Todd Babcock

Рождение : 1969-10-12,


Todd Babcock was born on October 12, 1969 in Jackson, Michigan, USA as Todd Edwin Babcock. He is an actor and director, known for Planet of the Apes (2001), Gods and Monsters (1998) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997).


Accidentally in Love
Dr. Jeffrey Bramowitz
Eddie James, a disgruntled actor who wants to do more than play "Mulligan the Rabbit" on a children's TV show, discovers life can change in a heartbeat when he accidentally gets into a car accident with single mother Annie Baker. In the unexpected friendship that develops between them, Eddie tries to help Annie's nearly-blind daughter Taylor get an operation to restore her sight.
Ocean of Pearls
Dr. Ryan Bristol
As a Sikh man with a full beard and turban, AMRIT SINGH is often the target of racial profiling. But when he sees his dreams of becoming Chief of Surgery at a state-of-the-art transplant center dwindle because of his appearance, Amrit goes against a tradition he's maintained his whole life and cuts his hair. Hiding this decision from his girlfriend and family in Toronto is only the start of a series of compromises Amrit finds himself making as he deals with hospital politics and health care injustices. When his compromises result in the death of a patient, Amrit begins to reexamine the value of the religious traditions he'd turned his back on.
Newlyweds travel to a Caribbean island to spend their honeymoon at an isolated mansion, but three men take the couple hostage during a robbery.
Одинокая белая женщина 2: Психоз
David Kray
Жизнь Холли Паркер всегда катилась по накатанным рельсам. Даже резкий разрыв с бойфрендом не смог выбить ее из привычной колеи. Героиня просто оставила эту страницу биографии в прошлом и переехала жить к своей новой подруге Тесс, с радостью ее приютившей. Тихая, застенчивая, добрая — Тесс кажется идеальной компаньонкой. Однако с каждым днем, проведенном с нею под одной крышей, у Холли крепнет подозрение, что ее подружка на самом деле вовсе не такая безобидная душечка, какой кажется. У той имеются свои внутренние демоны — и близок день, когда монстры больной души Тесс вырвутся на свободу, неся страдания и ужас. И первой на их пути окажется Холли Паркер…
Tides of War
NSA Agent Winters
In the cold, dark waters off North Korea a U.S. Navy fast attack submarine meets with a mysterious disaster - it's attacked and nearly sunk by an ominous stealth submarine resulting in the deaths of the Executive Officer and the Engineering Officer.
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Now You Know
On the eve of his bachelor party, a man learns his fiancee wants to call off the wedding. The unmarried couple returns to New Jersey to sort out their relationship.
Patient introduces us two brothers, Jode and Sean Wildman, who are polar opposites. Jode, the impatient brother, will occasionally do things like take a crowbar and a hammer to the trunk of his car in search of his lost keys. Sean, the level-headed, anal brother, would never think iron his socks simply because he gets them dry-cleaned.
Shanghai Story
The film tells of Dr. Robert Payne's adventures in Shanghai 50 years ago. Payne falls in love with beautiful Qiuqiu, the consort of revolutionary hero Jin, who is a communist leader in the Shanghai underground However, he suffers from seizures caused by old head wounds and becomes Payne's patient. Hao Ming is the brutal chief of the Guomintang secret police. In his hunt for Jin, he discovers that Qiuqiu is his long lost daughter. At a lavish father-daughter reunion, Qiuqiu gets her revenge and shots Hao Ming. She's been arrested and admits her guilt. When Jin realizes how much Qiuqiu loves him, he offers to give himself up in exchange for commuting Qiuqiu's death sentence...
Боги и монстры
Leonard Barnett
Когда бывший морской пехотинец Клэй устроился садовником на виллу пожилого мужчины с неуживчивым характером, то с удивлением узнал, что это Джеймс Уэйл, гениальный режиссер, создатель фильмов о Франкенштейне, вошедших в историю мирового кино. Одинокий и забытый всеми, кроме верной служанки Ханны, Уэйл занимается живописью и вспоминает дни былой славы. Он открывает перед Клэем волнующий мир искусства и, очарованный его мужественной красотой, уговаривает позировать для портрета. Неожиданно эти столь разные люди приходят к выводу, что у них много общего, и становятся друзьями, несмотря на все, что их разделяет.