Helga Čočková

Helga Čočková

Рождение : 1941-11-26, Ostrava, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia [now Czech Republic]


Helga Čočková


Vůně kávy
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
Koho ofoukne větříček
Gamekeeper's Wife
Time of the Servants
Dana is young medical student with no self esteem, she can't deal with life, people and even not with herself. After her boyfriend leaves her, she changes to selfish woman, manipulating people and making them to serve her. She plays with her husband, neighbors and friends - for her own good and for fun.
Stupně poražených
Manželství Mamerta Kalivody
Muž na drátě
Ustláno na čekankách
Řekni mi to beze slov
Indians from Vetrov
In the frontier village Vetrov boys from the children's home called Indians lead a bitter "war" with the local Símáks. Before a battle the Indians have a meeting in the sandpit with a smoke signaling. The smoke brings to the sandpit a frontier guard Tomás with a police dog Ranek. The children learn from Tomás that Rank served out and that it shall be destroyed. The nine-year old Fanda writes a letter to the "minister of the frontier guards" in which he asks to let Ranek live. To save Ranek's life he also visits the local frontier guard commander. In the end it is decided that children from the children's home may keep Ranek.
The Motive for Murder
The bank officer Bedrich Hroch is sent by the bank director to the zoo, which asked an allocation of one and half kg of gold for a gold tooth for a hippo. During the check up of the hippo's teeth Bedrich is swallowed by the hippo. The man does not die in the hippo's guts and he chats quite happily with his frightened wife Dása. Journalist Pip Karen, his friend is also present to the dialogue and he has immediately an idea how to use this special situation. He tells to the new minister Borovec and his opponent professor Fibinger that there is a hippo in the zoo which can speak. He also tells them how to use this situation for a political propaganda.
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Zvláštní případ
The Matches of a Beautiful Dragoon
In a suburban villa, a woman of means is murdered. Police Superintendent Zdychynec from the Prague Liben neighborhood reports the case to Police Councilman Vacátko, upon whose order an investigation is launched immediately. Zdychynec begins to suspect the wooer of his own daughter, a handsome dragoon named Rudi, of the crime. In Rudi's absence, Zdychynec searches his rented room in the apartment of the elegant Mrs Dragicová. All his findings - among others, sand left on Rudi's jackboots and a decent amount of money in his bedside table - convince the superintendent that he is following the right lead, especially when Rudi refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder.
Squandered Sunday
Brunette (voice)
A day in the life of Arnošt, a soldier staying in Josefov. A sense of desperation permeates the environment as well as the mind of the protagonist. It is sunday, and saturday left just a hangover. Days go by, nothing changes. A metaphor for the political situation in the Czech lands at a time where depicting a soldier as a drunk was considered out of place to say the least.
Bylo čtvrt a bude půl
Malé letní blues
Jiřka (voice)
Death Behind a Curtain
Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Alibi on the Lake
Maruška Nováková
Miss Nováková reports to Major Tuma (Karel Höger) from the police about the disappearance of her roommate, the model Zuzana. Shortly afterwards, a film director named Konrád (Otomar Krejca) asks Tuma to cooperate on a new cinéma-vérité film describing the story of Zuzana's disappearance.
Poslední přestávka
Nichts als Sünde
Based upon Shakespeare′s "Twelfth Night", the movie tells the story of the Duke of Illyria who is in love with the Countess Olivia. Olivia, however, keeps eluding him. When the Duke sends her a page to bring her a message, Olivia falls in love with the messenger who is in fact a woman called Viola. After she was shipwrecked on the shores of Illyria, Viola assumed the role of her missing brother. She cannot return Olivia′s love because she, in turn, adores the Duke.
Необыкновенный класс
Drahuša Chvojková - studentka
По одноименной повести Даниеллы Душковой. Рассказ о подругах, которые учатся в выпускном классе школы-двенадцатилетки. Их много, обладающих своим характером и неповторимой индивидуальностью учениц одного класса. Их объединяет одно - прелесть юности на пороге вступления в самостоятельную жизнь.
Věra Klímová
В пограничной зоне неизвестная машина ночью сбивает молодого человека. Пострадавший скончался. Установлено, что это Ян Цауфалик, студент технического училища. Расследование поручается майору Калашу и его помощнику Варге. Постепенно из обычного уголовного дела стал тянуться шпионский след…
The Hall of Lost Steps
Jana (voice)
In a series of juxtaposed images and sounds, Jaromil Jireš comments on the tragic premature death of thousands as well as their posterity due to the atomic bomb.
A Bagful of Fleas
Eva Gálová (voice)
The themes of anarchy and individualism that run through Věra Chytilová’s work begin here, in an almost docu-realist look at women finding freedom and joy amid the rigid conformity of life in a communal factory dormitory.
Эшелон из рая
По роману Ариошта Люстига "Ночь и надежда". О еврейском гетто, созданном фашистами в чехословацком городке Терезине, о том, как была арестована подпольная типография, а виновные вместе с очередным эшелоном отправлены в Освенцим.
Dva z onoho světa
The young Marta has made a break in her medical education to fully invest in her career as a model. We follow her for a day in her life, almost completely without hearing her voice. It is seldom that Marta gets the space to speak, instead she is mostly subject to the voice of others.
Deštivý den
Eliska Janícková
Действие фильма происходит в одном из сельскохозяйственных кооперативов Чехословакии. Енда, Элишка, Ирка, Анча и другие члены Союза молодежи возмущаются тем, что их родители, в силу укоренившихся частнособственнических пережитков, по мелочам расхищают кооперативное имущество. Ребята решают прекратить подобное безобразие. Так как никакие доводы на взрослых не действуют, ребята составляют списки на своих родителей, в которых перечисляют все то, что те взяли из кооператива. Взрослые возмущаются — «как могут эти ябедники позорить своих отцов». Но на очередном собрании ребята сообщили, что за последнее время члены кооператива растащили имущества более чем на 20 тысяч крон...
О жизни рабочих пражской спичечной фабрики в буржуазной Чехословакии 19 века. В центре фильма - судьба молодого рабочего Йозефа, верившего в доброту и порядочность фабрикантов. Жестокая действительная реальность помогла Йозефу понять, что только совместной борьбой рабочие завоюют свои права.
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