Isabel Mandujano


Monsters of California
Costume Design
Teenager Dallas Edwards and his derelict friends go on a quest for the meaning behind a series of mysterious, paranormal events in Southern California. The truths they uncover begin to unravel extraordinary secrets.
Звук свободы
Costume Designer
История Тима Балларда (Джим Кэвизел), бывшего агента правительства США, который уволился с работы, чтобы посвятить свою жизнь спасению детей от сексуального рабства.
Cloudy with a Chance of Christmas
Costume Design
When a weather forecaster is asked to host her network's annual snow-cast in the wintry town of Leavenworth live with the network's morning show host and a longtime rival of hers, tension brews and romantic sparks fly between them on air.
Revenge for My Mother
Costume Designer
Audrey teaches postnatal fitness to a group of Moms who bring their baby strollers to the park, but when her recently hired assistant secretly starts exacting revenge, Audrey's perfect world erupts into madness.
Marry Me in Yosemite
Costume Design
Zoe is a top photojournalist who has published successful coffee table books featuring her images of iconic places. Her publisher wants her next subject to be Yosemite, so she heads west despite not being sure she can do justice to the majesty of the landscape. While there, she meets Jack, an intriguing tour guide who opens her eyes to new possibilities as they take a journey together.
Sally Floss: Digital Detective
Costume Design
In response to the financial crisis set forth by COVID-19, a shy teenager starts an internet-based detective agency to save her family home. She solves mysteries through digital footprints, virtual interviews, a brilliant mind, and an inherited intuition she never knew she had.
Fatal Fandom
Costume Design
When famous pop star Eden Chase is almost kidnapped by a crazed fan, she enlists the help of handsome, brooding bodyguard Jackson Reed to move into her home and become her security full-time. But when Jackson develops an unhealthy attachment to Eden, she soon realizes the man she’d called her protector–has now become a predator harboring a dark secret from the past–and that she must outwit him or become prey.
Fatal Memory
Costume Design
After a violent car accident robs Grace of her memory, a handsome stranger enters her life, insisting that they are lovers. As her memory returns bit by bit, the stranger's story begins to unravel. Grace is forced to fill in the gaps and uncover the truth, suddenly fearing for her life.
Sweet Navidad
Costume Design
A pastry chef dreams of opening her own dessert shop; she is paired with another chef for a grand event during which they must learn from one another and eventually come together to create a menu in time for Christmas.
Dangerous Snow Day
Costume Design
When an au pair to one of the most well-known and wealthiest families in town rejects the father's advances, she finds herself blacklisted and in fear for her life.
A Dangerous Defense
Costume Design
Abby represents her estranged sister in a murder trial. Is her sister guilty or is there a killer on the loose?
Secrets of an Escort
Costume Design
Having an alter ego becomes a deadly game when a single mother who works at a hotel during the day and as a high-end escort at night discovers her daughter is missing. Unsure who from her various lives would take her child, she takes matters into her own hands to repair all the damage she and her alter ego have caused before it’s too late
Fatal Fiancé
When Leah is kidnapped on the day of her wedding by her fiance’s delusional ex-girlfriend Faith, she does everything within her power to escape. But once she does, she begins to question whether Faith was ever really delusional or if she was just trying to save her life.
Смерть на винограднике
Costume Design
A woman tries to protect her teenage daughter when she becomes the target of anonymous bullies.
More Beautiful for Having Been Broken
Costume Design
Three women’s lives intersect at a lakeside resort and are forever changed by the love of a special needs boy.
Artista Obscura
Costume Design
A mockumentary series about the world's most obscure artists.
Killer Grandma
Costume Design
Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is unhinged and wants to kidnap Melissa's daughter to replace her own dead child.
Нейробиолог работает над препаратом, расширяющим границы человеческого разума. Однако вскоре эксперименты становятся причиной смертельной сверхъестественной угрозы, нависшей над его командой.
Holly Day
Costume Design
In a twist on a Dickens novel, we meet Holly, a tightly-wound businesswoman who's spent her life running from the ghosts of her past. But this holiday, they come back to find her.
Офисный беспредел
Assistant Costume Designer
Работники большой корпорации внезапно начинают вести себя крайне агрессивно. А все из-за секретного напитка, который они выпили. Теперь вместо гиперпродуктивности за рабочим местом они готовы перегрызть друг другу глотки.
Сумасбродные вечера с Эмили
Costume Designer
Инсценировка малоизвестной стороны жизни писателя Эмили Дикинсон, в частности ее отношений с другой женщиной.
Fatal Crossing
Costume Design
When high-flying tech entrepreneur Carson Griffin believes himself guilty of killing a pedestrian while driving drunk, guilt and paranoia begin to unravel his life ahead of the launch of his new company as he plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse with June, the girlfriend of the deceased who is hell-bent on proving he is responsible.
Elizabeth Blue
Costume Design
A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, is coping with ongoing episodes of schizophrenia.
Первое убийство
Costume Supervisor
Фильм об опытном офицере, который расследует похищение мальчика, ставшего свидетелем разборки между банковскими грабителями. Вызволить ребенка так же торопится его молодой отец, вызывающий у полицейского серьезные подозрения — а не был ли он сам связан с этим ограблением?
Наёмный убийца
Costume Supervisor
Спустя двадцать лет после начала Корпоративной Мировой войны, некогда цветущая и плодородная планета превратилась в выжженную пустыню, усеянную полуразрушенными останками людских поселений. Среди непрекращающейся тьмы и разрухи на свет появился Совет Девяти Роз, призванный уничтожить всё, что хоть отдалённо напоминает о корпорациях. Так началась эпоха наёмных убийц, охотящихся за «белыми воротничками».