Alice Lake

Alice Lake

Рождение : 1895-09-12, Brooklyn - New York City - New York - USA

Смерть : 1967-11-15


Lake was an American film actress. She began her career during the silent film era and often appeared in comedy shorts opposite Roscoe Arbuckle. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Lake began her career as a dancer. She made her screen debut in 1912, and she appeared in a number of comedy shorts by Mack Sennett. Lake was often the leading lady of Roscoe Arbuckle in comedies like Oh Doctor! (1917) and The Cook (1918). Arbuckle directed both films and was joined by Buster Keaton who had a leading role in Oh Doctor. Lake also played dramatic roles with Bert Lytell in Blackie's Redemption and The Lion's Den, both from 1919. During the 1920s she appeared in a number of Metro silent film features as the lead actress. At the height of her career she earned $1,200 per week as a motion picture actress. For her contribution to the motion picture industry, Alice Lake has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1620 Vine Street.


Alice Lake


Crazy Days
Narrator Hughie Green tells "jokes" over clips of old silent films. Including greats such as Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Keystone Cops and more.
Парень из Фриско
Saloon Girl (uncredited)
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
Марш деревянных солдатиков
Townswoman (uncredited)
Добро пожаловать в сказочную Страну Игрушек, где помимо трех поросят и ученого кота проживают Стэнни Дам и Олли Ди — помощники Мастера игрушек, Наши бестолковые герои всеми способами пытаются помешать несправедливой свадьбе городского плохиша Барнаби с малюткой Бо-Пип.
Death on the Diamond
Lucy Warmack (uncredited)
Pop Clark is about to lose his baseball team, unless they can win the pennant so he can pay off debts. He hires ace player Larry Kelly to ensure the victory. As well as rival teams, mobsters are trying to prevent the wins, and as the pennant race nears the end, Pop's star players begin to be killed, on and off the field. Can Larry romance Pop's daughter, win enough games, and still have time to stop a murderer before he strikes more than three times?
The Girl from Missouri
Paige's Manicurist (uncredited)
Leaving Missouri to find a wealthy husband in New York City, Eadie Chapman becomes a chorus girl and soon entertains at the lavish home of millionaire Frank Cousins. Cousins proposes to Eadie, only to then commit suicide due to bankruptcy. Fellow millionaire T. R. Paige defends Eadie when the police question her for having Cousins' jewelry -- but when she becomes enamored with his son, Tom, Paige declares Eadie a gold digger.
Stage Mother
Audience Member
Kitty Lorraine has one purpose in life: turning her daughter Shirley into a star. Kitty controls every aspect of the girl's nascent career -- even blackmailing a stage manager so that Shirley can take a more prestigious gig. But Kitty goes too far when she breaks up her daughter's budding relationship with sweet artist Warren Foster. Heartbroken, Shirley sets off on a series of disastrous but profitable relationships.
A cocky young pilot, at the urging of his girlfriend, takes a nice, "safe" job at the bank where her father is president.
Margot Rande, a basically decent woman, is led down the path to perdition by her bank robber husband.
Dining Out
Comedy about a man who, reluctantly, spends an evening with his wife at home rather then going out drinking with his friend. When that friend later mistakes the wife for the girl he's been carousing with, it all gets a bit messy.
Young Desire
Sideshow Dancer (uncredited)
A carnival sideshow dancer falls in love with a handsome young man.
Circumstantial Evidence
Lucy Bishop
Duplicitous businessman Henry Lord talks Tony Benton, the weakling brother of heroine Jean Benton, into forging a check. The evidence is framed so that innocent clerk Arthur Rowland is accused of the crime.
Obey Your Husband
An inveterate gambler is charged with killing a card sharp.
The Angel of Broadway
Babe Scott, a cabaret dancer who is constantly searching for sensational material to shock her customers, conceives of burlesquing a Salvation Army girl and attends mission meetings on the East Side for atmosphere. There she meets Jerry Wilson, an honest truckdriver and friend of the Army captain. Although the act is a success, Babe is disillusioned to find Lonnie, a fellow worker who has been romancing her, stealing her money and making overtures to Big Bertha, the hard-boiled club hostess.
The Hurricane
The Wife
The Overland Limited
Violet Colton
David Barton (Malcolm McGregor) is a train engineer with big ideas who falls in love with beautiful Olive Borden.
The Virgin
Rosa Montez
The Virgin (1924)
The Dancing Cheat
'Poppy' Marie Andrews
Herbert Rawlinson and Alice Lake star in this drama taken from the Saturday Evening Post story by Calvin Johnston.
The Marriage Market
Lillian Piggott
The story of a wealthy young flapper, Theodora Bland (Pauline Garon), and the amorous adventures and misadventures she has after being expelled from a fashionable and costly east-coast boarding school.
The Unknown Purple
Jewel Marchmont
Inventor Peter Marchmont has discovered a purple light that renders the user invisible. On his release from prison, Marchmont, disguised as Victor Cromport, uses the light to revenge himself against his former wife, Jewel, and her partner, James Dawson, who framed him for theft. Making himself invisible, Marchmont gradually ruins Dawson. He so wins Jewel's confidence and love that she is willing to kill Dawson at Marchmont's request. Finally, Marchmont leaves the scheming couple to their own misery and marries Jewel's sister, Ruth Marsh.
Broken Hearts of Broadway
Bubbles Revere
The story of a young actress trying to attain stardom on Broadway.
Souls for Sale
Herself - Celebrity Actress (uncredited)
A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.
I Am the Law
Joan Cameron
Brothers Tom and Bob Fitzgerald are both members of the Northwest Mounted Police. Bob falls in love with schoolteacher Joan Cameron when he saves her from an attack by Fu Chang.
The Hole in the Wall
Jean Oliver
When spiritualist Madame Mysteria is killed in a train wreck, her three associates decide to replace her instead of declaring her dead. One of them, the Fox, calls on Jean Oliver, who he knew from prison. Jean was serving time after being framed by her former employer, Mrs. Ramsey, for a theft just to keep her and her son, Donald Ramsey, from marrying. Jean agrees to the crooks' scheme providing that they help her kidnap the baby that belongs to Donald and the woman that his mother had him marry.
Uncharted Seas
Lucretia Eastman
After her drunken husband Tom brings home three cabaret women, Lucretia can no longer bear the abuse and turns to Arctic explorer Frank, who has long loved her and promised to come back to her whenever she needs his help.
Should a Woman Tell?
Meta Maxon
A village girl, on a visit to the city of Boston, is taken advantage of by a man there, and returns to her home feeling sullied and ashamed. A young man who had once sought her hand returns from years away in Europe and reiterates his suit.
Lombardi, Ltd.
Norah Blake
Tito Lombardi a Fifth Avenue dress designer, causes his business to suffer by his generous dispensation of credit to clients, one of whom, Max Strohm, the manager of a musical review, has promised payment for his girls' lavish costumes as soon as the show makes money. To the dismay of Norah Blake, Lombardi's faithful assistant, who loves him, Lombardi proposes to Phyllis Manning, one of the showgirls, and presents her with his finest creations, while not even attempting to kiss her, as she puts off setting a wedding date and also accepts the attentions of wealthy bachelor Bob Tarrant.
A Desert Hero
A Desert Hero is a 1919 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle. The film is considered to be lost.
Full of Pep
Felicia Bocaz
Returning from a selling trip, Jimmy Baxter, the fastest salesman at his father's munitions company, notices a pretty girl smiling at him in the station. Since her train soon leaves, all Jimmy learns about her is information on her luggage: her initials and destination, the Central American republic Santo Dinero.
The Lion's Den
Dorothy stedman
A reverend attempts to raise the money necessary to open up a boys' club and clashes with a wealthy grocer in the process.
Rip & Stitch: Tailors
The Neighbor's Wife
Comedy Short
Camping Out
Camping Out is a 1919 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle. Fatty is the suffering spouse who comes home every night to an empty house and a neglectful wife. His wife is furious when she discovers Fatty is cheating on her with a neglected wife.
Waitress / Cashier (uncredited)
Виртуозный шеф-повар ресторана и невозмутимый официант создают атмосферу комичного хаоса в заведении.
Good Night, Nurse!
Crazy Woman
Roscoe's wife, tired of his endless drunkenness, reads of an operation that cures alcoholism and has him admitted to No Hope Sanitarium to get the surgery. Roscoe, wanting out, eventually disguises himself as a nurse to effect his escape.
Moonshiner's Daughter
Налоговый агент США с помощниками повсюду ищут тайное убежище, где местные жители готовят нелегальный алкоголь. Агенты выслеживают их и организуют облаву...
Cutie Cuticle, manicurist
В отеле «Голова лося» коридорные в лобби издеваются друг над другом и над гостями. Лифт работает на силе упрямого коня. Притворное ограбление превращается в настоящее. А еще будет погоня на угнанном трамвае.
Странный Дикий Запад
Salvation Army Woman
Главный герой фильма Фатти решает перебраться из прерий в город, для чего пробирается зайцем в поезд, откуда его вышвыривают охранники, которых он умудрился ещё и объесть. Очутившись в пустыне, Фатти подвергается нападению индейцев, удирая от которых, он наконец-то попадает в небольшой городок на Диком Западе, где тут же находит подвернувшуюся ему работу — на освободившееся место убитого только что бармена. Бастер Китон играет шерифа этого городка, где стрельба, драки и убийства являются обыденным явлением, а в салуне даже посреди зала в полу имеется люк для размещения падающих тел.
A Country Hero
Fatty plays a village blacksmith in “Jazzville,” an imaginary rural village. There is a rivalry between Fatty and Cy Klone, the garage owner, over the affections of a pretty schoolteacher. A city chap unites the two rivals when he tries to steal the girl. An annual village ball features amateur talent in vaudeville stunts with Keaton as a wriggling Fatima who charms a long black stocking from a cigar box like a snake. The film is presumed lost.
Girl at Vanity Table (uncredited)
День развлечений в Кони Айленде. Фатти, сбежав от ворчливой супруги, пустился во флирт, к тому же очутился в женском одеянии.
О, Доктор!
Руфус Биллоп – ипохондрик. Как все ипохондрики, он убеждён, что состояние его критическое и долго ему не протянуть. Однако через три года Руфус должен получить большое наследство – 750 тысяч долларов. Он занимает 100 тысяч с условием, что если проживет три года, то отдаст кредиторам всё свое наследство. Но, как известно, лучшее лекарство от ипохондрии – это любовь. И когда в доме Руфуса появляется красотка-медсестра, сделка оказывается под угрозой...
Его брачная ночь
Perfume customer
Клерк, лихо заправляющий делами аптеки и заправки, встречается с симпатичной девушкой Эллис, дело постепенно идет к свадьбе, но внезапно появляются конкуренты, стремящиеся отбить Эллис. Посыльный доставляет свадебное платье для примерки, но по ошибке надевает его сам, теперь все принимают его за Элис.
Дом грубых манер
Mrs. Rough
История о Роско, его жене и его же приемной матери, которые отдыхают на курорте, где бедному садовнику приходится тушить устроенный Роско пожар, курьеру драться с поваром, а копу расхлебывать всю эту кашу. Что втройне смешнее, если учесть, что садовник, курьер и коп — это одно и то же, вечно бесстрастное лицо Бастера Китона.
Come Through
Velma Gay
From a Montana mining camp, a young man progresses to the society heights of New York, making his mark publicly as a dancer, but secretly as a gentleman burglar.
Беспечный Ромео
The Pretty Girl in the Park
Фатти в парке приударил за девушкой, а в это время оператор новостей снял их на камеру. На другой день он с женой отправился в кинотеатр, а эти новости там и показали...
Помощник мясника
В фильме рассказывается о соперничестве между толстым (Фатти) и тонким (Слим) за любовь хорошенькой Аманды, дочери владельца сельского магазина.
The Grab Bag Bride
A knock-off of those charming rustic comedies in which Roscoe and Mabel Normand would play young lovers. Lake is a pretty good stand-in for Mabel, but the husky young man who is supposed to be Arbuckle is pretty much of a nullity. Al is a money-hungry villain, up to no good and achieving no good end.
A Creampuff Romance
A Creampuff Romance is a 1916 Comedy short.
Бал официантов
A Fair Customer
Служащие небольшого кабачка готовятся к балу, заказывают наряды и прочее. Но этому мешают их разногласия, в итоге бал превращается в потасовку.
The Picture Idol
A short comedy about a girl (played by Clara Kimball Young) who is in love with a movie star (Maurice Costello) and who follows him everywhere. Her parents want to teach her ​​a lesson, and invite the actor to their home.