As Cai Mei, a single 40 year old woman and a social worker starts a relationship with a teen-ager Tian-Ah, she remembers her relationship when she was young with her professor, a married man older than her.
Группа подростков поступает на актерские курсы при гонконгском телеканале. У всех есть свои мечты и амбиции, но благополучно доучатся до конца не все. А главная героиня, Тин Вей, еще и переживет сразу две трагедии — потеряет парня и лучшую подругу.
A shmo makes a deal with the devil so he can become a great Pop star just to impress his dream girl. After he makes the deal, a catholic priest hangs around him to try and convince him that he screwed up and he needs to get his soul back or he'll be damned for eternity. Well, everything goes bad for the shmo and he wants his soul back. But, the devil's lacky doesn't want to give it back. So the priest and the devil's lackey go at it mano y mano.
Странствующий фехтовальщик Ли разыскивает великого мастера меча Ва, давно ушедшего на покой. Где находится Ва, не знает никто, но Ли мечтает вызвать его на дуэль и в бою с лучшим проверить свое мастерство. В пути он встречает путешествующую девушку, за которой охотятся странные люди, и свою бывшую любовь, которая не дождалась его и вышла замуж за другого.
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty