Georges Ohnet

Georges Ohnet

Рождение : 1848-04-03, Paris, France

Смерть : 1918-05-05


Georges Ohnet


The Wounded Heart
Poly arga gia dakrya
Eho dikaioma na s' agapo!
Tamirci Parçası
To ftohopaido
Владелец металлургического завода
Молодой промышленник, владелец металлургического завода Филипп Дерблэ влюблен в аристократку из обедневшего рода Клару де Больё. Сделав предложение своей возлюбленной, он получает согласие. Однако после свадьбы молодая жена сразу расставляет все точки над “i”: она вышла замуж за нувориша исключительно, чтобы помочь своей семье обрести заслуживающее древности ее рода материальное положение. На самом деле она любит своего кузена Гастона де Блиньи, с которым давно была тайно обручена. Филипп, скрепя сердце, вынужден принять объяснение своей супруги, надеясь, что время и любовь заставит ее изменить свои взгляды.
Le droit de l'enfant
Jacques Herbelin is the faithful husband of Louise and the proud father of Cécile, a kind little girl. But Louise does not reciprocate her husband's affection and prefers to cheat on him in the arms of Marquis de Condottier. The latter is a sinister character who, not satisfied with being Herbelin's wife's lover, sets his heart on their daughter, who has now become a pretty young lady. Jacques can't take it anymore.
Last Love
Hélène has an affair with Alain for ten years, but does not want to divorce her husband. Alain receives one letter from a girl Michelle one day. Hélène, who is very jealous, receives that letter by chance and interprets it incorrectly.
The Ironmaster
A young noblewoman regrets having to marry the village ironmaster for money reasons, but later comes to appreciate her new husband.
The Ironmaster
Theatre Play
A young noblewoman regrets having to marry the village ironmaster for money reasons, but later comes to appreciate her new husband.
La grande marnière
A rich peasant, Carvajan, seeks revenge on the castellan, Clairefont, with whom he had a serious conflict. Their respective children, Antoinette and Pascal, meet and fall in love with each other. Robert de Clairefont, Antoinette's brother, unjustly accused of murder, is defended and saved by Pascal. Finally, love, by uniting the son of one to the daughter of the other, will appease souls and reconcile families.
Felipe Derblay, el herrero
Serge Panine
A mother kills a very vile character, Prince Panin, with whom her adopted daughter has fallen in love and who has married, for her money, the natural daughter.
The Ironmaster
A young noblewoman is unhappy about needing to marry the village ironmaster for financial reasons, but later comes to appreciate her husband.
The Iron Master
The wealthy owner of an iron foundry dies, and his greedy heirs are outraged when they find out that he left his entire estate not to them but to the foreman of his foundry.
The Iron Master
Theatre Play
The wealthy owner of an iron foundry dies, and his greedy heirs are outraged when they find out that he left his entire estate not to them but to the foreman of his foundry.
The King of Paris
The King of Paris
My Friend the Devil
Silent romantic drama...
The Lady in Grey
La contessa Sara
The Railway Owner
Filippo Derblay, a young man of humble birth, became, thanks to his job, the owner of the ironworks. He is secretly in love with Clara, the daughter of the Marquis of Beaulieu, who lost all his fortune. Clara is engaged to the Duke of Bligny, a vain cousin of her. After learning of Clara’s financial disgrace, the Duke prefers to engage to Atenaide Moulinet, a social climber and daughter of the industrialist Moulinet, the “King of Cacao”. To get revenge, Clara agrees to marry Filippo Derblay, despite she considers him an upstart and she despises him. But Filippo, who loves her deeply, can’t tolerate to be humiliated, will prove how much her prejudice was wrong and, at the end, he will win her love. Among the most captivating aspects of the film, the intense performance of the great diva Pina Menichelli and the high level of the photography, that captures spaces from life as the remarkable images of the factory and the workers at the machinery.
L'âme de Pierre
The story takes place in the Parisian "High Society" of the time. Two long-time friends become enemies because of a beautiful girl.
Korol Parizha
Молодой человек Роже заподозрен в шулерстве при игре в карты. За него заступается Раскаль Венкон, который оказывается известным парижским авантюристом. Он протягивает руку помощи и дает совет, как стать «Королем Парижа»…
Правда женщины
Nemrod et compagnie
Жизнь за жизнь
В семье миллионерши Хромовой на выданье две дочери, Ната и Муся, одна родная, другая приемная. И сватаются к ним завидные женихи: князь Бартинский и коммерсант Журов... Античная по размаху семейная эпопея о матери и двух ее дочерях; история семейного и морального краха. Сложные колоритные характеры, блестящая паутина лжи во взаимоотношениях и величественная миллионерша Хромова, уверенно ведущая свой Титаник навстречу неизбежному. Фильм ярко характеризует поздний этап творчества Бауэра, который начинал постановщиком, использовавшим актеров скорей как статистов (направление, которое тогда было общепринятым, хотя сегодня смотрится радикально), но к этому времени стал значительно большее внимание уделять актерам и прорисовке психологических нюансов. И едва не превзошел в этом Чардынина: сестры-антиподы Ната и Муся, порочный князь Бартинский, рассудительный коммерсант Журов - всем достались шикарные роли.
The Soul of Pierre
The Iron Master
Between the wealth of the aristocrat and the fortune of the successful tradesman there is a great social difference, which is emphasized in this drama.
The Iron Master
Theatre Play
Between the wealth of the aristocrat and the fortune of the successful tradesman there is a great social difference, which is emphasized in this drama.
Gerval, the Iron-Master