Charlie Chan (archive)
A history of anti-Asian racism and yellowface in Hollywood after the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
Self (archive footage)
A look at actresses who starred in films with thought-provoking subjects made between 1930 and July 1934, before the Hollywood Production Code —the infamous Hays Code— was enforced.
Self (archive footage)
Starting with "The Wolf Man" (in 1941), Universal Studios made five movies featuring The Wolf Man, a character portrayed by Lon Chaney, Jr. Monster by Moonlight! explores these movies. Rick Baker explains how the make-up was done on Chaney's character. Screenwriter Curtis Siodmak took very little from earlier werewolf legends, providing his own story for some of the films. This documentary displays clips from several other movies, including "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1948) and "House of Dracula" (1945).
archive footage
An appreciative, uncritical look at silent film comedies and thrillers from early in the century through the 1920s.
Self (archive footage)
The edition of Screen Snapshots celebrates 25 years of production. It looks at the content of edition #1, then a tribute to movie people who have died in those 25 years. Finally there are tributes to the Screen Snapshots series by Cecil De Mille, Walt Disney, Louella Parsons and Rosalind Russell.
Charlie Chan
Хотя Чарли и Ли находятся в Монако на художественной выставке, они оказываются вовлеченными в вражду между соперничающими финансистами, которая вовлекает Чена в паутину шантажа и убийств.
Charlie Chan
Вернувшись из европейской ссылки, где она избегала дачи показаний против своих преступных сообщников, бывшая певица с откровенным дневником убита, чтобы заставить её молчать.
Charlie Chan
Будьте готовы к тайне убийства с золотой медалью! Эта «напряженная, захватывающая тайна» («Калифорнийский конгресс родителей и учителей») с Чарли Ченом противостоит международным шпионам, которые используют Олимпийские игры в Берлине как идеальное прикрытие... для хладнокровного убийства!
Charlie Chan
В здании оперы происходит сильный пожар, во время которого бесследно исчезает ведущий баритон Гравель. Певца считают погибшим, но он оказывается в психиатрической лечебнице с сильной амнезией. Никто не знает, как его зовут и откуда он взялся. Проходит семь лет, как однажды Гравель узнает новость, что его бывшая жена и партнерша по театру стала главной исполнительницей оперы. К Гравелю возвращается память, и он сбегает из лечебницы. Вскоре обнаруживают мертвую жену Гравеля, а затем еще нескольких артистов оперы. За расследование берется знаменитый детектив Чарли Чен и его сын Ли...
Charlie Chan
Когда друг Чарли был найден забитым насмерть собственной скаковой лошадью на борту лайнера, направляющегося в Гонолулу, детектив обнаруживает нечестную игру и раскрывает международную игорную сеть.
Charlie Chan
Во время посещения цирка со своей семьей совладелец шапито нанял Чарли для расследования полученных им писем с угрозами.
Charlie Chan
Океанский лайнер тонет у берегов Гонолулу, и Аллен Колби, наследник миллионов, считается мертвым, но местный сыщик Чарли Чан в этом не уверен и летит в Сан-Франциско для дальнейшего расследования. Каким-то образом пропавший Колби оказывается там раньше него, но его убивают ножом в спину, прежде, чем он предъявляет права на свое наследство. Спиритические сеансы, устраиваемые в доме, "призраки из загробного мира" не помешают Чарли Чену сделать нужные выводы и вычислить убийцу...
Charlie Chan
Когда на банкете в честь Чарли Чена убит известный чиновник, детектив и его сын Ли объединяются, чтобы разоблачить сеть контрабандистов опиума.
Ambassador Lun Sing
A New York socialite travels to Shanghai to visit her ailing aunt and falls in love with a Russian banker, who harbors a family secret.
Charlie Chan
Профессор археологии Арнольд обнаруживает гробницу египетского фараона Амети. Но после того, как гробница была вскрыта, профессор таинственным образом исчез, а на чёрных рынках мира стали появляться старинные драгоценности, которые должны были находиться в гробнице. Французское археологическое общество отправляет знаменитого детектива Чарли Чена в Египет...
Dr. Yogami
Во время поездки по Тибету ботаника Глендона кусает в руку гнусное создание. После находки таинственного растения, которое распускается только при лунном свете, он возвращается вместе со своей экспедицией в Лондон. Когда в своей лаборатории Глендон пытается оживить растение, к нему является доктор Йогами, который утверждает, что они встречались в Тибете. Йогами, как впоследствии оказывается, является тем гнусным созданием, которое укусило Глендона — оборотень. Он дает Глендону понять, что превратился в результате укуса в волка. Единственное противоядие — экстракт того растения, которое Глендон привез с собой из Тибета. Но это неправда — экстракт является только временной защитой. Глендон впадает в панику и концентрируется только на ботанических экспериментах. Но желание человеческой крови доводит его до того, что он превращается в волка и начинает охоту на свою жену Лизу и охотится до тех пор пока его не пристреливает полиция.
Charlie Chan
Визит Чарли в Париж, якобы в отпуск, на самом деле является миссией по расследованию шума с подделкой облигаций. Но его агент, танцовщица «апаша» Нарди, убита прежде, чем она успевает многое ему рассказать. Дело, осложнено ложным обвинением в убийстве дочери банкира Иветты, завершается странным путешествием по парижской канализации.
Charlie Chan (uncredited)
A short, introduced in Pennsylvania when the state had laws disallowing the screening of films on Sunday, to sway voters on a referendum to allow such screenings.
General Yu
The wife of a doctor in China falls in love with a diplomat.
Charlie Chan
Получив поздравления от министра внутренних дел с раскрытием своего последнего дела, Чарли разыскивает Памелу Грей, красивую, но отчаявшуюся молодую светскую львицу, чей брат Пол ожидает казни за убийство изобретателя оружия. Она настолько убеждена в его невиновности, что обезумела, когда подслушала, как Нил Ховард, адвокат её брата и его невеста, признаются детективу в своей вере в вину клиента. Возмущённая этим разоблачением, она возвращает ему кольцо и разрывает помолвку. Хотя казнь состоится через 65 часов, Чарли клянётся разоблачить убийцу. Все потенциальные подозреваемые собираются в загородном особняке друга семьи Джеффри Ричмонда, где произошло убийство, поскольку Чарли пытается разоблачить настоящего убийцу до истечения времени.
Prince Achmed
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Charlie Chan
Чарли нанимают, чтобы доставить жемчужное ожерелье миллионеру на его ранчо. Когда в дело вмешивается убийство, он маскируется под китайского слугу и начинает расследование.
Abandoned by her lover, a woman becomes the main "hostess" in a decadent nightclub, but tries to put her past behind her on a steamer to Mandalay.
Hippolitus Lomi
As Husbands Go charts the romantic misadventures of Lucille Lingard .
Charlie Chan
Когда ни на что не годный человек по имени Дэн получает ножевое ранение и ломает руку, Чарли Чен берётся за дело. Его первая подсказка исходит от сестры жертвы, которая заметила грабителя со светящимися в темноте наручными часами.
Dr. Paul Cornelius
After the death of a gangster, those familiar with his million dollar stash start mysteriously dying. Police detectives with the help of a clairvoyant try to determine who, living or dead, is responsible.
Bobby Jones is playing golf with his buddies, oblivious to the fact that they are being watched by a drunken juggler.
Fen Sha
Young Asians in San Francisco find their love thwarted by clan warfare.
Baron von Sydow, Police Commandant
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, in the British West African town of Akkra, English woman Myra Carson becomes involved in a scandal and is deported. While Myra's ship is docked at Duala, in German West Africa, the war breaks out and she finds herself facing internment by the Germans.
Mr. Henry Chang
В Китае идет гражданская война, поезд Пекин-Шанхай заполнен опасными пассажирами, совершающими опасное путешествие в это полное опасностей время. Здесь и карточный шулер, и инвалид, перевозящий контрабандой наркотики, и миссионер-фанатик, и, наконец, знаменитая авантюристка и, как поговаривают, лучшая в Китае белая проститутка, Лили по прозвищу «Шанхайская Лилия». Среди попутчиков оказывается ее бывший возлюбленный и жених — капитан Дональд Харви. Лидер повстанцев Уорнер Оланд захватывает поезд и подыскивает подходящего заложника, чтобы обменять его на своего офицера, взятого в плен силами регулярной армии. Этим заложником оказывается Харви, ему хотят выжечь глаза, но Лили обещает Оланду стать его любовницей в обмен на жизнь капитана, которого она по-прежнему любит.
Charlie Chan
Чарли является предполагаемой жертвой убийства, и он избегает смерти только случайно. Чтобы найти убийцу (поскольку убийства, конечно же, случаются), Чарли должен перехитрить Скотланд-Ярд и полицию Нью-Йорка.
Fu Manchu
At her Chinese father's bidding, a woman goes to murder an enemy and meets a Scotland Yard detective.
Andrew North
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Charlie Chan
Голливудская кинозвезда Шила Фейн прибывает на съёмки в Гонолулу. Ещё на корабле у неё начинается роман с богатым путешественником Аланом Джейнсом, и уже через несколько дней он получает от него предложение руки и сердца. Шила обращается за помощью к знаменитому ясновидящему Тарниверо, с которым давно уже советуется по многим вопросам, и Тарниверо, играя на её страхах и сомнениях, отговаривает актрису вступать в брак с Аланом. Через несколько часов Шилу находят убитой. За расследование берется инспектор полиции Чарли Чен, и вскоре у него возникают подозрения, что это дело каким-то образом связано с убийством актера Дэнни Мэйо, произошедшим несколько лет назад и так и оставшимся нераскрытым.
Charlie Chan
Чарли вмешивается, чтобы раскрыть убийство богатого американца, найденного мёртвым в лондонском отеле. Постановка включают Лондон, Ниццу, Сан-Ремо, Гонолулу и Гонконг. Быстрый темп с большим количеством острот.
Colonel von Hindau
The Austrian Secret Service sends its most seductive agent to spy on the Russians.
Dr. Boris Karlov
A mad doctor is determined to take revenge on the family he believes is responsible for his daughter's death.
Dr. Fu Manchu
The villainous master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu sets out to destroy the people he holds responsible for the death of his family.
Fu Manchu (Murder Will Out)
This 1930 film, a collection of songs and sketches showcasing Paramount Studios' contract stars, credits 11 directors
The story takes place in medieval France. Poet-rogue Francois Villon, sentenced to hang by King Louis XI for writing derogatory verses about him, is offered a temporary reprieve. His hanging will be postponed for 24 hours, and in that time he must defeat the invading Burgundians and win the love of the beautiful Katherine.
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
In this melodrama set during WW I, a gangster joins the army and is promoted to major. He then returns from war torn Europe to tell a family that their beloved son had died in his arms during a battle. The major then falls in love with the late soldier's sister and decides to accept a position in town as the new police commissioner.
Dr. Fu Manchu
A Chinese doctor vows revenge against the allied troops who killed his wife and child during the Boxer Rebellion.
Rupert Borka
Philandering actor Richard Hardell is murdered at a movie studio. His jealous wife Blanche, his director Rupert Borka, and a girl he mistreated, Helen MacDonald, all have substantial reasons for having wanted him dead.
Boston Charley
Joan Fry, a society woman, falls in love with Chuck Riley, the white-leader of a powerful gang in Chinatown, and he quickly drags her down into the depths with him. But seeing her so much in love with him causes him to realize he isl in love with her, and he determines to lift her up again. "Boston" Charley, the rival gang-leader, has other plans.
Rita Martin, the partner of a phony spiritualist who uses information supplied by her to gull and astonish the rubes, gets work as private secretary to John Clayton, a wealthy man who has just disinherited his worthless son, Frank, and left his entire fortune to his upright stepson, Bob Williams. At Frank's request, the spiritualist later performs for the elder Clayton a seance during which Rita impersonates the late Mrs. Clayton and arranges for a reconciliation between Frank and his father. Rita falls in love with Bob, however, and, in order to protect Bob's interests against Frank's, exposes the spiritualist as a faker. Frank is disgraced in his father's eyes, and Bob quickly forgives Rita for her past complicity in Frank's schemes.
The Duke
A duke has deposed Prince Mauritz's father, so Mauritz spends his time in affairs with a countess, the duke's wife and a gypsy girl Adrienne. Years later she is a famous actress in a play resembling the sad story of their earlier relationship. He falls in love with her again. The jealous duchess and the duke arrange to have him shot by firing squad but revolutionaries save him and make him King.
Silent film drama...
Ghika - the Bandit Leader
Our heroine, Miss Velez (despite the fact that she seems to be just along for the ride) is much her usual over-eloquent self (how fortunate she has no sound track!), while Warner Oland makes such an impressive and villainously seedy bandit, he needs no sound track at all. We can just imagine his oily, purring accents all too well.
Good Time Charley Keene
Song-and-dance man Charles Edward Keene (Good Time Charley) is bereft when his wife, Elaine, dies as a result of a fall incurred trying to evade the advances of Hartwell, her manager. Years later, his daughter, Rosita, becomes an overnight sensation as a result of her cafe act under Hartwell's management, and Charley is given a bit part in the show at her request.
Cantor Rabinowitz
День премьеры фильма "Певец джаза" - 10 октября 1927 г. - официально считается днем рождения звукового кино. Эл Джолсон, один из лучших американских певцов 20-х годов XX века, сыграл в этой картине главную роль - молодого парня Джеки, единственного и любимого сына кантора синагоги Рабиновича. Джеки, как и отец, должен был стать раввином, но его страсть - джаз, и он мечтает о карьере музыканта. После того, как отец узнает, что Джеки поет в кафе, он отрекается от сына и выгоняет его из дома. По прошествии нескольких лет Джеки, теперь уже признанный певец Джек Робин, возвращается в отчий дом, но отец не желает видеть сына, потому что по-прежнему не одобряет его выбор. Финальная сцена их примирения до сих пор является одной из красивейших и эмоциональных в истории кинематографа.
Chris Buckwell
In San Francisco, a villainous landowner with underworld connections seeks to steal the property of an old Spanish family.
André Lescaut
A nobleman studying for the priesthood abandons his vocation in 18th Century France when he falls in love with a beautiful, but reluctant, courtesan.
W. Bradberry, Father
Film was released in 1927
Geoffrey Marsh
To satisfy her controlling mother and secure both of their futures, a daughter hesitantly enters a loveless marriage to a wealthy businessman. Years later, after she has uncovered and overcome her mother's deceptions and manipulations, her newfound happiness is threatened with the appearance of a mysterious "man from the sea."
Clint Beasley
Nancy Raynor (Georgia Hale) is arriving from the East to see her dying uncle. Clint Beasley (Oland) and his gang are determined to kidnap her before she reaches him.
Chinese Bandit Chief
U.S. Marine Sergeant O'Hara has his hands full training raw recruits, one of whom, 'Skeets' Burns, is a particular thorn in his side. If Burns's lackadaisical approach to the military were not bad enough, he also makes advances on nurse Nora Dale, whom Sergeant O'Hara secretly loves. Nora is oblivious to O'Hara's feelings and is attracted to the handsome 'Skeet.' But an indiscretion turns her against him, and it takes an expedition to China and a battle with a warlord's bandit brigade to sort things out among the nurse and her two Marines.
"Twinkletoes" Minasi wants to be a great dancer like her deceased mother. Twink meets Chuck Lightfoot, a noted prizefighter, who falls in love with her at first sight. She tries to avoid falling in love with Chuck, whose wife, Cissie, is a drunken harridan and more than a little bit spiteful. Meanwhile, Twink has secured a job in a singing-dancing act in a Limehouse theater, under the auspices of Roseleaf, who has more than just a protective interest in the girl. The jealous Cissie discovers that Twink's sign-painting father also has a night job as a burglar, and she turns him into the police. While a big success dancing on the stage, the arrest of her father has left her somewhat down in the dumps, and she decides to toss herself into the Thames. Possibly, the now-free Chuck, since Cissie has been killed in an accident, might come along and rescue her.
Max Ravenal
A Broadway actress becomes a star due to the guidance of her director. The two fall in love, but are prevented from marrying due to a clause put into her contract by her producer.
Cesare Borgia
If there was one thing that Don Juan de Marana learned from his father Don Jose, it was that women gave you three things - life, disillusionment and death. In his father's case it was his wife, Donna Isobel, and Donna Elvira who supplied the latter. Don Juan settled in Rome after attending the University of Pisa. Rome was run by the tyrannical Borgia family consisting of Caesar, Lucrezia and the Count Donati. Juan has his way with and was pursued by many women, but it is the one that he could not have that haunts him. It will be for her that he suffers the wrath of Borgia for ignoring Lucrezia and then killing Count Donati in a duel. For Adriana, they will both be condemned to death in the prison on the river Tigre.
Osman Pasha
Infatuation is based on Caesar's Wife, a story by Somerset Maugham. Dazzlingly British socialite Viola Morgan falls madly in love with professional soldier Sir Arthur Little at a dinner party. The two marry, and before long Viola has relocated to Egypt with her husband. Soon bored by her hothouse existence, Viola succumbs to the attentions of young British attache Ronald Perry.
Paul is a fearless French Foreign Legion officer. Ordered to quell a native uprising at a far-away outpost, he discovers that the revolt is actually a subterfuge hatched by the Arabs, so that the city under Paul's command will be left unguarded and defenseless.
Luke Rand
Triumph of the daughter of a cheated mine owner over a renegade and her love for the superintendent.
The Archduke Paul
Don Cesar De Vega crosses swords with a vicious member of the Queen's Guard, and steals the affection of a young heiress. When the officer frames the young upstart for murder, Don Cesar fakes his own death and retreats to the crumbling ruins of the family castle he plots his vengeance.
Lew Walters aka Judge Dyer
A Texas Ranger searches for his kidnapped sister.
Shanghai Dan
Big Bill Branigan, one of the tough characters of London's Limehouse district, falls in love with Curlytop because of her sweet innocence. He leaves his sweetheart, Bessie, for her and resolves to go straight. When he sets out to find a job, the jealous Bessie gets Curlytop drunk and hacks off her long curls.
King David
The only known copy of this film copy was reported to have been destroyed in the 1967 MGM Vault fire.
Fu Shing
On the wager that he will propose marriage to any girl selected by his fraternity brothers, Bill finds himself making love to Mary, an old-fashioned girl who is secretly in love with him…
Dr. Dahl
Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.
A soldier inaccurately reported as dead returns home to his Spanish family’s estate in California, only to find his father deceased and his ancestral land in the hands of strangers.
Charley Yong
She'd wink till hearts went on the blink. And staid professors couldn't think. And everywhere they'd stop to stare. And say "Some Chink!" when Ming Toy winked.
Clifton Marlow
Story concerns a paper mill, a mortgage and the struggle to obtain the lost formula for making paper from seaweed. Star is given opportunity to introduce many daredevil features.
Uncle Leo Sealkirk
Janet Dale feels that there is a danger looming over her home but cannot put her finger on what it is. Days later her father disappears at her 18th birthday party; dematerializing into thin air before her eyes. She sets out to find him and grapples wit mobsters, psychics, murder, and family secrets.
Curtis Steele / Malcolm Graw
A pretty movie star is stalked by a strange gang whose leader is infatuated with her in this superior Pathé serial written by genre specialist H.H. van Loan. Released in 15 chapters between May and August of 1920, the serial offered a glimpse into the still mysterious world of movie-making
Captain Ballantyne
Stella Derrick and Dick Hazelwood love each other, but their families want them to make better financial matches.
Nick Delano
A woman with a gambling addiction finds that her daughter is threatened by the same tendencies.
John Bent
Драма о сестрах-близнецах Дейзи и Вайолет, которые растут, не подозревая о существовании друг друга, одна со своим богатым отцом, а другая со своей бедной матерью. Две сестры манипулируются преступником.
Wu Fang
A beautiful young woman is a daring master thief. She meets the young millionaire Thomas Babbington Norton, while fleeing from the scene of her latest theft.
Baron Andrey
Anna Mirrel, a young Jewish girl in Czarist Russia, is forced to degrade herself in order to visit her father, whom she believes to be ill. She obtains a yellow passport, signifying that she is a prostitute.
Trying to win the Three C's railroad line for his home town of Topaz, Colorado, Nicholas "Nick" Tarvin journeys to India to secure the famed jewel known as the Naulahka, which he plans to present to Mrs. Mutrie, the railroad president's wife.
Richard Carslake
A silent movie serial directed by George B. Seitz.
Baron Huroki
Spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing "preparedness" fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent Donald Parr.
Sinclair La Salle
Susan takes the place of model and shows the clothes so well that she is asked to impersonate a Countess at a reception given by a customer.
Beatrice Fairfax, the original advice-to-the-lovelorn reporter and her friend and not-so-secret admirer Jimmy Barton investigate calls for help and escape exotic perils and dangers. Episodes include exciting and fun stories of baby-napping, blackmail, jewel thievery, disguise, counterfeiting, and the long-unseen episode featuring entrancing cult starlet Olive Thomas and the real New York Yankees and Giants playing a game in the Polo Grounds.
Pierre Felix
Pierre Felix, a couturier, makes a $25,000 bet with Ralph Courtland that he can take a girl from the streets, dress her appropriately, and within three months have her accepted into society.
H. Coudal
A scheme by a beautiful vamp to marry a wealthy young man fails, and the woman returns to her former lover, a sculptor. She is shocked to discover he has committed suicide, and the tragedy catapults her into insanity.
James Shaw
Albert Jordan, publishing house manager, lavishes his salary on his adored wife, Rita, and little daughter Edna. She is a churchgoing woman, while his home and his family is his religion. While returning home one day, Jordan sees his little daughter in the path of an auto. He runs to snatch her from instant death. He saves her but is seriously injured himself.
Mr. Deleveau
Fernande marries a man and schemes to get his wealth when his expected death occurs. But he dies before he can change his will. She next tries to kill the son who inherits, but he outfoxes her.
Italian peasant girl deserts her fiancé for wealthy gangster and departs for America.
The heroine had little time for romancing newspaper reporter Walter Jameson, what with Doctor X, alias Marcus Del Mar, threatening American democracy in general and master detective Craig Kennedy's designs for a new torpedo in particular. Whenever Doctor X has Elaine or Jameson in his grasp, they are inevitably saved in the nick of time by a mystery figure garbed in black.
John Bunyon
Consists of two parts: Part One: The Life of John Bunyon (2 reels); Part Two: The Pilgrim's Progress (3 reels).