Siddharth, a youngman who runs a family business is astonished to find his doppelgängers Manjunath and Michael on getdopple.com. After meeting up in Goa, they come down to Hyderabad to help Siddarth win over Ishika, a girl looking for superman to be her husband. But things take a drastic turn when NIA swings into action to nab Michael, aka Bipin Roy.
В Индии до сих пор достаточно распространены договорные браки, когда родители решают за своих детей, с кем им предстоит провести всю жизнь. Старики оберегают традиции своих предков, однако молодое поколение не собирается мириться с таким положением вещей. На этой почве в самых разных семьях случаются конфликты, которые нередко перерастают в настоящую войну. Главная героиня фильма Вибха не собирается спешить с замужеством. Она научилась на ошибках своих родителей, и теперь ей хотелось бы более основательно подойти к вопросу выбора жениха. Безнадёжный романтик Харша готов приложить все возможные усилия, чтобы влюбить в себя Вибху…
Krishna arrives in India to get married to Shruti, but when Krishna saves her father from an attack, it is revealed he has a hidden agenda.
A movie production crew sets out to shoot a film in the Dandeli Forest. The hero (Kamal Kamaraju), second hero (Sri), Heroine (Adonika), Director (Srinivas Avasarala) and Producer (Anchor Vijay) rent out a guest house and wait for their backup crew to arrive. A psychotic masked killer roams around in the forest with the sole aim of killing anyone that crosses his path. And now the production crew crossed his path.
Aravind (Rajiv Kanakala) and Rishi (Rishi) are childhood buddies. They struggled together to come up in life and settle as director and hero respectively. They delivered two consecutive hits together and are in search of a script for a 3rd film. Of the scripts sent by various story writers, Aravind finds one script to be interesting. But that script was smudged with ink after 60th page (25th scene). He summons his assistant to scout for the writer and takes Rishi for story discussions on that script to his remote wooden guesthouse located few kilometers away from the city. The scenes mentioned in the script come alive. As the things get scary, Aravind wants to see what would happen in the next scene and realize that the rest of the script is smudged by ink. The rest of the story is all about what happens next.