Ivan Olbracht

Рождение : 1882-01-06,

Смерть : 1952-12-30


Based on an autobiographical novella by Ivan Olbracht, the film tells the story of Hanele Safarová, who grows up just after the First World War in a little Ruthenian schtetl which, in true Hassidic fashion, awaits the arrival of the Messiah. But Hanele decides to follow the Zionists instead. She moves to the city to prepare for her departure to the Promised Land, where she meets a successful businessman named Ivo Karadzic, who has renounced Judaism to become a free-thinker. Their love for each other doesn’t only drive Hanele’s parents to distraction, it also threatens to destroy the entire community in the schetl.
The Golet in the Valley
In 1930s Ukraine, the desecration of a sacred bath disrupts the sex lives of Jewish villagers.
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Short Story
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
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Short Story
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Short Story
Short Story
Красочная чехословацкая лента о семействе странствующих комедиантов, снятая по повести Ивана Ольбрахта «Брат Зак». Фильм был представлен на Каннском кинофестивале и претендовала на главную награду (Гран-при). Один из героев картины, юноша по имени Фриц, обвинен в покушении на убийство, так как слишком активно защищал свою сестру Ольгу от обидчика. Произошедшее характеризует отношение буржуазного общества к бродячим артистам. Бедные комедианты стараются работать честно, но все равно их обижают все, кому не лень.
История любви молодого рабочего и приехавшей из села на заработки в город девушки, разворачивается на фоне бурных революционных событий 1919-20 годов. Оказавшись в Праге, Анна устраивается служанкой в семью строительного инженера. Вскоре она знакомится с рабочим-сталеваром Томеком, активным членом социал-демократической партии. Через него девушка узнает о коммунистических идеях, которые сразу же оставляют глубокий след в ее душе.
Nikola Shuhai
At the end of the First World War, Nikola Shuhai and his friend from the army desert. On the way home, to the village of Kolochava, they both find refuge with baby Jaga. Jaga mixes them a drink to protect them from the deadly bullets. The bachelors must promise to marry her daughters in exchange for a drink, or they will be punished. Nikola finds his home village in poverty. He stands against the powerful and the rich, and they turn the gendarmes against him. Nikola hides from them in the woods, where he will remain even after the end of the war, because nothing has changed for the villagers. Out of poverty and hopelessness, other men join Nikola and together they raid the wealthy. Nikola distributes the obtained booty to the poor and needy, who see him as their protector and hero.
Marijka the Unfaithful
“The Carpathians are medieval!” one character bellows, and this tale of the tree-chopper Petro, his faithless wife Marijka, and various scheming businessmen and foremen does little to disprove the assertion. Interestingly filmed with a nonprofessional cast recruited from the region, Faithless Marijka may have a neorealist conceit, but its direction is utterly futuristic, filled with the lightning-fast montage techniques and low-angle camera of the Soviet avant-garde (along with its invigorating agitprop).
Marijka the Unfaithful
“The Carpathians are medieval!” one character bellows, and this tale of the tree-chopper Petro, his faithless wife Marijka, and various scheming businessmen and foremen does little to disprove the assertion. Interestingly filmed with a nonprofessional cast recruited from the region, Faithless Marijka may have a neorealist conceit, but its direction is utterly futuristic, filled with the lightning-fast montage techniques and low-angle camera of the Soviet avant-garde (along with its invigorating agitprop).
Marijka the Unfaithful
“The Carpathians are medieval!” one character bellows, and this tale of the tree-chopper Petro, his faithless wife Marijka, and various scheming businessmen and foremen does little to disprove the assertion. Interestingly filmed with a nonprofessional cast recruited from the region, Faithless Marijka may have a neorealist conceit, but its direction is utterly futuristic, filled with the lightning-fast montage techniques and low-angle camera of the Soviet avant-garde (along with its invigorating agitprop).