Paul Castanet


Director of Photography
Состарившийся Пере Фуан, как и его пожилая жена Роза, больше не в состоянии работать на земле. Поэтому старик решает разделить свой земельный участок на равные части между детьми: одним сыном — безответственным Бюто, другим — пьяницей Гиацинтом и дочерью Фанни. Передачу земли Фуан осуществляет документом, по которому его дети, каждый в равной степени, должны выплачивать старикам небольшой пенсион, позволявший более-менее нормально существовать в оставшиеся им годы жизни. Между детьми начинаются соперничество и интриги.
Les Travailleurs de la mer
Director of Photography
Adapted from Hugo's eponym novel, the story concerns a Guernseyman named Gilliatt, a social outcast who falls in love with Deruchette, the niece of a local shipowner, Mess Lethierry. When Lethierry's ship is wrecked on the Roches Douvres, a perilous reef, Deruchette promises to marry whomever can salvage the ship's steam engine. Gilliatt eagerly volunteers, and the story follows both his physical trials and tribulations.
Le Coupable
Director of Photography
At trial the prosecuting attorney makes a startling confession: the defendant is his son whose pitiful fate led him to murder. The attorney left the young man's pregnant mother, and the unwed poor thing had to fight against a hostile world.
Éternel amour
Onésime, Post Office Employee
Director of Photography
Users of the postal service aren't very happy that Onésime spends his work time writing love letters to a lovely lady. Understandably, the woman's husband doesn't take it very well either. To escape his wrath, Onésime can think of nothing better than slipping into the mail duct. And it's pneumatic.
Onésime's Theatrical Debut
Director of Photography
Onésime came down and threw himself on stage, starting into the great aria at which he excelled. We must say, in respect for the truth, that he earned what critics calls "the estimated success": Onésime, who has the voice of a barrel salesman, sings like the pulley in a well.
Onésime and the Heart of the Gypsy
Director of Photography
While accompanying his lady to a fashionable casino, Onésime hears someone playing an overpowering waltz on a mandolin, and he starts dancing with his lady. Everyone, from the kitchen hands to the chef, dance until their out of breath.