Arfi Lamba


Jabariya Jodi
Abhay Singh runs a syndicate of kidnapping greedy grooms, who demand dowry in Bihar’s Madhopur. He then, forcefully marries them off to the girl, calling it a ‘surprise party’. But when his childhood sweetheart Babli re-enters his life, he must choose between love and his long-term ambitions.
Trijya - Radius
Artistically inclined villager Avdhut Kale struggles to find his place in the metropolis of Pune. His work and the mounting societal pressures of what is expected of him is a disconnect from his true self. Moreover, his passivity towards life is made apparent through his discourses with friends and family, who voice their perspective of life. Trijya traces the journey of Avdhut and how he faces the reality of his own dreams and aspirations about life in a large Indian city. It takes us through the challenges of today's modern way of life and the compromises one inevitably makes along the way to find peace and a place we can call our own.
Dr. Kiran Chitre
After some faked medicine is found, an Interpol agent searches for evidence against high rank chairmen of medical companies.
Король Сингх 2
Простой парень Рафтар не торопится со свадьбой, хотя родители то и дело подыскивают ему девушек. После очередного отказа сыну ставят ультиматум: либо Рафтар сочетается узами брака, либо ему придется отправиться работать вместе с другом отца в Гоа. Недолго думая, парень выбирает второй вариант.
The fun-filled and carefree life of four college friends comes to an abrupt end when they cross paths with a corrupt police officer.
A city with a history of heritage, myth and superstition. A passionate architect with strong but delusional ideas about love and life. A Czech gypsy girl searching for her identity and true love. Add to the drama of a mean friend you can’t do without and cannot trust either. The conflict of these complex characters is further heightened with illusions of someone who is there but at the same time not there- what you see is not true? or is the truth, what you not see? All of the above are thrown together in a very unique and unusual situation where you do not know what to believe and what to disbelieve.
Миллионер из трущоб
Джамал Малик, 18-летний сирота из трущоб в Мумбаи, всего в одном шаге от победы в телеигре «Кто хочет стать миллионером?» и выигрыша 20 миллионов рупий. Прервав игру, его арестовывает полиция по подозрению в мошенничестве. Откуда юнец, выросший на улице, может знать так много?
The Protector
Against a backdrop of sectarian violence, can a gay Hindu man find the courage to help a Muslim?