Ben Winkler

Рождение : 1902-05-25, The Bronx, New York, USA

Смерть : 1979-02-22


Номер в отеле Плаза
Три новеллы, действие которых происходит в одной гостинице. В первой, Карен Нэш пытается объяснить своему невнимательному мужу Сэму, что их брак разваливается. Во второй, нахальный продюсер Джесси Киплинджер пытается соблазнить свою старую подругу Мюриел. В третьей, Рой Хаблей и его жена Норма пытаются уговорить выйти свою дочь из ванной перед ее свадьбой.
В ясный день увидишь вечность
Sound Recordist
Дэйзи Гэмбл, необычная женщина, которая творит чудеса со своими цветами, слышит телефоны прежде чем они зазвонят. Она хочет избавиться от пагубной привычки курения. Для этого идет к доктору, который открывает в Дэйзи необычные способности…
Adventurers search for World War II gold in the Philippines.
Noose for a Gunman
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Частная собственность
Sound Mixer
A hoodlum (Corey Allen) plots to seduce a lonely housewife (Kate Manx) and turn her over to his virginal friend (Warren Oates).
The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake
Jonathan Drake, while attending his brother's funeral, is shocked to find the head of the deceased is missing. When his brother's skull shows up later in a locked cabinet, Drake realizes an ancient curse placed upon his grandfather by a tribe of South American Jivaro Indians is still in effect and that he himself is the probable next victim.
День преступника
В небольшом унылом и заснеженном городке на Диком Западе, где-то в штате Вайоминг прошлого века, жизнь далека от идиллии. Мало того, что местные ранчеры враждуют между собой, так ещё поселение захватывает банда головорезов, под руководством жестокого ветерана Гражданской войны, бывшего армейского капитана Джека Бруна. Единственной надеждой жителей становится суровый и внешне столь же грозный, как и бандиты, ранчер Блейз Старрет...
War of the Colossal Beast
Sound Mixer
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.
Swamp Women
An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp.
Last of the Desperados
Sound Mixer
After killing Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett is relentlessly dogged by members of the Kid's gang.
Appointment in Honduras
Sound Designer
On a tramp steamer off Central America are Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, five prisoners en route to a Nicaraguan prison, and Corbett, an American carrying money for a Honduran counter-revolution. Denied permission to land in Honduras, Corbett releases the prisoners and with their aid hijacks the ship. They land, taking the wealthy Sheppards as hostages, and start the arduous trip upriver to Corbett's rendezvous, meeting jungle hazards
The Body Beautiful
Susan Morrow, the secretary to Robert Clarke, a model photographer, is upset when her boss pays too much attention to model Noreen Nash. Morrow's younger sister takes a candid photo of her sister in her underwear, with face hidden, and sends it to Clarke. He is intrigued and tries to locate the mystery girl but, meanwhile, enters the photograph in a contest. It wins, provided Clarke can identify the girl. He offers a reward and hires a friend to search for her. Meanwhile, back the agency, Nash offers to pose as the missing girl, but she and Clarke quarrel and she walks out. Rather than leave her boss in a fix, Morrow admits she is the girl in the picture.
Глен или Гленда
Sound Recordist
Психиатр рассказывает инспектору две истории из жизни транссексуалов и трансвеститов: как некто Алан сделал операцию и стал Анной, и как некто Глен страшится рассказать невесте Барбаре о своем хобби — облачаться в ангорские кофточки и шастать по ночам в облике Гленды. Параллельно некий ученый предупреждает зрителей: «Берегись зеленого дракона!»
The Blue Gardenia
A telephone operator ends up drunk and at the mercy of a cad in his apartment. The next morning she wakes up with a hangover and the terrible fear she may be a murderess.
The Steel Trap
Joseph Cotten plays an assistant bank manager who steals $1,000,000 from the safe late on a Friday and then plans to flee to Brazil over the weekend.
The Prowler
Los Angeles, California. A cop who, unhappy with his job, blames others for his work problems, is assigned to investigate the case of a prowler who stalks the home of a married woman.
When I Grow Up
Sound Mixer
Josh is a young boy who feels neglected and misunderstood at home. Preparing to run away, he chances across an old diary once kept by his grandfather. Leafing through the yellowed pages, Josh discovers that Grandpa went through many of the same childhood travails that he is enduring at that moment. Armed with a renewed understanding of and appreciation for his elders, Josh decides to stick around for a while and see how things develop.
The Texan Meets Calamity Jane
A western in which Calamity Jane's (Evelyn Ankers) rightful ownership of a gambling hall is challenged. She nearly loses the business to a shady crook, but Texas lawyer Ellison puts up a legal battle to help her stay in charge. After a sensational fight, the letters proving her right are discovered.
State Department: File 649
Kenneth Seeley, member of the U. S. State Department's Foreign Service Bureau, and Marge Weldon, a morale worker with the bureau, are assigned to an area in Mongolia dominated by an outlaw warlord. The latter captures the village where they reside and when escape is clearly impossible, Seeley blows up the outlaw's headquarters, losing his own life in doing so.
Miraculous Journey
The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.
Lady at Midnight
A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
Shed No Tears
Sound Engineer
A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.
13 Lead Soldiers
Captain Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond is called in to solve the murder of a man from whom two lead soldiers were stolen. Drummond learns that the two soldiers were part of a set of thirteen which formed the key to a hidden vault of treasure. Following some clever sleuthing and set-up on Drummond's part, the guilty man is trapped in the vault,which is hidden behind the fireplace.
The Enchanted Valley
Sound Engineer
Armed robbers invade the home of a crippled boy and his grandfather and the effect the boy and his surroundings have on them is reforming.
Doctor Jim
Dr. Jim Gateson, a country doctor who has counselled and ministered to his community for 30 years, is being honored with a surprise testimonial dinner. The scenario then flashes back through three decades, commencing with the young GP first hanging up his shingle, serving at the front during WWI, home life being disrupted by telephone calls from those in need, and competition from a new medic in town who doesn't make country calls.
Abie's Irish Rose
Sound Designer
Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.
Tumbleweed Trail
Eddie Dean's assignment is to thwart the efforts of a crooked gambler, Brad Barton, to take over the property of his half-brother Bill Ryan. In order to secure the ranch, which is believed to hold large silver deposits, the scheming relative contracts to have Ryan killed. He then presents a forged will to the court naming himself as the sole heir. Shocked by the tide of events, Ryan's two rightful heirs, his grown daughter Robin and young son "Freckles" are determined to remain on their father's property. Eddie and his sidekick, Soapy Jones, arrive on the scene in time to enter the fight on the side of Robin and "Freckles."
The Mask of Diijon
A stage illusionist plots a revenge after a particularly humiliating comeback attempt.
Apology for Murder
Sound Engineer
Head over heels in love with a stern and cold older businessman's young wife, a reporter is seduced into conspiring to murder him so she can inherit his estate, while pinning the murder on another businessman.
Knickerbocker Holiday
Sound Recordist
The wild and woolly early days of New York -- when it was still known as New Amsterdam -- provide the backdrop for this period musical-comedy. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant (Charles Coburn) arrives in New Amsterdam to assume his duties as governor. Stuyvesant is hardly the fun-loving type, and one of his first official acts is to call for the death of Brom Broeck (Nelson Eddy), a newspaper publisher well-known for his fearless exposes of police and government corruption. However, Broeck hasn't done anything that would justify the death penalty, so Stuyvesant waits (without much patience) for Broeck to step out of line. Broeck is romancing a beautiful woman named Tina Tienhoven (Constance Dowling), whose sister Ulda (Shelley Winters) happens to be dating his best friend, Ten Pin (Johnnie "Scat" Davis). After Stuyvesant's men toss Broeck in jail on a trumped-up charge, Stuyvesant sets his sights on winning Tina's affections.
Джонни приходит поздно
Sound Recordist
В 1906 году Том Ричардс, бродяга, прибывает в Платтсвилль и знакомится с главным акционером газеты Винни Маклеод, которая борется с коррумпированным "хозяином" города В.М. Догерти. Том Ричардс вступает в должность управляющего редактора газеты "Щит и Знамя" Платтсвилля и, несмотря на первоначальное сопротивление с которым он столкнулся, при всеобщей поддержке граждан города дает решительный отпор махинациям Догерти, который поставлен в трудное положение и вынужден сделать не желательный для себя выбор....«Джонни приходит поздно» - это первый, драматический фильм, снятый Уильямом К. Говардом в студии "Кагни Продакшн" в марте 1943 года.
King of the Stallions
Both Indians and cowboys are after a beautiful stallion, the leader of a pack of wild horses.
Born to Love
Sound Engineer
A pregnant American nurse living in London during WWI, believing her soldier-fiance has been killed in France, marries a wealthy aristocrat so her child will have a father.
Beyond Victory
Sound Engineer
Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.
Раскрашенная долина
Sound Engineer
Пересекая Аризонскую равнину с востока на запад, два давних друга Бил Кэш и Джеф Кэмерон находят оставленный фургон переселенцев, а в нем брошенного грудного ребенка. Друзья решают усыновить мальчика и назвать Биллом Бойдом, но кто станет приемным отцом? Из-за этого вопроса друзья в одночасье становятся заклятыми врагами и только спустя двадцать лет, когда мальчик вырастет и станет настоящим мужчиной, конфликт будет исчерпан. Билл Бойд заставит прежних друзей примириться, и забытьразногласия, которые становились все более и более ожесточенными за эти годы.
Half Pint Polly
Ted is riding for Pa Martin against Cooper in the big race. When Cooper has his men capture Ted, Peggy overhears them and sets out to free Ted in time for the race.