When the S.S. American heads out to sea, etiquette and convention head out the portholes as two unlikely pairs set off on the course to true love... proving that sometimes destiny needs a little help from a crew of singing sailors, a comical disguise and some good old-fashioned blackmail. This hilarious musical romp across the Atlantic, directed by the multi-award-winning Broadway director and choreographer Kathleen Marshall, features Cole Porter’s joyful score, including "I Get A Kick Out of You," "You’re the Top" and the show-stopping "Anything Goes."
Theatre Play
A playboy helps a young woman turn her father's Nevada ranch into a haven for divorcees.
Theatre Play
A successful and married, although not quite young, stage actress falls for a young man, who is involved with a young actress who uses him to advance her career and upstage the leading lady.
Выдает ли она себя за дочь последнего русского царя или действительно это она? После блестящей игры Ингрид Бергман ни у кого из зрителей не оставалось сомнений в том, что Анастасия и есть потерянная и несчастная дочь убитого Николая II.
Билл Бенсон и Тэд Адамс должны выступить совместно в большом Бродвейском шоу. Для подготовки своих номеров они отправляются в Париж, где каждый из них в тайне от другого ищет партнершу для номера и, конечно же, находит. Билл блондинку — американку Патси Блэр, а Тэд брюнетку — француженку Габи Дюваль. Обе девушки великолепно танцуют и поют, и каждая из них может стать именно той звездой, которую полюбит вся Америка, но роль солистки только одна. Каждый из парней в тайне от другого приглашает свою претендентку на главную роль на борт трансконтинентального лайнера, который доставит их из Европы в Америку…
On an ocean liner, a nightclub singer tries to help a fellow American romance an English heiress who is being forced to return home to marry a man she doesn't love. The American must avoid his boss who is traveling on the same vessel and disguises himself as a gangster traveling with a minister who is, in fact, a disguised gangster on the lam.
Encomium to Larry Hart (1895-1943), seen through the fictive eyes of his song-writing partner, Richard Rodgers (1902-1979): from their first meeting, through lean years and their breakthrough, to their successes on Broadway, London, and Hollywood. We see the fruits of Hart and Rodgers' collaboration - elaborately staged numbers from their plays, characters' visits to night clubs, and impromptu performances at parties. We also see Larry's scattered approach to life, his failed love with Peggy McNeil, his unhappiness, and Richard's successful wooing of Dorothy Feiner.
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Rich kid Danny Churchill has a taste for wine, women and song, but not for higher education. So his father ships him to an all-male college out West where there's not supposed to be a female for miles. But before Danny arrives, he spies a pair of legs extending out from under a stalled roadster. They belong to the Dean's granddaughter, Ginger Gray, who is more interested in keeping the financially strapped college open than falling for Danny's romantic line. At least at first...
Theatre Play
West Point cadet Dick Thorpe falls in love with a girl, who turns out to be a princess from an European kingdom.
Мария Бэйкер приезжает из Лондона втайне от своего супруга в Париж для встречи со своей давней приятельницей — русской эмигранткой Великой Княгиней Анной Дмитриевной. В доме княгини она случайно знакомится с напористым англичанином Энтони Хэлтон, который с первого взгляда влюбляется в очаровательную незнакомку и назначает ей свидание. Искра любви пробегает между молодыми людьми. Их отношения становятся все серьёзней, но, тем не менее, Мария спешит к мужу в Лондон. Проходит несколько недель. Старый друг навещает супруга Марии, и кто Вы думаете, им оказался?…
Theatre Play
A young man falls in love with a beautiful blonde. When he sees her being forced onto a luxury liner, he decides to follow and rescue her. However, he discovers that she is an English heiress who ran away from home and is now being returned to England. He also discovers that his boss is on the ship. To avoid discovery, he disguises himself as the gangster accomplice of a minister, who is actually a gangster on the run from the law.
Love blossoms after a young man rescues a pretty girl who attempted to drown herself.
A confirmed bachelor takes pity on a young woman and takes her to London.
A British officer in the Camel Corps in Egypt goes undercover to investigate a gang of drug smugglers. He enlists the aid of a female pilot to help break up the gang.
The switchboard operator in an apartment building falls in love with a businessman who lives in the building, whom she has gotten to know only over the phone. When she discovers that the man's current girlfriend is actually part of a scheme to swindle him out of some mineral rights he owns, she devises a plot to save him and expose the con artists.
An ambitious girl who wants to be a cabaret star poses as "Zaza", a French chanteuse, to get a job in a prestigious nightclub. Unfortunately, she finds herself in the middle of a dispute between Mike Kelly, the club's Chicago-born owner, and a group of American gangsters bent on taking over the club. To put pressure on Kelly, the gangsters kidnap "Zaza".
Вена, город безмятежной жизни и уличных кафе. Здесь проживает семья великого композитора Иоганна Штрауса, младший сын которого Иоганн-младший, как и его отец пишет музыку, но к сожалению его произведения никому не интересны, а в добавок ко всему он влюблен в дочь хозяина популярного кафе. Отец девушки, в которую влюблен младший Шани, пытается заставить его забыть увлечение музыкой и работать в пекарне, поскольку он с пренебрежением относится к музыкантам и не считает это достойным делом для мужчины. Волею судьбы молодой человек получает шанс доказать всем, что он как и отец может написать хороший вальс. Графиня Хельга фон Стал, услышав как он играет, предложила написать ему вальс на ее стихи о голубом Дунае, который она впоследствии берется опубликовать…
Shirley, a married woman, who is fed up of her husband's incessant nagging, decides to go on a cruise. Her husband also gets on the cruise as a worker in the barber shop to keep an eye on her.
After becoming involved in a killing, Kiddo gets on board Boyton's ship. When he learns what happened he dumps her on a South Sea island.
Russian beauty Anita Mellikovna, traveling by train with a forged passport and carrying jewels, finds the police on her tail.
A young girl from Sunnybrook goes to live with her wealthy relatives and falls in love with a doctor. Adapted from Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous novel.
Американский детективный фильм 1932 года, снятый Генри Кингом по сценарию Гая Болтона и Макса Марчина.
Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Intricate, soapy drama of romance, heartbreak, and murder amongst a diverse group of sweepstakes winners visiting a newspaper tycoon's estate.
New York playboy Danny Churchill is sent to a small town in Arizona, where being sheriff is very dangerous, to keep away from girls, but he decides to open a dude ranch there. He asks his friend Slick, a professional gambler and his wife Kitty, to help him. Slick decides to go there in a cab, driven by shy Jimmy. Jimmy's younger sister Tessie also travels there. There Danny has fallen in love with Molly, but troubles arise for him when the local heavy decides that he doesn't like the ranch and announces running for sheriff. Danny and Slick got the idea that Jimmy would be the ideal candidate, especially because of the fact that the heavy has announced he would kill another sheriff. With some help Jimmy is elected, but Molly leaves Danny with a New York shyster for Mexico. Mitzi, Danny, Kitty, Patsy - Jimmy's sweetheart as well as Jimmy and Slick follow her to win her heart back for Danny, but they are followed by the local heavy and his friend.
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
An American ambassador arrives in a small country that is being convulsed by political intrigue and civil unrest. He befriends the young boy who is to be the country's king, to ensure that the boy is prepared to take on the role and also to see that he lives long enough to assume the crown.
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
Пока роскошный океанский лайнер пересекает Атлантический океан, зрители узнают о страданиях нескольких его пассажиров. Эдмунд Лоу возглавляет актерский состав в роли Монти Грира, учтивого игрока, который влюбляется в Джуди (Лоис Моран), дочь иммигранта, точильщика линз Рудольфа Крамера (Джин Херсхольт). Пытаясь вернуть некоторые ценные бумаги, украденные у банкира Генри Грэма (Джон Халлидей), Грир оказывается в эпицентре ожесточенной перестрелки в машинном отделении корабля. Между тем, Грэм, изменявший своей жене Кей (Мирна Лой) с сексуальной танцовщицей Сигрид Карлин (Грета Ниссен), убит неизвестным лицом или лицами. И это только три сюжета этого удивительно сложного корабельного триллера.
A wealthy London nobleman hires a pretty but poor young girl to distract his playboy son from marrying a golddigger. Complications ensue when the girl and the father begin to fall for each other, and things get even more complicated when the son declares his love for her, too.
Two phony fortune tellers get mixed up with gypsies.
В небольшом европейском королевстве Сильвания, все граждане, начиная от дворников и заканчивая кабинетом министров, переживают, что молодая королева Луиза не замужем. Граф Рене — военный атташе королевы был с позором выслан из Франции за многочисленные любовные романы в Париже с женами высокопоставленных чиновников, возвращается в Сильванию, чтобы отчитаться перед королевой за свои любовные проделки. Королева, прочитав отчет, загадочно улыбнулась и пригласила графа на ужин в свои апартаменты. Не прошло и двух дней, как была объявлена свадьба Рене и королевы, граф Рене стал принцем Рене и мужем королевы, но этот жизненный шаг не принес счастья молодому человеку. На деле оказалось, что он не имеет ни каких прав в управлении государством, он не король, он просто муж при королеве. Это обстоятельство так расстроило Рене, что он решил развестись…
Theatre Play
Capt. James Stewart pursues the bandit "The Kinkajou" over the Mexican border and falls in love with Rita. He suspects, that her brother is the bandit.
Gerald Sumner, a young physician and confirmed bachelor, opens his office and finds that he is without patients until a fond mother brings him her son, Bud Woodbridge, whose malady Sumner diagnoses as "love sickness."
On the eve of her wedding Lady Kay Rutfield runs off aboard her sloop. A storm carries her out to sea and she is rescued by a passing rumrunner bound for the Long Island Sound. Once they arrive in the States, Kay makes her escape and hides in the deserted mansion of Jimmy Winter. Jimmy is due to marry the following day. He comes home to the mansion unexpectedly, and finds Kay, who persuades him to let her pose for a night as his wife.
Two engaged vaudeville magicians quarrel and go their separate ways.
A silent film version of the Gershwin stage musical
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Alan Trent (Ronald Colman), his cousin Gerald Shannon (Wyndham Standing) and neighbor Kitty Vane (Vilma Bánky) have grown up together, as close playmates When World War I starts, both Alan and Gerald enlist in the British Army as officiers, and Kitty sees them off to war. Many months later, Alan and Gerald come back to Kitty, on a short furlow. Alan and Kitty reveal their love for each other. Gerald (who's in love with Kitty, too) congratulates his friends. But before Kitty and Alan can arrange to be married the next day, the furlow is cut short and both men head back to the front lines. Weeks later, Gerald will not give Alan leave to marry Kitty. Still arguing, both men volunteer for a reconiscience raid into enemy lines, where a grenade goes off near Alan and appears to kill him. Gerald and Kitty mourn Alan's death. After the war ends, Gerald and Kitty become engaged to be married.
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Sally is a 1925 American silent romantic comedy film starring Colleen Moore.
Theatre Play
Robert Andrews hosts a large party and there stages his own murder, to keep bank examiner Alfred Austin from examining the records of his bank.
An extravagant girl reforms when her father goes bust.
Theatre Play
A 1921 film.
Polly Shannon takes a job as a maid to earn money to go to Paris and study opera. She becomes embroiled in a scheme by her two employers to help their friend in the love of a woman who does not fancy him: She will pretend to be interested in their friend instead. The film has been lost.
Theatre Play
A silent film version of the Kern-Bolton-Wodehouse "Princess Theatre" musical. The story concerns an engaged young man, Bill, whose ex-fiancée arrives unexpectedly on his wedding day. Meanwhile, comic complications arise because of a couple of crooks, the bride's mother dislikes the groom, and the nuptials are called off. Bill works to convince his old flame that he was not worthy to marry her; but his clumsy efforts do not make him look good to his new fiancée.
Oh Boy! 1919 film