Robert-Jules Garnier


Rendezvous in July
Production Design
Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.
Production Design
Коррумпированный менеджер берёт молодого боксера Люка Фонтана под своё крыло и делает его чемпионом. Но однажды Фонтана узнаёт, что тренер организовывал его бои с самого начала их сотрудничества, а победы были инсценированными. Когда молодой человек узнаёт правду, он признаётся прессе в произошедшем и возвращается к безвестной жизни, какой он жил прежде.
Антуан и Антуанетта
Production Design
В пятницу вечером Антуан, типографский служащий, и Антуанетта, работница магазина на Елисейских полях, возращаются с работы домой. Антуанетта подвергается постоянным домогательствам одного торговца, кроме того пара постоянно испытывает материальные трудности. Всё это даёт им поводы для частых ссор. Но однажды их судьба делает резкий поворот: купленный Антуанеттой лотерейный билет оказывается выигрышным, и наконец сбывается мечта Антуана о покупке мотоцикла с коляской. За этим следует масса событий: потеря билета, его поиски, прогулка на лодке по озеру в Булонском лесу, игра в футбол в королевском парке…
The Emigrant
Art Direction
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Les Ailes brisées
Production Design
Fabrège is a ladies' man. His friend Pascal, at the circle, evokes these conquests, among others Denise Lamblin for whom he fought a duel and this other woman for whom he stayed an entire night, in the pouring rain, under his windows. While the next day they have to take the train together, at the sight of a female figure on the station platform, Fabrège changes trains and sets out to conquer the beautiful stranger. Arrived in Cannes, they go down to the Miramar hotel and their idyll begins.
Un chien qui rapporte
Production Design
Josyane Plaisir, a rather idle singer, who is waiting for the man of her heart,handsome and rich if possible, accepts the offer of a dog handler. The clever man has worked out a scheme to snare rich men. The trick is simple: "Pantoufle", the little dog he lets for 5,000 francs a week, will run off, climb into a luxurious car with only one man inside and "retrieve" him to Josyane, since her address is stuck to the dog's collar. René, the first man who rings her door-bell, is single (or nearly so!), good-looking but ... broke.
The Crew
Production Design
First adaptation of Joseph Kessel World War I novel, in which an aviator falls in love with a woman who turns out to be the wife of one of his flying comrades.
Pierrot, Pierrette
Production Design
Pierrot et Pierrette, brother and sister, live in a caravan with their grandfather, the former ringmaster of a circus. To earn a living, they sing in the streets, and their lives are happy. But a charitable lady interferes, determined to put grandfather in an old folks' home and the children in an orphanage. Pierrot and Pierrette run away, and fall into the hands of a travelling vendor who wants to use them for burglaries.
Le Gamin de Paris
Production Design
Two war orphans, Joseph, apprentice printer, and Lisette, typist, live with their grandmother in Belleville. Lisette loves his next door neighbor, the painter Amedee, but this one does not offer him a union. Joseph Amedee learning is the son of a general, advocates for Lisette and everything ends in marriage.
Production Design
Geneviève is an orphan child and living with her little sister Josette. Because of her economic situation, she cancels marriage with an honest and respectful man. Josette, after a short and tremendous love affair, dies leaving a little baby boy. Due to this incident, Geneviève is convicted and imprisoned. Wandering from town to town, village to village, she finally manages to get to her ancient fiance's house.
Don Juan et Faust
Production Design
Crazy scientist Faust tries to take Don Juan's lover away.
The Woman from Nowhere
Art Direction
A fifty year old woman, scarred by a life of disillusionment and regret, returns to the place where she lived twenty years before, to rekindle happier memories. She meets a young woman, the daughter of the current owners of the property, who is on the point of abandoning her home – just as she did, all those years ago...
Chichinette et Cie
Production Design
Chichinette (Blanche Montel) is in love with a playboy named Philippe (Jean Devalde). She follows him to Paris, believing his promise of marriage, only to come to her senses.
El Dorado
Art Direction
In Granada in Spain, Sibilla works as a dancer in a squalid cabaret called El Dorado, struggling to earn enough to care for her sick child. The boy's father Estiria, a prominent citizen, refuses them both help and recognition, fearful of jeopardising the engagement of his adult daughter Iliana to a wealthy nobleman. Iliana however slips away from her engagement party to meet her real lover Hedwick, a Swedish painter. Sibilla, in desperation after a further rejection by Estiria, sees an opportunity to blackmail him by locking the lovers overnight in their meeting-place in the Alhambra.
Villa Destin
Production Design
The Man of the Sea
Production Design
Nolff, a tough Breton fisherman is happy: his wife has just given birth to a son, Michel. His only wish is to make him a fisherman like him. But when he becomes a man, Michel becomes a good-for-nothing who spends his time in taverns.
Production Design
Loosely based on Balzac's novel "La peau de chagrin", the story revolves around a man who steals a small, magical figurine named Narayana.
Production Design
When an unscrupulous banker ruins his family, a young man swears to bring him to justice, so he adopts a new identity, the mysterious Judex, and ominously disguised and sunk into the muddy path of vengeance, punishes the crooks and protects the innocents. (Originally a twelve-part epic serial.)
The Vampires or, The Arch Criminals of Paris
Production Design
Paris is prey to an invisible terror against which the police can do nothing: a sinister organization that sows chaos and death. The intrepid journalist Philippe Guérande and his partner embark on a long crusade to put an end to the crimes of the Great Vampire and Irma Vep, his dangerous accomplice. (A ten episode movie serial.)
Le mort qui tue
The Child of Paris
Production Design
The young daughter of an army captain missing in action runs away from school and is kidnapped by Parisian lowlifes. When the kidnapper flees to Nice with the child, the kind-hearted employee of one of his accomplices sets off in pursuit.
Production Design
A French silent film serial which follows the exploits of the archvillain Fantômas, who commits crimes while eluding Inspector Juve's tireless persecution.
The Mystery of the Rocks of Kador
Production Design
Count Fernand De Keramic plots against his niece in order to acquire her wealth to pay his debts.