Unit Production Manager
Survivor turns into Lord of the Flies, as the contestants of a competitive reality show quickly turn on each other when they find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island.
Misha (Stephen Papps), a once celebrated filmmaker who has fallen on hard times, resolves to leave his homeland in search of a film-friendly country where he can pursue his career. With his wife Nadia (Elena Stejko) in tow he sets sail from Russia in a tiny lifeboat, drifting cross the Pacific to finally arrive in New Zealand. Before long Misha realises that New Zealand is no more receptive to his ideas and aesthetic than Russia. Yet he perseveres with his experimental film, ignoring his wife’s pleas to find work. Misha increasingly withdraws into himself, and his relationship with Nadia collapses. Alone, his obsessions take hold and he steadily descends into madness. Only a chance encounter with a young Polynesian woman saves him from the ultimate act of self-destruction. His friendship with Roseanna (Stephanie Tauevihi) inspires a re-awakening, as he begins to reconnect with the world around him.
Two families on holiday, camp side by side on a spectacular deserted beach. Immediately territorial, the two men of the families draw a line in the sand in a stand off, but bit by bit as all the rest of the members of the families on each side cross the line and make friends the two men are left to sort out their issues together – through fishing!
Executive Producer
One summer’s day, Jayde and Wiremu tag along with their older siblings on a trip to a local swimming hole; young passions ignite by the Rotorua hot pool. Later, tragedy occurs and Jayde faces lost innocence and the ritual of tangi while bearing a secret.
Unit Production Manager
Научная экспедиция, спонсируемая фармацевтической компанией, отправляется на остров Борнео на поиски загадочной Черной Орхидеи. По преданиям, этот цветок обладает невероятными качествами: он продлевает жизнь и возвращает молодость. Слухи оказываются правдой: цветок существует, придает силы и продлевает жизнь обитателям джунглей… в том числе и анакондам. Эти исчадия ада стали невероятно быстрыми, дьявольски изощренными и достигли невероятных размеров. Теперь попавшим врасплох путешественникам предстоит найти выход из лабиринта тропических лесов и избежать встреч с их гигантскими обитателями…
Production Manager
Between getting trashed, tripping, blowing guys off and writing songs, Mark falls for Stephen. Fig and Sally put perform Marks songs between casual sex with anyone and everyone. Katie is a few-hit wonder who hit rock-bottom in L.A and returns to New Zealand to patch her life back together. Stephen, Mark and Katie branch out for a slumber party at a beach house of their better days. Fig and Sally arrive, and not long after Eddie arrives also (Katies American guy). Mark stops running away from Stephens love, Katie and Eddie get engaged and Fig and Sally ... have sex?
Two quirky bush critters cut to the chase in a roadkill race around New Zealand. The game is fast, the stakes are high, the prize is a juicy dead possum.