Hans Schumm
Рождение : 1896-04-02, Stuttgart, Germany
Смерть : 1990-02-02
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Hans Josef Schumm (né Johann Josef Eugen Schumm; 2 April 1896 Stuttgart – 2 February 1990 Los Angeles) was a German-born-turned-American actor, notably, a prolific and critically acclaimed Hollywood screen character actor who appeared in some 95 films – including a co-starring villainous role in a 12-episode serial. He also appeared in 15 TV productions and several stage productions, including one on Broadway. Except for about ten cinema productions, Schumm's body of work in cinema and television was filmed in the United States. In stage and film, he is credited as Hans Josef Schumm or simply Hans Schumm; but in seven films, he is credited under the pseudonym André Pola — three in 1948, one in 1949, one in 1954, and one 1956. In his private life, he was known as Joseph Schumm and Johann J.E. Schumm.
The Mask
Edited version of the 1942 Republic serial "Spy Smasher," cut down to one hour and sold for TV release in 1966 in a syndication package with other truncated Republic serials.
Dr. Emil Gesundheit (as Andre Pola)
Joe's fiance doesn't like his obsession for chasing fire engines.
Col. Cluttz
The stooges are carpet layers working in the home of a scientist, Professor Sneed, who has invented a super rocket fuel. Larry is mistaken for the professor by foreign agents who kidnap the trio and take them to the country of Anemia where they are ordered to produce the rocket fuel or be executed. The boys come up with a concoction they try to pass of as the real stuff, but are exposed when the real professor and his daughter are also kidnapped. The stooges help them escape, using their secret formula to fuel a jeep.
Slip and Sach are working as cleaners in a high rise building. They enter an office to clean it when a messenger hears them use Slip's given name, Terrance Mahoney. The messenger has a letter for "Terrance Mahonoey, Esq." and mistakenly delivers it to Slip. The letter informs Slip that he has inherited a mansion in Long Island. The boys then make their way to the mansion and find that it is inhabited by diamond smugglers. The real owner of the house shows up and helps save the day and defeat the smugglers and gives the boys the house as a reward.
Виртуозный похититель бриллиантов Пепе Ле Моко бежит из Парижа в Касбах, французский район Алжира, и там организовывает новый воровской притон. Единственный человек, который не дает ему по-настоящему развернуться, — инспектор Слиймен, мечтающий вытащить вора за пределы Касбаха.
Escaped Nazi POWs hold the denizens of a California resort hostage.
Former concert pianist, victim of Nazi torture, pursues a confused, melancholic existence on the island of Guadalupe.
Sgt. Krause (uncredited)
Сержант Джо Ганн — командир американского танка, который вместе с экипажем отстает от своего отряда после падения Тобрука. По мере того как танк, нежно прозванный Лулубель, продвигается медленно по пустыне, сержант Ганн и его люди подбирают еще несколько британских солдат, суданского капрала с пленным итальянцем, свободного француза, Южноафриканского добровольца и сбитого немецкого летчика. Они наталкиваются на разрушенный оазис с почти пересохшим источником, и, не успев вдоволь напиться, сразу же занимают оборону, вступая в бой с многократно превосходящим по численности отрядом нацистов, которые полагают, что в оазисе есть вода…
Lieutenant Commander (uncredited)
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Dreikirchen Guard (Uncredited)
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
German Sergeant Who Pushes Albert
Фильм сделан во время Второй мировой войны, когда любая картина по определению должна была выполнять некие пропагандистские функции. Но при этом в фильме нет ни малейшего следа какой-либо пропаганды. Более того, с формальной точки зрения, этот фильм просто не соответствует своей задаче. О картине «Эта земля моя» Франсуа Трюффо написал, что это «самый презираемый американский фильм Жана Ренуара», главный герой которого, скромный школьный учитель Альбер Лори в блестящем исполнении Чарлза Лаутона, «боится бомбежек, любит свою старую мать, свои удобства и свой стакан молока, почитает инспектора учебного округа и оккупационные власти...» и просто отчаянный трус. Но он находит в себе силы перед лицом неминуемой смерти выступить на суде с пламенной речью, обличающей нацизм.
Train Gate Guard (uncredited)
Хроника впечатлений о Советском Союзе американского посла Дэвиса, его встреч со Сталиным, и его общая точка зрения на отношения Советского Союза и Соединенных Штатов.
Capt. Bentick
The story of a small town in Norway that resists German occupation during World War II. Based on a John Steinbeck novel.
Karl Müller
When police officer Moe Finkelstein and his colleague Officer Salomon are ordered to serve as bodyguards to German consul Karl Baumer by the mayor of New York City, Finkelstein turns in his badge, convinced he has to quit the service because the man is a Nazi.
Warsaw Gestapo Agent (uncredited)
Вена, 1939 год. Кэти О`Хара — стриптизерша из Нью-Йорка, выдающая себя за представительницу светского общества из Филадельфии, собирается замуж за австрийского барона Фон Любера. Радио-репортер Пэт О`Тул хочет использовать этот шанс для того, чтобы узнать как можно больше о бароне, который подозревается в связях с нацистами. Маршрут свадебного путешествия странным образом проходит по странам, в которые впоследствии вторгается Гитлер. Следуя за парой молодоженов в их медовом месяце по всей Европе, О`Тул пытается открыть глаза Кэти на деятельность ее мужа, постепенно влюбляясь в героиню.
Gestapo Guard (uncredited)
Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.
Foreign spies and police pursue an attractive Dutch spy throughout Peking.
Dr. Werner
Hollywood starlet foils an Axis plot to sabotage the L.A. infrastructure.
Dana Andrews plays Bill Roberts, an American radio commentator station in Berlin in the months before Pearl Harbor. Having witnessed Nazi brutalities first hand, Roberts hopes to alert his listeners of impending dangers, and does so by sending out coded messages during his broadcasts. The Gestapo begins to suspect something and assigns glamorous secret agent Karen Hauen (Virginia Gilmore) to spy on Roberts. When she discovers that her own father (Erwin Kaiser) is supplying Roberts with vital secrets, she turns her back on the Nazis and joins our hero in his efforts.
Tabor's Henchman (uncredited)
A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.
Cmdr. von Smith
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
The Mask
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Special Investigations Squad (uncredited)
Действие происходит в Польше до и во время немецкой оккупации. В одном театре Варшавы работают муж и жена — Йосиф и Мария Тура. Ставят антинацистскую пьесу, но ее запрещают, и приходится играть «Гамлета». Чрезвычайно тщеславный и ранимый Йосиф Тура играет самого принца датского, один из зрителей, молодой и красивый летчик, встает и уходит из зала в самый ответственный для артиста момент, когда произносится знаменитый монолог «Быть или не быть». Откуда знать актеру, что именно эти слова были для офицера паролем, указывающим, что можно идти в гримерную красавицы Марии Тура…
1st German
Some dastardly criminals have stolen some top secret plans and tattoo them on the back of a woman so she can sell them to the highest bidder in Lisbon. This woman plans to take the place of a 'Sidney Royce', a legitimate traveler going to Lisbon as a reporter. Crossed signals allows the real Sidney to reach Portugal first, where she is pursued by those trying to obtain the plans and US government agents trying to prevent the sale.
Гловс Донахью — нью-йоркский спортивный промоутер. В течение многих лет каждое его утро начинается с чизкейка, приготовленного в пекарне Миллера. Но однажды устоявшийся распорядок был нарушен: владельца пекарни, Миллера, убивают. Он видел, как певица из ночного клуба Леда Гамильтон покидает пекарню. По просьбе своей матери Гловс начинает своё расследование. А когда партнер босса певицы Марти Джо также оказывается убит, Леда и ее аккомпаниатор Пепи исчезают. Вскоре выясняется, что за убийством Миллера стоит крупная подпольная организация, в планах которой — захват страны. Так Гловс выходит на банду тайных нацистов.
Sub Captain
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
Mueller (uncredited)
A group of neighborhood teenagers discover some suspicious goings-on near a naval base in San Diego, and suspect that a foreign espionage ring is at work trying to find out military secrets.
Heller's Aide
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
Йозеф Штайнер, Рут Голланд и Людвиг Керн бегут из Германии, спасаясь от нацистского режима. У каждого из них свои причины для бегства: Рут — еврейка, Йозеф, как и многие другие, не желает принимать фашистскую идеологию. С Людвигом ситуация сложнее — он сын еврейки и арийца. Он не знает, кому верить, что взять за истину в своей жизни, его терзают сомнения. Даже во время бегства есть место человеческим чувствам. Людвиг и Рут влюбляются друг в друга, а Йозеф пытается вернуть свою больную жену Марию. Идет война, нацисты вселяют страх, но находится место любви. По роману Эриха Марии Ремарка "Возлюби ближнего своего".
Gestapo Officer with Dark Eyebrows (uncredited)
An American goes to Germany to find his mother and discovers her in a concentration camp. With the help of an American-born widowed countess he seeks to engineer her escape.
June McCarthy has unwittingly aided an undercover Nazi naval officer with acquiring a "mother ship" for German submarines in the Atlantic.
Soldier (uncredited)
Первый полностью звуковой фильм Чарльза Чаплина. Он играет сразу две роли: фашистского диктатора Аденоида Хинкеля (недвусмысленно загримированной под Гитлера) и еврея — парикмахера, который как две капли воды похож на него.
Storm Trooper
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
Nazi Officer at Dock (uncredited)
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
German Senior Officer
During WWI pretty German master spy Helene von Lorbeer is sent undercover to London to live with the family of a high-placed British official where she is to rendezvous with the butler Valdar, also a spy, and help him transmit secret war plans back to Germany.
Hans Memling, a young intellectual, patriotic German, is secretly opposed to the Nazi regime. With the aid of Gustav Schultz, Father Pommer, Anna Wahl and others, he is gleaning accurate information from foreign radio broadcasts and distributing it through Germany with an underground-press operation. He convinces his brother-in-law Karl Bach, the brother of his wife Elsa, that Hitler is leading Germany toward a second world war. Karl, in love with Anna, joins the movement, determined to restore German culture and save the people from the brutality of the Storm Troopers and the Gestapo. The group has an inside link through Albert Stalhelm, a Storm Trooper and one of Hitler's Elite Guards. Albert is sickened by the brutalities he sees and wants to resign and flee Germany, but Hans persuades him to remain until they can find a replacement. He agrees, but warns the group that he is forced to join in the Nazi orgies and liquor loosens his tongue...
Foreign Official
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
German Sailor Looking for Wireless (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Man in Shipboard Brawl
A carefree playboy with an aversion to marriage falls for a lass he meets in the French Alps.
Bismarck Officer with Crew List (uncredited)
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
Mary Barrett is an aspiring opera singer who is taken under the wings of a famous operatic maestro, Guilio Monterverdi. After spending endless working hours together and arguing, their relationship develops into love. But, jealousy and misunderstandings prevent Mary and Guilio from acknowledging their true feelings.