Michael Weiss


Испытание пяти перчаток
Doctor Nelson
Отчаявшаяся семья, исчерпавшая все доступные способы помочь своему тяжело больному ребёнку, обращается к охотнику за реликвиями Кейну. Он, будучи искателем приключений и талантливым кулачным бойцом, должен разыскать некий таинственный артефакт "Зуб Будды", который может излечить ребенка. Для этого ему придется не только объездить весь свет, но и сразиться с пятью стражами, хранящими тайну местонахождения артефакта.
Белый парень Рик
Executive Producer
История Ричарда Верша-младшего, который в подростковом возрасте стал тайным осведомителем полиции. С его помощью полиция раскрыла множество преступных схем. Но спустя несколько лет представители власти обнаружили у Ричарда большую парию наркотиков, которые он явно хотел сбыть. За это Верша-младшего приговорили к пожизненному лишению свободы, что стало настоящей катастрофой не только для самого Ричарда, но и для членов его семьи.
Swamp Zombies 2
Male host
The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars".....zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse. When all the producer's attempts have failed, he's left with one choice...to free "Jack" from a top secret Black ops prison and send him into the show. Jack has the kung fu skills to stay alive to find Mouse and bring her to the Producer......and he knows a thing or two about zombies.
Angel of Reckoning
Father Kirkland
Rachel, a female war veteran returns home only to launch her own personal vendetta against the criminal underworld when a family member mysteriously dies. The underworld kingpin rules with an iron fist and those below her are terrified when her name is even mentioned. In order to get closer to the inner sanctum, Rachel takes on the identity of "Angel" a go-go dancer at a popular nightclub. As "Angel" learns details about the organization, she begins to exact her revenge against anyone she deems responsible for her family member's death. However, a detective is hot on Angel's trail as he investigates the death and destruction left in her wake. After one woman proclaims war against a band of drug dealers, pornographers, and criminal kingpins, will vengeance rule above all else?
Blood Mercury
Commander Johnson
A renegade federal agent confiscates a deadly chemical warfare virus and attempts to make it to a safe house where a scientist vows to destroy it. In the meantime, black ops agents are dispatched to hunt down the agent and retrieve the governments investment at all costs.
Exorcist: The Fallen
Director of Photography
A young girl and her family go through a horrifying reality while she becomes possessed by demonic forces. Throughout the film we experience the ways a family deals with situations beyond their control and how they fight to overcome them. Only when the possession takes place does the family bond get stronger and the relationships between them get tested to their limits.
Exorcist: The Fallen
A young girl and her family go through a horrifying reality while she becomes possessed by demonic forces. Throughout the film we experience the ways a family deals with situations beyond their control and how they fight to overcome them. Only when the possession takes place does the family bond get stronger and the relationships between them get tested to their limits.
Skull Forest
Mr. Laudermilk
A ladies camping weekend turns into a terror-filled trip after the women encounter a stranger in the woods.
Bridal Party Massacre
A night of debauchery for a soon-to-be bride essentially signs the death certificates for her bridal party as a tuxedo-clad maniac is out for revenge.
Halloween on Ice
Nancy Kerrigan is joined by her famous friends from the figure saking world in these best of Halloween on Ice performances. These ghoulish performances are choreographed with music by top acts from the rock, pop, and Broadway
Reflections on Ice: Michelle Kwan Skates to the Music of Disney's 'Mulan'
A retelling of the Disney film, 'Mulan (1998)', using animated clips and songs from the film, but this version was staged on ice.
Josh Baker
When the neighborhood bullies kidnap Tiger, a dog who can telepathically talk to his owner Josh, everything changes. What happens next will delight the whole family. What started out as a boy's dream of having his own pet, becomes the adventure of a lifetime.