You Liping

You Liping


You Liping


The Ghost Fanlou
Shi Miyuan
The Ghost Fanlou. Secret brotherls near the capital of Song Dynasty. Many heroes of the jianghu world loved to hide from the law here.
Вечная волна
Опытного красного разведчика засылают летом 1937 года в захваченный японцами Шанхай, чтобы восстановить связь с местными патриотами. Вместе им предстоит захватить одну из подпольных радиостанций, чтобы обеспечить связь местных повстанцев с внешним миром и силами Красной армии.
The Suspicious
Old Song
The Suspicious centers around a mysterious pharmaceutical company and its new drug that cures insomnia. The owner Li attempts to sell his company to a Japanese businessman, but the businessman only has eyes on the formula of his new drug. Joe portrays An Qi’er, a senior secretary who strikes an ambiguous relationship with Lin Yitai, an insomniac general sales manager at the pharmaceutical company. Portraying an extremely cold, evil and manipulative character, Joe said she has finally fulfilled her wish to portray a completely different character from past roles.
A Beautiful Mistake
Wu Yi Yie
A boy, an old man, two beautiful twin sisters get caught up in a voyeuristic scandal during the Cultural Revolution in China. This controversial film was subsequently banned and was never made public in China.
Основание Китая
Lin Biao
Эпическая историческая драма, посвящённая шестидесятилетнему юбилею основания Китайской Народной Республики. Фильм посвящен событиям между 1945 и 1949 годах, когда коммунисты, под руководством Мао Цзэдуна боролись с националистами Чана Кайши, после неудачной попытки создать демократическое коалиционное правительство. Мы увидим, как в 1948 году впервые было проведено заседание Народной политической консультативной конференции, которое и сейчас является важным консультативным органом.
The Old Barber
Zhao Ren
“Uncle Jing” is an old man of ninety-three who has been a barber for more than 80 years. He quietly lives on his own in the old areas of Peking which he gradually sees disappearing. Despite his age, he daily rides his bicycle to go and meet his old clients he shaves and plays cards with, while recounting the latest news and common memories. Once back home, he is obsessed with the old clock he owns since his birth, which is always 5 minutes slow. His main hope is that everyone, including himself, could leave this world the way he entered: clean and pure. He knows he may die any moment and peacefully gets ready with dignity, without disturbing anyone.