another job under such circumstances is extremely difficult. But Colonel Wilson is determined to help his former employee find a solution.
Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst
Commander in Chief
While sailing lawfully up the Yangste in 1949, the British warship Amethyst found its return to the open sea blocked by Communist Chinese shore batteries that unexpectedly opened fire. In charge, Lietenant Commander Kerans was not however prepared for his crew and his ship to remain as a hostage for the Chinese to use as an international pawn.
Битва у Ла-Платы
Lieutenant Jasper Abbot, H.M.S. Achilles
Ноябрь 1939 года, война идет уже 2 месяца. После разгрома Польши мир узнал новое слово: блицкриг, а генералы — новую стратегию. На море тоже были свои проблемы. Во время войны Германия могла прокормить себя, а вот Англия — нет. Корабли, на которых доставляли в Англию продовольствие, можно было потопить или вывести из строя, этом случае в стране начался бы голод. Пытаясь добиться этого, немцы применяли мощное оружие — магнитные мины, подводные лодки и надводные корабли. Это были грозные и подвижные карманные линкоры — морские тигры. За 10 дней до объявления войны один из этих линкоров покинул немецкий порт и, незамеченным, проник в южную Атлантику. Многие месяцы никто не подозревал, что там притаился убийца. До тех пор, пока не начали исчезать корабль за кораблем…
Out of the Clouds
Doctor Harman
A day following workers at an airport
Stranger from Venus
Dr. Meinard
A stranger turns up at an English country pub and asks to stay, although reveals that he has no money. He even claims to have no name. The police become suspicious when he reveals details about Susan North, a local girl who has gone missing. However, when the police try to take the stranger in for questioning, they find that they are unable to lay their hands on him. Susan then turns up, revealing that she has been in a car crash and how the stranger saved and miraculously healed her. The stranger tells them that he is a visitor from the planet Venus. The authorities block off all exits in and out of the town. The stranger tells government representatives that he wants a meeting with heads of world governments for when his people arrive in their ship in four days time. As they set this up, the stranger discovers that the authorities instead plan to lay a trap to capture his people’s ship – something they do not realise could have disastrous consequences for Earth.