Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Рождение : 1809-02-03, Hamburg, Germany

Смерть : 1847-11-04


Рассказ о непростых отношениях Льва Толстого и его жены Софьи Толстой.
The ROH Live: The Dream / Symphonic Variations / Marguerite and Armand
The Dream: Frederick Ashton’s delightful interpretation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a classic of The Royal Ballet’s repertory. Symphonic Variations: Ashton was inspired to create a ballet on the four seasons – but as he began to choreograph he refined and purified until the ballet shook off its original meaning, emerging as an abstract celebration of movement and physicality. Marguerite and Armand: Marguerite, a Parisian courtesan, lies on her deathbed. She recalls her tragic love affair with Armand in a series of feverish flashbacks.
La familia Figueroa: una dinastía musical
Documentary on the life and accomplishments of the members of this uniquely talented musical family. The film focuses on the Figueroa family’s history within the context of its creative universe, dating back to the 19th century. Through the use of photographs, historic film footage, recordings, sheet music, newspaper clippings, and posters, the musical trajectory of the family is brought to life and their role in transforming the musical history of Puerto Rico and the world is portrayed.
Les Ballets de Monte Carlo: Le Songe
Based on the play A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, a choreographic film by Jean-Christophe Maillot. Gorgeous dancing – and wildly imaginative sets and costumes – bring to vivid life the ecstatic, elegant eroticism in Shakespeare‘s classic fantasy. Recorded at The Grimaldi Forum Monaco, 2009.
Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night's Dream
Choreographed by an artistic genius, Shakespeare's comedy of magic and love's delusions set to the music of Felix Mendelssohn is a guaranteed audience pleaser. Pacific Northwest Ballet displays all the vitality, brilliance and versatility of its wonderful dancers in this award-winning production of Balanchine's first original full-length ballet.
Пришельцы 2: Коридоры времени
Если Вы выпили волшебного снадобья и попали в средневековье не надейтесь на свои сотовый телефон и службу спасения: еще никому не удавалось вырваться из лап святой инквизиции. И вы не сможете вернуться обратно, ведь в вашем времени действует ваш двойник-наивный средневековый пройдоха Жакуй. Ваша единственная надежда-доблестный граф Де Монмирай, который не может жениться, так как Жакуй похитил у его будущего шурина святые реликвии и спрятал их в нашем времени. Теперь граф с помощью чар великого волшебника Эусебиуса должен восстановить ход времени, отправить предков в прошлое, а потомков в будущее, иначе коридоры времени не закроются, и произойдет вселенская катастрофа.
The Empty Center
Steyerl’s film traces the impact of an influx of transnational companies on the city dwellers of Berlin in post-reunification Germany. The effect of the changing economy and politics on the city and its inhabitants is echoed through their physical relocation to its outer edges. In 1990, squatters proclaim a socialist republic on the death strip. Eight years later, the new headquarters of Mercedes Benz are built in the same location. The film makes use of slow super-impositions to uncover a journey across changing architectural and cultural boundaries. "The Empty Centre" tries to give a voice and a history to those who continue to be marginalised by the simultaneous dismantling and reconstruction of the borders which they are trying to cross.
New York City Ballet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
This enchanting, evening-length ode to Shakespeare’s comedy features Maria Calegari (Titania), Ib Andersen (Oberon), and Jean-Pierre Frohlich (Puck). Set to music by Felix Mendelssohn, this ballet weaves a tale of love and magic in delightful fashion. Robert Irving conducts the New York City Ballet Orchestra.
Сексуальная комедия в летнюю ночь
Комедия Вуди Аллена по мотивам фильма Ингмара Бергмана «Улыбки летней ночи». Сюжет рассказывает о трех одурманенных прохладой летней ночи парах, которые оказались в загородном доме…
Эгон Шиле - Скандал
In 1912, in Austria, the painter Egon Schiele is sent to jail accused of pornography with the nymphet Tatjana in his erotic paints. His mate, the model Vally, gets help from a famous lawyer to release him. Then he leaves Vally, marries with another woman and goes to the war.
Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal
"Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal" is Walerian Borowczyk’s first feature-length film and his last animated film. It consists of a sequence of loosely connected scenes, much like a vaudeville program, in which Mr. and Mrs. Kabal perform absurd, surreal, and sometimes cruel acts.
Dance of Fire
The sometimes profound, sometimes slightly sordid tale of Elena, a famous concert pianist who, as a child, was sexually assaulted by a circus clown while the music of Manuel de Falla "Ritual Dance of Fire" could be heard from the circus tent. Since that time, Elena has gone into hysterics every time she hears that composition. Making matters worse, the lascivious clown is now her business manager.
Сон в летнюю ночь
Original Music Composer
Тезур — герцог Афинский собирается жениться на Ипполите, королеве амазонок. Деметриус ухаживает за Хермией, но она влюблена в Лизандра, а в Деметриуса влюблена Елена. А в это время Оберон и Титания из царства фей поспорили между собой, кому должен принадлежать маленький мальчик, которого они нашли. Оберон пытается заполучить ребенка, применив некоторые магические приемы против предводительницы фей и ее окружения. И в эту круговерть нечаянно попадают запутавшиеся влюбленные, а так же некоторые странствующие актеры, которые прибыли, чтобы играть на свадьбе герцога и королевы. Из-за Оберона и его шаловливого сатиренка все запутывается еще больше…
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A ballet version of Shakespeare's play, featuring the New York City Ballet.
The Dream (The Royal Ballet)
TV presentation of the ballet by Sir Frederick Ashton, performed by the Royal Ballet.