Nikita Moiseev

Рождение : 1981-05-28,


Ukrainian Independence
The film’s events take place on a single day: August 24, 2022, the day Ukraine celebrates the 31st anniversary of the renewal of independent statehood. The film combines places and people that best capture the country’s wartime spirit. The locations are: the relatively safe cities of Kyiv and Lviv; the cities under daily missile fire of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv; a trench at the frontlines near Donetsk; and the beaches of Odesa. The film presents a day in the life of a beach police patrol, a woman anti-tank missile operator, a water delivery driver, a mortar unit soldier, a rapid assault unit soldier, a 14-year-old pub janitor, an artist and a former member of parliament. Together, these people and places create an engaging mosaic of a day in the life of Ukraine.
A man wakes up naked in a field. There is nothing and no one around, just a lonely lighthouse and a tree. The man runs there for answers.
Diary of a Bride of Christ
Marta, the film's director, faces her fears and digs into the realm of her estranged sister Nastia, a Greek-Catholic nun, to re-evaluate the world they both were brought up in.
One Day in Ukraine
This film plays out in Ukraine on a single day: March 14, 2022, the 2,944th day of the Russian-Ukrainian War. In the last few weeks, intense warfare has surreally mixed places and people and created a post-apocalyptic dimension revealing new qualities and roles. Thousands of Kyivans have moved to live in subway stations. The capital city's previously calm suburbs have been transformed into battle zones of destruction and looting by Russian occupiers. People no longer live according to "workdays" or "weekends," counting instead the number of days since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine... The film presents this day in the lives of a pop music star, video engineer, historian, art restorer, polar researcher, and pensioner, who were all forced to radically change their lives.
Wir, Europa
Animated short film about the book by the French author Laurent Gaudé "Nous, l'Europe. Banquet des Peuples" (Wir Europa. Fest der Völker) what was awarded the European Book Prize in 2019. In a long poem and a language in free verse, between poem and narrative, Gaudé reviews the development of the European idea since the mid-19th century - and defends it with virtuosity. The press described the work as "an ode to the past 150 years of European history".
The War That Changed Rondo
Based on the same name book, representing that the war has no heart and doesn't understand any language, though it concerns everyone and leaves scars. But if you build a machine of light together and learn to sing despite all, then even the most fragile creatures will be able to survive and win. This story is a chance for a thoughtful conversation with children about what is happening now in the country, or elsewhere in the world, in the format of the magic history, which always leaves room for hope and optimism.
Наши котики
Original Music Composer
2014 год. На украинскую землю пришел враг, поэтому пора ее защищать. Без опыта, без нормального оружия и продовольственного обеспечения, тысячи добровольцев ушли на фронт. И вот собрались вместе продавец цветов, футбольный тренер, инженер и актер. Однажды, во время боевого дежурства, которое должно было стать едва ли не самым скучным, с собратьями случилась неприятность.
The digitizing of human souls means the nature of humanity itself changes in the future.
Brothers in Arms
Brief stories from the Russian-Ukrainian war, collected by three volunteers who have been travelling along the frontline with humanitarian cargoes for more than four years.
The First Company
The Ukrainian Revolution (2013-2014) and the war with Russia in the Donbas are nearing. The film deals with the history of the First Company of the Maidan, which defeated the enemy within and advanced to the frontlines to fight the external enemy. Immersion in the epicentre of events, a frank artistic and civilian view of human relationships against the background of violent social upheaval. Immutable human stories, the collision of charismatic characters, challenges and solutions on the verge of life and death, the search for interaction, the first steps towards the formation of civil society - All of this is summed up by an understanding of the way already travelled and an optimistic view of Ukraine's future.
Когда падают деревья
Original Music Composer
События фильма происходят в украинской провинции, где разворачивается история пятилетней Витки, её двоюродной сестры-подростка Ларисы и её любимого молодого бандита Шрама. После смерти отца перед Ларисой остро стоит вопрос её дальнейшего будущего. Лариса хочет сама быть хозяйкой собственной судьбы, но за любовь к бандиту Шраму её осуждает семья. Бабушка, которая переживает только за то, что скажут люди, и измученная мать Ларисы подталкивают её к стереотипному сценарию жизни. Лариса и Шрам планируют сбежать вместе подальше от бандитов, разрухи и родственников.
A Wonderful Monster
The tale is about ordinary girl Sonia, who lives on the outskirts of the forest. At the peak of her utter boredom appears the pink monster Chu. They immediately become friends, but two other monsters take away Chu. Sonia decides to find a new friend.
Original Music Composer
Киев, зима 2013-2014 годов, зима, которая изменила все. 27-летний музыкант Антон возвращается из учебы в Швейцарии в родную страну. Он подавал большие надежды, считался подлинным гением. Но это давление губительно повлияло на парня, он его просто не выдержал и пристрастился к алкоголю. Целых 5 месяцев Антон избавлялся от алкогольной зависимости в одном из психоневрологических больниц Киевщины. Теперь он должен учиться жить заново, как и вся страна. В Киеве он встречает вроде бы обычную девушку Катю, живущую на мрачной Троещине. Девушка готовится поехать в Берлин со своим парнем, но встреча с Антоном меняет ее планы. Когда весь мир рушится вокруг, можно построить свой собственный лучший мир.
Black Mountain
12-years old Yurko lives in far mountain village with his mother. Yurko's father went to work abroad. The fight for father's car becomes a story of growing up.
The film through allegory tells a story of the relationship between two ends of one shoelace while they still are not aware of being one thing.
Ukrainian Language
In the east and south of Ukraine, many people do not speak Ukrainian. Activists organize free courses for everyone who wants to learn, bring book fairs and music bands to cities and towns, and organize meetings with writers.
From its first days, the Euromaidan was guarded by Self-Defense - the volunteers who maintained order and security by working in shifts. Now most of them serve in the National Guard of Ukraine, and the rest have created self-defense squads in cities and villages all over Ukraine and maintain public order. The Odesa Self-Defense revealed a scheme for smuggling fuel via the sea port to the occupied territories of the Donbas.
Euromaidan SOS
The day after the students on the Euromaidan were beaten up, the activists of the Center for Civil Liberties opened a hotline for the victims and the volunteer lawyers, thus providing the protesters with legal services and defenders in court. Today, they monitor war crimes, engage in international advocacy, and struggle for the release of Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia.
Инь, и что с этим делать
Husband of a strict self-made girl falls ill with a strange disease. Looks like coma, but he constantly and miserably cries. The doctor gives a recipe, which looks absurd first: to save her husband, she has to "become a woman". This coming back to femininity turns out to be the hardest nut to crack for the modern emancipated woman...
In a provincial Ukrainian town everyone knows each other by name and live as one big family. Granny Zina bakes pies for local youngsters… she sells them drugs as well. Granny Zina is protected local criminal elite which is a police. When the criminal boss comes to pick up the interest, Granny Zina thoughtfully offers him a dinner. He is her own son…
Любовь на два полюса
Чему подчиниться — голосу разума или зову сердца? Именно перед таким выбором оказалась героиня нашей истории Вероника. На одном полюсе — семилетний брак со следователем прокуратуры Виктором Арзаусом. Брак счастливый, как казалось окружающим, но без любви, о чем знала только сама Ника. На другом полюсе — внезапно вспыхнувшая любовь к Кириллу Филину, нелегальнyю деятельность которого расследует муж Вероники
A box of jewelry belonging to a woman murdered two decades ago is found in a drain pipe. While reporting the story, Vera, the newscaster, begins to have flashbacks. Did she know this woman? Both she and the police want to know.
Lethal Kittens 2
Original Music Composer
About the politically incorrect and patriotic adventures of four friends in a mysterious convent full of dangers. This time, to save Ukraine, the heroes plunge into the Russian sabotage Center. Kremlin agents are preparing a terrible crime against civilians. To win, your friends will have to get used to completely new, dangerous roles and come back from the dead several times.