Fan Wei

Fan Wei

Рождение : 1962-09-02, Shenyang, Liaoning, China


Fan Wei


Article 20
Tells the story of prosecutor Han Ming (Lei Jiayin) who is involved in a difficult case where the intentional injury of people is turned into a legitimate defense.
Разрушение моста
Zhu Fangzheng
После внезапного обрушения моста в обломках находят человеческие останки. Дочь одного из опознанных пытается докопаться до правды о смерти отца.
Моцарт из космоса
Grandpa Xiaotian
A 14-year-old junior high school boy who likes astronomy was forced to practice the piano by his single father. Suddenly an alien appeared in the boy's bedroom, which completely changed the lives of the boy and his father.
Герои железных дорог
Lao Wang
Фильм повествует о противояпонских подпольных вооруженных силах коммунистической партии в Шаньдуне во время Второй китайско-японской войны.
Любовь после любви
Situ Xie
Молодая студентка, приехавшая в Гонконг из Шанхая, сталкивается с финансовыми трудностями, поэтому начинает работать у собственной тети. Теперь ей приходится вращаться в высшем обществе и соблазнять богатых и влиятельных мужчин. Но однажды она по-настоящему влюбляется в известного плейбоя, чья цель — жениться на девушке из элиты.
Old Li
За одну ночь в одной комнате трое незнакомцев – вор, отставной полицейский и курьер – присутствуют при убийстве обитателя комнаты. Пока трио пытается разобраться в этой странной ситуации, ставки повышаются, когда они обнаруживают огромную кучу наличных. Вскоре они понимают, что единственный способ выбраться живыми - это разгадать эту тайну. То, что поначалу кажется совпадением, оказывается предопределенным с самого начала.
Одна секунда
Fan Film
Китай периода культурной революции. Беглому заключённому трудового лагеря позарез нужно посмотреть кинохронику №22, которую показывают перед картиной «Героические сыновья и дочери», но одну бобину крадёт местная сирота. Отбирая друг у друга контейнер с плёнкой, оба прибывают в городок, где население очень жаждет показа киноленты, но вот незадача — одна из коробок с фильмом раскрылась, а плёнка спуталась и извалялась в дорожной грязи.
A Documentary About The Movie One Second
My People, My Homeland
Lao Fan (segment "The Last Class")
In different parts of rural China, various people explore what makes their communities unique.
Люблю тебя, навсегда
Lin Liguo
Лин Гэ — человек, которого не существует. В этом мире о нем нет воспоминаний. Однажды он отдал все, чтобы спасти любимую, и поплатился за это. Он исчез из этого мира, из воспоминаний своих родных, друзей, а главное из воспоминаний Цуи Цян, девушки, которую любил всю жизнь. Но может это шанс начать все заново?
Two Tigers
Master Fan
The kidnapper is so inept that his businessman target takes over the operation and recruits him to run three operations for him.
Hunt Down
Wan Zhenggang
In order to solve a large theft of national treasure, Hongyu, a criminal police officer, and his current wife, Baiyu, and his biological father, Zhenggang, working together with their partner. At the time when the case came to light, these batches of national treasures disappeared under the close supervision of the police, and Baiyu disappeared suddenly .
The Game of Desire
Lao Cha
Set in 2020. After the death of his daughter, a leading figure in intelligent technology industry hides himself far from the madding crowd and stays with intelligent robots. He inexplicably becomes a murder fugitive when an accident happens, and falls into a trap step by step.
Uncle Cui
Февраль 1938 года, Вторая японо-китайская война. После вынужденного переноса китайской столицы в Чунцин японское командование принимает решение — стереть город с лица земли. Японцы готовились к войне на Тихом океане и надеялись принудить правительство Чан Кайши к скорейшему выходу из войны. Тысячи тонн снарядов обрушиваются на мирные кварталы Чунцина.
Mr. No Problem
Ding Wuyuan
Shot in stylish black-and-white, this three-act fable, set in wartime Chongqing, focuses on the indifferent rich, the head clerk on a farm, and some young intruders. Based on a 1943 short story, the film was directed by noted screenwriter Mei Feng.
Father and Son
Despite already hitting 30, Fan Xiaobing has yet to accomplish anything of note in his 10 years of being an entrepreneur. To fund the development of his latest venture, he takes out a loan from a financial company in Macau. With no money to repay the debt after it fails, he’s left with no choice but to hold a fake funeral for his father to collect donations, setting off a chain of hilarious events.
The One
Funny scramble of an esoteric book of cooking between a guy without feeling, a tough girl, a master out of date, a dark-minded rich man, a emotion-manipulating woman and a OCD-suffering samurai.
What a Day!
The film follows Fan who was born on April Fool and caught into a circulatory day full of bad experiences. However, A mysterious man appears and helps him find out a way.
Someone to Talk To
Song Jiefang
An adaptation of Liu Zhenyun’s award-winning novel One Sentence Worth Ten Thousand, produced by Bill Kong. The novel, which won the Mao Dun Literature Prize after it was published in 2008, revolves around a divorced woman and her married younger brother and deals with loneliness and alienation in contemporary Chinese society. The film marks the feature debut of award-winning short filmmaker Liu Yulin, who is adapting her father’s work. A New York University film graduate, Liu’s short film Door God (2014) won a silver medal at the 41st Student Academy Awards and was selected by Cannes.
Я не мадам Бовари
Tree owner
Li Xuelian, a woman from the countryside is falsely accused by her husband of having an affair. To defend herself, Li moves from her small town to the big city until she reached the capital.
И сошёл монах с гор
Cui Daoning
Монах-сирота Хэ Анься покидает монастырь и отправляется на поиски пути домой. Творя добро и встречая разных людей, он совершенствует своё кун-фу.
CCTV Spring Festival Gala 2014
Personal Tailor
From the director of Back to 1942, Feng Xiaogang, comes PERSONAL TAILOR, one of the most unique films you'll see in this upcoming holiday season. Imagine a team that will sacrifice themselves for your dream at any cost -- but only if that dream makes you a better person. And only if that dream lasts a single day... What would your dream be? Where would you go? What would you do? And after that single day, what would happen to you?
Angry Kid
Angry Kid is a Chinese Comedy
Вспоминая 1942
Lao Ma
1942 год. Китай сотрясает вторая мировая война. Застрявшая в феодализме страна оккупирована Японией. Засуха и неурожай. Приближается голод, который может уничтожить миллионы людей. Местные правители закрывают глаза на происходящее, увлекшись внутренними распрями. Американский журналист и дипломат пытаются спасти людей, которые обречены на смерть.
Guns N'Roses
The film tells the story of a group of Chinese youths who robbed a bank of the “Manchuguo”, a puppet regime formed in China’s northeastern provinces by Japanese invaders in the 1930s and ’40s.
Crazy Dinner Party
I’m not entirely sure what this one’s about, folks, but that hasn’t stopped me from watching the embedded trailer a couple of times tonight. It’s a little jarring and a touch annoying, but that, I think, is what makes this film so alluring. Although a proper synopsis detailing a few plot points would be nice to have, all you really need to know about the flick resides in its title. There is, in fact, a dinner party taking place, and crazy things are happening at a mad rapid pace. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. But don’t waste your time over-thinking it. Director Shang Jing’s “Crazy Dinner Party”, which stars Fan Wei, Huang Bo, Monica Mok, Liu Hua, and Liang Guanhua, opens in China on January 23rd, 2012. When will the rest of us get to partake in said festivity? That remains to be seen
Основание партии
Li Yuanhong
Картина обращается к событиям так называемой Первой китайской революции (Синьхайская революция), произошедшей в 1911 году, и свергнувшей династию Цин. Тогда было положено начало основанию китайской компартии. Фильм рассказывает о первых шагах самых влиятельных лидеров первого поколения нового Китая, в числе которых Мао Цзэдун и Чан Кайши.
Tracks Kong Lingxue
Tracking Kong
Shanghai, 2009. After four years of studying, a group of dance students are wished well by their teacher as they start rehearsals for their graduation performance. Meanwhile, 5 members of a 1936 Shanghai theatre troupe, lead by Master Liu, are transported into the present to broaden their horizons.
Основание Китая
Guo Bencai
Эпическая историческая драма, посвящённая шестидесятилетнему юбилею основания Китайской Народной Республики. Фильм посвящен событиям между 1945 и 1949 годах, когда коммунисты, под руководством Мао Цзэдуна боролись с националистами Чана Кайши, после неудачной попытки создать демократическое коалиционное правительство. Мы увидим, как в 1948 году впервые было проведено заседание Народной политической консультативной конференции, которое и сейчас является важным консультативным органом.
Город жизни и смерти
Mr. Tang
В декабре 1937 года в город Нанкин вступили японские захватчики. Много солдат «Гоминьдана» покинули город, но многие, которые не желали сдаваться, остались в городе и развернули сильное сопротивление. После неудачного сопротивления сотни тысяч людей погибли, превратив Нанкин в город смерти. Осталась возможность жить только в одном месте — «безопасная зона» в женской школе Цзиньлин. Там китайские женщины укрывали и спасали мужчин.
Если ты единственная
Venture capitalist
Цинь Фэнь — сорокалетний холостяк, проживший много лет в Америке, возвращается в Китай в надежде найти жену, «современную снаружи, старомодную внутри». Он дает объявление на брачном портале, и начинает встречаться с соискательницами романтической любви. К сожалению, времена изменились, и сегодняшние обитательницы Поднебесной стали весьма прагматичными и раскрепощенными. Однажды во время своих брачных поисков он встречает ослепительно красивую стюардессу, влюбленную в женатого мужчину, который кормит ее «завтраками» относительно скорого развода. Быстро поняв, что деревце ему не по плечу, озабоченный матримониальными планами «возвращенец» сваливает в сторону, но жизнь закручивает древний как мир сюжет по-своему…
Fit Lover
Fan Zhongju
This film centers on Nie Bing, a high-profile TV hostess, who is obsessed with trying to find her "ideal man" before her 30th birthday. Nie Bing is given a magic car by a mischievous angel, and a different handsome man -one of the 12 featured A-list actors from China, Taiwan and Japan- appears each time she drives it. Lam's character soon collects a dozen admirers, portrayed by A-list actors from China, Taiwan, and Japan, each with a different profession, personality, and ideas of what constitutes romance
Abandoned as a baby, journalist Yue has only resent for the parents she never knew. While covering a tragic story about a woman and her unborn child, Yue receives news that her foster mother is dying. Her final wish is for Yue to meet her birth mother. With only a train ticket as clue, Yue embarks on a sweeping journey through China to find her mother and the truth behind her abandonment.
Set Off
Lao Cui, a good-for-nothing but kind-hearted man running a Chinese restaurant in Cyprus. He comes home to Beijing only to find his wife cheated on him, pregnant with his best friend's baby. Devastated, Cui's misfortune is further compounded by the news that his business partner is going to sell his restaurant. Before he flies back to Cyprus, Cui bumps into a sassy girl named Xiao Xia, and his real nightmare has only just begun ...
Lucky Dog
A middle-aged man sets out to find a new career when he learns he's picked the wrong time to retire in this gentle comedy-drama from China. Wang Kangmei (Fan Wei) is a good-humored working stuff who after four decades as an engineer for the Chinese railway has taken early retirement. Wang's timing was less than ideal, as his wife (Cheng Shubo) falls ill and ends up in the hospital shortly after Wang's leaves his job. But Wang is a cheerful and quietly patriotic man who believes that the government will do the right thing for him and that he'll be able to find work if he tries. Wang's father (Cheng Shubo) isn't so confident, but that doesn't stop Wang from spending the day pursuing various sorts of employment, from operating a bicycle-cab to auditioning for an opera company.
The Road
Lao Cui
A young girl comes of age -- while also coming to terms with her destiny, pre-determined by the Communist Party -- in this beautiful, sweeping Chinese drama.
Gimme Kudos
Yang Hongqi
Old-fashioned, middle-aged Yang Hongqi claims that on a rainy night he saved a university coed from the threat of sexual violence on the outer limits of Nanjing city. He soon begs Gu Guoge, a superstar reporter at Nanjing Newspaper, for public kudos in the press. At first Gu ignores the absurd request, but pushed by Yang's desperate and tenacious attitude Gu begins to look at verifying the case. Finally he finds the victim, Ouyang Hua but no witness. Later, it is revealed why Yang strives so desperately to publicize his heroics: extolled as a model of a national laborer, his father has lived with many medals and commendations on the wall of his hometown and wants to hang Yang's commendation on the wall before his death.
A World Without Thieves
Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?
Cell Phone
Brick's brother
Written by Liu Zhenyun, based on his own novel of the same title, the film revolves around two successful men whose marriages were wrecked when their wives uncovered their extramarital affairs through traces left in their cellphones. More broadly, the film explores the role of cellphones in interpersonal relationships in modern China, where the rapid development in information technology is having huge impacts on the way people communicate.
Spring Subway
A stylish urban romance about the silent suffering of a modern Chinese couple.
Lao Qin
After serving 30 years in prison, Lao Qin starts a new life with 1.5 million compensation from the government for demolition and relocation. He just wants to marry a wife and have children to live in peace, but his life is completely changed with the intrusion of the eccentric 24-year-old girl Chang Juan.
Handsome Go Away