Fred B. Phillips

Рождение : 1908-04-26, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Смерть : 1993-03-21


Звёздный путь: Фильм
Makeup Artist
Из глубин космоса, через Клингонский сектор к Земле приближается неопознанный объект просто гигантских размеров с неясными, но, возможно, враждебными намерениями, называющий себя «Виджер»; и Энтерпрайз оказывается единственным кораблем, способным успеть вовремя добраться до этого объекта для его исследования и ликвидации потенциальной опасности для Земли. Это важнейшее задание поручается адмиралу Звездного Флота Джеймсу Т. Кирку, который получает в свое командование корабль USS Enterprise NCC1701 и всю свою старую команду. Итак, их путешествие начинается…
When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
Makeup Artist
A drug dealer's car breaks down in a small U.S. town. In turn, the town's people become victim to his unique brand of physical and mental torture.
Viva Knievel!
Makeup Artist
The legendary stuntman plans his most incredible stunt yet while battling the mob in this action-adventure.
Пролетая над гнездом кукушки
Makeup Artist
Рэндла Патрика Макмёрфи, патологического преступника и бунтаря, переводят из колонии в психиатрическую клинику, чтобы установить, является он душевнобольным или нет. В клинике он обнаруживает, что отделение контролирует хладнокровная, строгая и одержимая распорядком старшая медсестра Милдред Рэтчед. Макмёрфи намерен не подчиняться абсурдным, на его взгляд, правилам и одновременно повеселиться от души. Его бунтарская натура заражает других пациентов, но сестра Рэтчед решительно настроена пресечь это.
Makeup Artist
Wealthy widow Helen Mercer hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, to act as her personal assistant and companion. Unfortunately, Helen is a poor judge of character, as Gretchen is part of a murderous extortionist duo with her boyfriend, Jay. However, Gretchen has second thoughts when she develops genuine affection for Helen. When Gretchen informs Jay that she wants to call off their plot, he refuses and carries on with the plan. Now both Helen and Gretchen may be in grave danger.
It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy
Makeup Artist
When Harry Walters runs out of gas, he gets picked up by a beautiful young woman. But when she pulls a gun on him and orders him to take his clothes off, Harry puts up no resistance and is sexually assaulted. He reports the incident to the authorities, but they either don't believe him, or, if they do, can't understand why he would consider it a crime - a reaction he also gets from his friends and family.
Message to My Daughter
Makeup Artist
A confused teenager discovers a stack of tapes recorded years earlier by her dying mother.
Makeup Artist
Country singer Maury Dann lives life in the fast lane, counting on his rakish charm and raw talent to excuse his reckless behavior. Touring on the road in the rural south with his dedicated manager, his loyal driver and his long-suffering girlfriend, Maury seduces groupies, brawls and breaks the law, brashly relying on his team to cover for him. Heedlessly alienating all those who care for him, Maury blindly keeps the pedal to the metal.
The Norliss Tapes
Makeup Artist
A newspaper publisher listens to the personal tapes of investigative reporter David Norliss, who has disappeared during an investigation. The tapes tell the story of that investigation, involving a recent widow whose late husband has been seen working in his private studio. As Norliss and the widow investigate, they unravel a plot involving Voodoo and the walking dead.
Makeup Artist
An 18th century African prince is turned into a vampire while visiting Transylvania. Two centuries later, he rises from his coffin attacking various residents of Los Angeles and meets Tina, a woman who he believes is the reincarnation of his deceased wife.
She Waits
Makeup Artist
When a newlywed woman is taken to her husband's hometown to meet his mother, she is possessed by the vengeful spirit of his previous wife.
The McMasters
Makeup Artist
When a black Civil War veteran becomes co-owner of the southern McMasters ranch, the incensed local Confederate veterans come gunning for him and his Indian wife.
Ride Beyond Vengeance
Makeup Artist
Jonas Trapp falls in love with the beautiful Jessie, a wealthy girl out of his humble class. Against the wishes of her snobbish aunt, she marries him, later faking a pregnancy to win her aunt's consent. But Jonas tires of living off of his wife's family, and eventually deserts her to become a buffalo hunter. 11 years later, with his self-made fortune, he sets out to return home, only to be set upon by three sadistic marauders, who steal his money and leave him for dead. Rescued by a farmer who nurses him back to health, Jonas becomes consumed by the desire for revenge. As fate would have it, all three men live close to Jonas' former home. Matters quickly get worse when Jonas reunites with his wife, only to discover that she is now engaged to Renne.
The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre
Makeup Artist
Terrified of being buried alive, a woman installs a phone in her crypt. A few days after her death, the phone suddenly rings and paranormal investigator Nelson Orion is brought in to probe the case.
Married Too Young
Makeup Artist
Two high-school sweethearts get married, then find that married life isn't what they thought it would be. In their desperation, they get mixed up with a gang of car thieves.
Three Blondes In His Life
Makeup Artist
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?
Властелин Мира
Makeup Artist
Конец девятнадцатого века. Ученый Робур, летающий на огромном аэрокосмическом корабле «Альбатрос», хочет сделать мир спокойным, уничтожив оружие и армии всех стран на Земле. Утопия! На борт «Альбатроса» в результате катастрофы попадают четыре человека. Одному из них, агенту правительства Строку, удается воспрепятствовать планам безумного ученого…
The Adventures of Superboy
Makeup Artist
Jimmy, Clark Kent and Lana Lang's friend, is ashamed that his father works as a doorman at the Smallville theater. His opinion changes when Superboy is able to thwart a robbery with Jimmy's father's help.
Дом Ашеров
Makeup Artist
Главный герой — мистер Винтроу приезжает из Бостона в сумрачное поместье, где на холме расположился мрачный дом Ашеров. Открывшееся ему зрелище поражает — сама усадьба и однообразные окрестности мрачны и ничем не радуют глаз… Винтроу хочет забрать с собой Мэдлин — сестру владельца поместья, с которой он помолвлен уже несколько месяцев. Однако Родерик Ашер против этого брака и раскрывает молодому человеку страшную тайну проклятья рода Ашеров. Их род поражен давним и странным недугом «повышенным нервным раздражением», которое медленно убивает семью. Любые звуки и яркий свет приносят боль потомкам рода, и только здесь они могут выжить, в этом сером безлюдном месте. Влюбленный настойчив, он не верит легендам и остается в доме, чтобы разобраться в происходящем. Ему предстоит провести жуткую неделю в окружении призраков, населивших замок, который стал воплощением зла, и увидеть собственными глазами падение дома Ашеров.
Bunco Squad
Makeup Artist
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
Tell It to the Judge
Makeup Supervisor
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
The Velvet Touch
Makeup Supervisor
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.
The Man with Nine Lives
Makeup Artist
Dr. Leon Kravaal develops a potential cure for cancer, which involves freezing the patient. But an experiment goes awry when authorities believe Kravaal has killed a patient. Kravaal freezes the officials, along with himself. Years later, they are discovered and revived in hopes that Kravaal can indeed complete his cure. But human greed and weakness compound to disrupt the project.
Волшебник страны Оз
Makeup Artist
Усаживайтесь поудобнее и приготовьтесь отправиться в долгое путешествие. Поднявшись выше радуги, вы окажетесь на дороге из желтого кирпича. Дорога проведет вас через заколдованные леса, царства злых ведьм и добрых фей в Изумрудный Город в далекой стране Оз. В мир, где любая мечта становится реальностью…
Роз Мари
Makeup Artist
Монреаль. Канада. Лучшее сопрано оперной сцены Мари Де Флор умоляет канадского премьер-министра отпустить на свободу её младшего брата Джона Флауэра, осуждённого за ограбление банка. Неожиданно она узнаёт, что брат убил полицейского и сбежал из тюрьмы. Мари оставляет сцену и нанимает Бонифэйса, жуликоватого проводника, чтобы тот проводил её в дикие края на поиски беглеца. Но Бонифэйс обманывает Мари…