Danny Max


Второй шанс на Рождество
Знаменитой певице Ченс Лав предстоит пережить рождественские святки в лучших традициях произведений Диккенса. Признает ли она свои ошибки, успеет ли всё исправить?
Птичий короб
Radio Newscaster #1 (voice)
Пять лет назад мир погрузился в хаос: увидев нечто, люди кончают жизнь самоубийством. Женщина с двумя пятилетними детьми, услышав по радио о безопасном месте, отправляется на поиски выжившей общины и прихватывает с собой попугаев в коробке. Чтобы сохранить жизнь в этом новом мире, самое главное — не смотреть по сторонам и слушать, как птицы реагируют на приближающуюся опасность.
Tyler Stone
Four 22 year-olds on a Mexican road trip seem bound for disaster until they, and their trip, are unexpectedly redeemed by a series of miraculous events.
The Prankster
Larry Fasco
To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge.
The Invisible Chronicles
A brilliant young college student named Griffin goes to his psychologist, Dr. Kemp, with a strange and frightening tale. A few days earlier, at the local university, he made an incredible breakthrough with his experiments involving invisibility. Not content to experiment on inanimate objects, he injected his invisibility serum into himself. At first, he reveled in achieving his life-long dream of becoming invisible ... but once he realized that the effects were permanent, his harmless excursions into eavesdropping and voyeurism turned murderous. Now, his enemies will suffer and even his friends are no longer safe as he hunts them down, one by one, within the confines of the deserted university campus.