Giovanni Capitello

Giovanni Capitello

Рождение : 1979-08-27, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Giovanni Capitello is an actor, writer, director and producer.


Giovanni Capitello


Час истины
У супружеской пары, остановившейся в кемпинге на берегу реки, бесследно пропадает дочь. Полиция не в силах отыскать девочку, но муж с женой не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы найти своего ребенка. Однако никто не догадывается, что за этим исчезновением скрывается страшная правда.
Warning Label
Thriller/Suspense about a small family on their 10th anniversary. The husband, Joel Yates, has a newly discovered heart condition along to go with his drinking problem. Joel ignores the heart medication warning label along with a social media comment to re-post a young girls kidnapping/murder. Joel has a night of figments and nightmares due to ignoring the "Warning Label" that he will never forget.
Warning Label
Infomercial Doctor
Thriller/Suspense about a small family on their 10th anniversary. The husband, Joel Yates, has a newly discovered heart condition along to go with his drinking problem. Joel ignores the heart medication warning label along with a social media comment to re-post a young girls kidnapping/murder. Joel has a night of figments and nightmares due to ignoring the "Warning Label" that he will never forget.
Warning Label
Thriller/Suspense about a small family on their 10th anniversary. The husband, Joel Yates, has a newly discovered heart condition along to go with his drinking problem. Joel ignores the heart medication warning label along with a social media comment to re-post a young girls kidnapping/murder. Joel has a night of figments and nightmares due to ignoring the "Warning Label" that he will never forget.
Warning Label
Thriller/Suspense about a small family on their 10th anniversary. The husband, Joel Yates, has a newly discovered heart condition along to go with his drinking problem. Joel ignores the heart medication warning label along with a social media comment to re-post a young girls kidnapping/murder. Joel has a night of figments and nightmares due to ignoring the "Warning Label" that he will never forget.
Drama by Biju Viswanath, Marathon was adapted from Harteis's memoir of the same name. Explores the relation ship between two poets Richard Harteis and William Meredith former US poet laureate and winner of every major American award for poetry including the 1988 Pulitzer prize.
15 минут славы
Police Officer (uncredited)
Эмиль и Олег, приехав в Нью-Йорк по своим бандитским делам, воруют видеокамеру, и начинают снимать свои криминальные похождения. Очень скоро они переходят от незначительных преступлений к поражающим своей жестокостью убийствам. Желая продемонстрировать свои «подвиги» наибольшему количеству зрителей, они продают видеозаписи на телевидение. Передача, которая решилась пустить это в эфир, моментально становится самой высоко рейтинговой, а наши герои новыми звездами экрана. Но полицейские тоже смотрят телевизор, и тоже не прочь прославиться на всю Америку, пристрелив убийц в прямом эфире…