Feng Li

Feng Li

Рождение : 1979-01-14, China


Feng Li


Hello Brother
Mystery of Muye: The Dragon Seeker
1930-е, марионеточное государство Маньчжоу-го. Четыре коммунистических агента, прошедших спецподготовку в Советском Союзе, готовят спецоперацию. Но в товарищеских рядах оказался предатель, и ещё до высадки команды на территорию их планы стали известны врагу.
Imperial Portrait of Consorts
Zhao Feng
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Fang Chi
The successive murders in Longfan City are exactly the same as the killing method of a suspense novel serialized on the Internet. "Slow, doubt" is based on the crime. When all the clues point to Qin Ming high school classmate Fang Chi, Qin Ming's first love Han Yue also seems to be in danger. After Qin Ming confronted Fang Chi, Finding things are not so simple. (Source: Douban)
Life On The Water
Er Xun
Miao Miaomiao is from the arid region of Northwest China. To escape the fear of lack of water for generations, she came to work in a seaside city. She worked in a water park called "Happy Water Kingdom". Her kindness, hard work and wisdom won the boss's reward. Of knowledge and married as a proprietress in charge of the water business. Later, her husband was put in prison because of an accident, and he handed over the "Water Kingdom" to Miao Miaomiao. At the same time, he took care of her mentally impaired brother Erxiong. Miao Miaomiao adhered to the business philosophy of Huang Dading's father, while doing her best While managing business, he is as meticulous as his mother to take care of the two bears who are more than thirty years old and whose IQ is only a few years old.
Всемогущий Я
The Landlord
Санг Ю так устала от попыток не заснуть. Каждый раз, когда он закрывает глаза, демон преследует и убивает его во сне. Однажды ночью Санг понимает, что у него есть особая сила: он может принести сокровища из своих снов в реальность. Почти в одночасье он становится богатым человеком. Но его богатство также привлекает внимание безжалостного гангстера.
Xiao Bo
Three stories which each focus on one of three types of relationships: family, friendship, and love. The first story is about conflicted manager on a business trip who is intrigued by an elderly worker and investigates his life. The second story is about a young father who receives a letter that brings him to a foreign land, where old emotions come unburied. The last story is about a visiting professor from overseas who sets a student's heart fluttering, while having to deal with his own.
Хроники призрачного племени
Wang Kaixuan
В 1979 году в одной из пещер горной цепи Куньлунь были найдены кости таинственного существа. Ху Байи участвует в экспедиции в глубины этих гор, чтобы отыскать ещё больше скрытых палеонтологических реликвий. Спустившись вниз, исследователи обнаруживают загадочный город, скрытый под толщей горных пород. Город некогда принадлежал могучей цивилизации, которая обладала великой силой и знала тайны жизни и смерти. Радость столь дивной находки омрачили ужасающие существа, напавшие на группу исследователей.
The Fighting Youth
About a variety of very different personalities encountered six young men and women in work, love, with the most comic way to interpret today's "Fen Qing" the most real life. Movie entirely from the perspective of young people starting to describe their vision throughout the community. Among these young people, have just graduated from fresh human society, there are rebellious city cold man, there are diligent faithful dog male, female infatuation has insisted the dream, but also money first drink of worships money and women and every day Tyrant men and so on. When these different personalities, different experiences of people touched each other, naturally embarrassing thing again and again.
Golden Leopard Tang Long
Tang Long was born in a family of blacksmiths. He was stubborn and loved to gamble. He didn't care much about inheriting his ancestral business, which made his father Tang Zhizhai very anxious. But Tang Long is also talented and intelligent, and the aura revealed during the fight gave Tang Zhizhai hope.
Bump In The Road
Fat Man
A womanizing OB-gyn and a mentally-challenged brother share a life-changing road trip together, in search of the mysterious woman the OB-gyn knocked up unbeknownst to himself. Released in China as "一路顺疯" or "Yi lu shun feng".
The Cosplayers
A videogame obsessive competes for the love of his life. Cong Ye who just graduated from university, is a technical nerd who is addicted to online games. He owes a huge loan shark because of developing games. At the same time, his lover Tao Xiaoqiwho fell in love with each other in the game also supported his boyfriend. Lin Yuhan went to study abroad and was in deep financial crisis. By mistake, a reality show called "Millions of Love Babies" gave Ye Cong and Tao Xiaoqi, two online game masters who are also in trouble, see hope. But unfortunately, their respective predecessors Yao Zixuan and Lin Yuhan also appeared in the game as a couple.
Love Retake
Top actor Zheng Zhi (Shin) and Nina (Gillian Chung) are starring together in a movie about a poor man romancing a rich girl. Filming isn't going so smoothly, however, as director Mandy (Li Xiaoran) keeps picking apart Zheng Zhi's acting. It turns out that Mandy and Zheng Zhi are actually former lovers, and the movie's plot is their own story. Meanwhile, Chuan Zi (Yu Shaoqun) joined the production as an extra in hopes of reuniting with Nina, whom he believes is his childhood sweetheart. Nina, however, already has a rich and handsome boyfriend.
Meet the In Laws
Da Li
Xu Zheng plays a psychologist in "In-laws." When he decides to visit his girlfriend's parents, he discovers that his future father-in-law is one of his patients. Hilarity ensues after they meet.
New Year's In-Laws
Eternal Moment
Fatty Director
Eternal Moment (将爱) is a Chinese romantic drama film directed by Zhang Yibai and starring Xu Jinglei, Li Yapeng and Chapman To. The film is a sequel to the television drama, Cherish Our Love Forever (1998), which was also directed by Zhang.[1] The film follows the two leads from that earlier drama (played by Xu Jinglei and Li Yapeng) reuniting after being apart for 12 years.
Док Кихот
Farmer on island
Дон Кихот - фильм китайского и гонконгского фильма 2010 года режиссера Ахана, основанный на романе Мигеля де Сервантеса 17-го века. Это было продвинуто как первый полностью трехмерный фильм в Китае.
Gao Xing
The Longest Night In Shanghai
Lin Jia-Bao
A successful Japanese make-up artist collides with a tough-talking Shanghai taxi driver in this romantic dramedy that twists traditional roles by making the beauty expert a male and the cab driver a feisty female. Although he works in a glamorous industry, Naoki Mizushima can't help but notice that his life is anything but beautiful. Can the uncouth Lin Xi help him make over his life for the better?
Additional Writing
Начало 20 века. Хо Юаньцзя мечтает пойти по стопам своего отца, став бойцом мирового класса. Он просто ослеплен желанием стать величайшим и поднять престиж своего дома. Выиграв множество боев, он достигает цели, но это не приносить счастья, а, наоборот, случается ужасная трагедия — погибают его близкие.
Разрисованная вуаль
Sung Ching
Двадцатые годы ХХ века, молодой врач и его неверная жена, Китти, отправляются в отдалённую деревушку в Китае, чтобы бороться со вспышкой эпидемии холеры. Там поражённая преданностью мужа работе, Китти начинает видеть его в ином свете и снова влюбляется в него…
Gao Weiguo
Судьбы папы, мамы и троих детей прослеживаются на протяжении приблизительно десяти лет. Девочка, мечтающая служить в парашютных войсках, ее добродушный брат-толстяк и младший братишка, проблемный подросток, последовательно разочаровываются в своих мечтах и идеалах, чтобы погрузиться в бытовую трясину.
Making of House of Flying Daggers
Main Characters/Performers: 1. Xiao Mei - first appearing as new star dancer in lavish Peony Pavilion brothel, Mei is believed to be the blind daughter of a rebel group's recently assassinated leader- played by Zhang Ziyi . 2. Jin - police captain in the ruling Tang emperor's service, enlisted by his superior Leo to play the role of double agent by helping Mei escape and getting her to lead him - and government troops - to the rebel stronghold - played by Takeshi Kaneshiro. 3. Leo - introduced as a high ranking policeman in the Tang emperor's service, Leo turns out to a mole planted years earlier by the rebels working to overthrow the corrupt ruling Tang government - played by Andy Lau.
Scenario Writer
Китай расколот на княжества, но уже есть лидер, который хочет покорить соседей и стать императором объединенной страны. К нему засланы убийцы, безукоризненно владеющие боевыми искусствами; у них фольклорные имена Сломанный Меч, Летящий Снег и Небо.Их противник обозначен как Безымянный, он хочет защитить императора. Его разговор с Всесильным образует раму, скрепляющую несколько ретроспектив — поединков с убийцами. Он рассказывает об этих поединках как сказку, где истину не отличишь от выдумки. Своя версия есть и у императора.
The Spring Outside the Fence
Li Lin and Wu Ai-hua -- two girls growing in a same military dependent community, are of sharp contrast in personalities. The former is charming, smart, open-mined and wild. Never shall she bow to challenges. In her life, she loves only one man -- a handsome and resolute pilot of the air force by the name of Ho Kang, who grew up in the same neighborhood with her. The latter, Wu Ai-hua, is a closed-minded and depressed girl. In the course of her growth, she loves only one man -- the courageous and smart pilot of air force by the name Ho Kang. Her personalities, however, confine her love towards him in secret. Never has she expressed her love toward him. While the two girls have fostered very firm friendship. With the very same lover and with the eventual destiny, can this friendship between the two girls be lasting?