Kim Hee-jung

Kim Hee-jung

Рождение : 1992-04-16, Busan, South Korea


Kim Hee-jung is a Korean actress.


Kim Hee-jung


Live Stream
A freelance TV producer in a relationship crisis receives a link to an illegal spy cam of his own girlfriend. With no time to lose, he decides to take matters into his own hands and rescue her, only to descend into the seedy world of illegal broadcasting.
Boogie Nights
A fantasy film in which the world is coming to an end due to North Korea's sudden announcement of a nuclear explosion, and an ordinary office worker meets five women while planning to live his last day without regret, and finds his life as he is caught up in an unexpected extreme situation.
Han River
Catholic priest, Myeong-jun, climbs up one of the bridges crossing the Han River to commit suicide after learning that a woman who loved him in the past, has killed herself. Then Jang-hyo, a homeless person, tells the man on the bridge that he bet with other homeless people that the suicide attempt will fail. Myeong-jun jumps into the river anyway. But Jang-hyo rescues the suicidal priest and lets him join the homeless community. Chu-ja, a transgender homeless person, is on bad terms with his daughter. When he hesitates about attending his daughter’s wedding, the two men visit the daughter and ask her to forgive her father. Another homeless person, Maria goes to a soup kitchen at a Catholic church, where she sees the beautiful nun Angela. Maria, who was pregnant at the time, gives birth to a baby later and decides to remain at the church to be a sister. Despite their own painful history, each of these four people finds a way to reconcile with the past.
Я – чиновник
Хан Дэ-хи является государственным служащим низкого уровня в сеульском районе Мапо. Его отдел занимается тем, что решает различные проблемы, связанные с шумом: шумные соседи и т. п. Мужчина не женат, и у него нет подружки. Да и хобби никакого нет, кроме как запоминать факты из книг, чтобы произвести впечатление на своих коллег, и смотреть телевизор. Он консервативен, и работа в офисе мэра подходит ему идеально. Но однажды он знакомится с подростковой рок-группой.
Мой дорогой враг
Хи-су уже за тридцать, у неё нет работы, она одинока и несчастна. В один прекрасный день она отправляется на поиски своего бывшего друга Пён-уна. И дело не в любви, а в тысяче долларов, которые она одолжила ему год назад. Пён-ун тоже без гроша в кармане, но он приятно удивлен, встретив её. Опасаясь, что парень сбежит, не вернув долг, Хи-су следует за ним, пока он ищет возможность занять на время денег у разных девушек. Так двое бывших влюбленных путешествуют весь день, чтобы собрать деньги и воспоминания.
So Cute
Jang Su-ro lives in the slums of Korea with his three sons 963, Dog Nose and So-and-So, who just got out of prison. While So-and-So's loyalties to his mob boss and biological family are put to the test when he finds that his family's home is slated to be demolished by the mob's developers, the rest of the family's life is complicated with the arrival of Sun-yi, Jang's new girlfriend who annoys Dog Nose and attracts the affections of 963.
Spider Forest
Girl (uncredited)
TV Producer Kang Min enters Spider Forest for a documentary. He enters a cabin and discovers two brutally murdered bodies. One is his girlfriend Hwang Soo-Young and the other is his colleague Choi Jong-Pil. Kang Min also senses someone watching him and runs after that person into to the forest. He's soon knocked unconscious. When he awakens again he continues his chase into a tunnel. Kang Min is then struck by a speeding car.