Action adventure set in the High Sierra country involving an intrepid ranger who has come out of retirement and, with the special squad he has created, leads the search for a vicious escaped convict who had returned to the mountains. This TV-movie pilot aired nearly a year before the short-lived subsequent series began.
A man, who lives alone in his apartment, finds his ideal woman while going to the symphony. He dates her and brings her to his pad, only to find out she came to the symphony on a ticket she got from a co-worker.
Pajama Boy
A Martian teenager sent to prepare for an invasion falls in love with an Earth girl.
Writer (uncredited)
Фабула: История о молодой влюбленной паре, которая желает проверить свою совместимость характеров, живя вместе, но при этом имея только платонические отношения. Настоящим проверяющим их отношений становится домовладелец-бабник, который надеется совратить свою новую квартиросъемщицу...
Tour Guide
Профессор антропологии собирается написать книгу-исследование "о поведенческих особенностях молодёжи и их соотношении с примитивными племенами". Для сбора материалов он отправляется на пляжи Майами, где знакомится с компанией сёрферов и начинает за ними наблюдение…
TV Cableman (uncredited)
After his girl leaves him for someone else, Herbert gets really depressed and starts searching for a job. He finally finds one in a big house which is inhabited by many, many women. Can he live in the same home with all these females?