Mitsuko Tanaka


Women's Prison for Torture
Shocking scenes are revealed in the Nagasaki Women's prison.
The Genius and Delinquent
A talented man and a dull-witted one plan a big crime.
Hazardous Graduation
Sex games by students at a junior high school are exposed by the principal and teachers, but the tables are turned in favor of the students.
Выполненная в лучших традициях «японской новой волны», эта феноменальная работа Акио Джиссоджи сочетает в себе равные доли скандальной эротики, религиозной эзотерики и режиссерского вкуса невероятных пропорций. По сути, это повествование об инцестуальной связи брата и сестры, изложенное как буддийская притча и подчеркнутое беспрецедентно красивой операторской работой и музыкальным оформлением, состоящим из барочной музыки, звуков театра, но и японской эстрадной песни.
Masseur’s Curse
One murky night, Soetsu, a blind acupuncturist and money lender, calls on Shinzaemon Fukami, a Hatamoto samurai, to collect some money. But Fukami is too busy having an affair with a maid and curtly tells Soetsu to ask Sawano, his wife, for the money. As they have no money, Sawano interprets her husband's words as telling her to give herself to Soetsu in lieu of payment. However, Fukami catches them in the act and kills them both. Snatching up Soetsu's money bag with 30 ryo in it, he then asks two ruffians, to sink the bodies in a marsh. From what follows, it seems as if the spirits of Soetsu and Sawano are still hovering on earth in anguish and anger. For soon afterwards, Fukami is found dead by his own hand and Osono, Soetsu's younger daughter, suddenly disappears from home.
The Angry Sword
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
Sworn Brothers
Ichikawa Raizo’s last film. He plays a Yakuza enforcer who kills a man on his boss's orders. He’s then sent to a provincial town to lie low, only to be caught in another war orchestrated by his original boss who has set him up.
Secrets of a Woman's Temple
The Time of Reckoning
"The Time of Reckoning" transforms a screwball-comedy plot into a sober study of a successful businessman with serious relationship problems involving three women: his wife of ten years who announces she is pregnant by another man; a mistress who wants to have a baby with him; and an ex-lover who claims he fathered her son.
The Pit of Death
Natsuko Fukuhara
Horror film directed by Koji Shima.
When the Cookie Crumbles
Japanese film directed by Tadashi Imai.
The Forest of No Escape
Adaptation of Seicho Matsumoto's novel of the same name.
Sweet Seventeen
Korekara no sekkusu: Mittsu no Sei 
Hiroko Honjo
Early pinku.
Green Fruit
Two sisters live with their family. The elder is reserved; the younger lively. Yet, the former is first engaged and all goes well until the young man disappears
Чёрный протокол
По роману Сэн Сага "Великолепный труп" ("Труп в цветах"). В своей квартире найден убитым президент компании по продаже продуктов питания. Здесь же найдено орудие убийства с отпечатками пальцев, а также волос мужчины. Свидетели прямо обвиняют в преступлении Дзюро Хитоми. Начальство поручает расследование молодому прокурору Кидо, и обещает ему повышение в случае успеха. Но за защиту подозреваемого берется хитрый и опытный адвокат Рюхэй Ямамуро, и дело всё сильнее запутывается.
Мне два года
Притча о тяготах первых лет семейной жизни, увиденная глазами ребенка. Действующие лица представляют собой среднестатистическую семью и имеют типичные японские имена Таро, Горо и Тиё.
Камни Хиросимы
Действие фильма происходит в 1962 году. Токийский журналист Кёсукэ Камия приезжает в Хиросиму с целью написать очерк об этом городе через семнадцать лет после взрыва атомной бомбы.
О-Кото и Саскэ
Одна из многочисленных экранизаций знаменитой повести Дзюнъитиро Танидзаки. Наследница богатого торгового дома О-Кото в детстве потеряла зрение. Единственная радость девушки - это музыка. Но, чем выше становится её искусство игры на кото, тем капризнее и строже становится она с окружающими. Верный слуга Саскэ преклоняется перед её красотой и искусством, он готов терпеть все её капризы.
A Design for Dying
Shikiko Oba is nimble with her fingers and teaches dressmaking and designing. Among her pupils are Rinko, Katsumi and Tomie. Ginshiro, who is as shrewd as the shrewdest of the older generation of dyed-in-the-wool Osaka businessmen, steps into picture and Shikiko soon feels that he is indispensable to her. But the advent of a man in their midst breaks up the harmony that has existed among the four women, as gradually he forces himself on them with promises of love.
The Cast-Off
The inventor of a ground-breaking glue, Sanada, becomes rich thanks to his discovery a high executive in his company. Because of this promotion, his world is changing completely : his wife behaves like never before, considering she's now rich and has the right to do whatever she wants, even having an affair. (Also occasionally known in English as “Overflow”)