Clive Emerson
Clive Emerson is a young fugitive with a troubled past and a bleak future. When the law catches up with him, he’s taken into custody by U.S. Marshal Preston Booth and begins a long train trip across the American southwest back to prison. Though Booth takes a personal interest in the case when Clive insists upon his innocence, the young man ultimately resigns himself to his sad fate. But little does Clive know that the future waiting for him when the train stops isn’t at all what he expects.
Achilles, a normal man infected with a disease that will bring down the Erebus rulers (human/machine hybrids) escapes back in time from 2410 to the present day where he has a chance to stop the Erebus from ever rising to power. However he is followed by the Erebus-7 who will stop at nothing to hunt him down.
John Worthy
After their failed attempt to take over the Federation war fleet, John Worthy and General Gustav are sentenced to death but they are rescued by Worthy s girlfriend, Jolli, who has control of a new Starship, The Deliverance. Meanwhile, The Overseer, Ruler of the Federation, wants to enslave the rebellious worlds with an ancient alien Nano-Virus that turns humans into mindless slaves. Starship Deliverance, Worthy and his team are all that stand in the way of total slavery of the entire human race.
John Worthy
Звездный крейсер 1 — самый мощный корабль Федерации, способный разрушать целые миры. После получения приказа об уничтожении Земли, лейтенант Джон Уорти поднимает бунт на корабле и бросает вызов мощи Федерации.
Dream Man
Альфред Салтина — стареющий мужчина, 42-х лет от роду, влюбился в молодую Этель Монтик. Но чтобы завоевать сердце, руку и благосклонность своей избранницы, он, как ему кажется, должен произвести на нее впечатление, а в Англии это проще всего сделать, если продемонстрировать свои связи с высшим обществом, а лучше всего с аристократией. Но у Альфреда только один знакомый лорд, возможно поездка к нему и явится панацеей от всех проблем…
A hit man who wants out of the business is targeted by old colleagues.