Florentín Groll

Рождение : 1945-08-09, Vöcklabruck, Austria


Ибица, начало девяностых. Джо — двадцатипятилетний композитор. Он приехал из Берлина, чтобы стать частью назревающей революции электронной музыки, получив для начала идеальную работу в качестве ди-джея в новом ночном клубе «Амнезия». Марта живет одна в своем доме у моря в течение сорока лет. Однажды ночью, заинтригованный ее одиночеством, Джо стучит в ее дверь. Они становятся друзьями, но тайны вокруг нее не дают ему покоя: то виолончель в углу, на которой она отказывается играть, то немецкий язык, на котором она отказывается говорить … Постепенно Джо вовлекает ее в его мир музыки техно, и Марта ставит под вопрос все то, чем она жила раньше
Kafka Ganja Maniacs
Five university students are required to write a paper on a Kafka short story. In a smoke cloud of inspiration, they take a road trip to film it instead.
The Decent One
Gehbard Himmler (voice)
Through previously undiscovered private letters, photos and diaries that were found in the Himmler family house in 1945, the "The Decent One" exposes a unique and at times uncomfortable access to the life and mind of the merciless "Architect of the Final Solution" Heinrich Himmler.
Shirley: Visions of Reality
A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. "Office at Night", "Western Motel", "Usherette", "A Woman in the Sun") into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.
Breathing Out
The story of an old married couple. As she dies his imagination calls her back to life and they have a wonderful time together like they didn’t have for many years....
Sisi... und ich erzähle euch die Wahrheit
Dr. Hermann Widerhofer / Erzähler
September 11, 1898: The imperial family’s personal physician, Dr. Herman Widerhofer, is deeply shocked by the news that an anarchist has assassinated Empress Elisabeth in Geneva. He then shuts himself up in his private rooms and recalls the empress’ fateful life. We learn the truth about Elisabeth, as the doctor knew more about her than anyone else.
Das Mädchen auf dem Meeresgrund
Charles Whitmore
When Hans Hass seeks a secretary for his Viennese office in the summer of 1947, Lotte Baierl applies for the job. She has just graduated from high school and is a big fan of Hass. Lotte is learning how to handle diving equipment and underwater cameras, as she wants to participate in the next expedition. Hass, who is initially against the participation of a woman, changes his mind. The TV movie tells the story of the two diving pioneers.
История австрийского художника Густава Климта, чьи отличающиеся эротизмом работы стали олицетворением модерна.
Красная скрипка
Anton von Spielmann (Vienna)
Накануне аукциона группа экспертов, возглавляемая Чарльзом Моррицем, исследует необычную по своему цвету и идеально звучащую старинную скрипку. Выясняется ее удивительное прошлое. Созданная в семнадцатом веке итальянским мастером Николо Буссоти, скрипка загадочным образом вершит судьбы своих владельцев, даруя и отнимая любовь, а порой и саму жизнь. Понимая истинную ценность скрипки, неизмеримую деньгами, словно завороженный, Морриц пытается стать ее обладателем.
Es war doch Liebe
Jan, a freelance journalist, and Sabine, the mother of his two children and a textile designer, have no money. Sabine is abandoned by her husband and then gets caught up in the bureaucracy. A sober psychogram of a woman who is fighting and hoping for her life and everyday life.
Ein Anfang von etwas
Herbert lives a rather simple life, left to his own devices. He works as a projectionist in a shabby Viennese movie theater and lives alone with his red nameless cat in the free caretaker's apartment of a somewhat run-down apartment building. Now and then he visits his mother in a nursing home, meets with an old friend of his father, or comes to meetings of a savings club. Saving money is pretty much the center of his life because he has a dream. He wants to emigrate to the U.S. to buy his own movie theater and to reunite with his long-lost father. But when Rita, a young student, moves into the apartment building things in his life are changed completely.
Ihr glücklichen Augen
Jonathana und die Hexe
Assistant Director
A seven-year-old girl living in Salzburg with her father makes friends with an old witch.
Jonathana und die Hexe
La père
A seven-year-old girl living in Salzburg with her father makes friends with an old witch.
Der Waldbauernbub - Weihnacht in der Waldheimat
Hans von Reininghaus
The famous styrian writer Peter Rosegger was born on the 31st of July 1843 on the “Kluppeneggerhof” (N 47°29.715` E 015°37.779`). After having been an apprentice to the local tailor he tried to gain some education by himself during the years 1865 – 1869 but finally ended up attending the “Akademie für Handel und Industrie in Graz”. Due to scholarships he even was able to start his writing career during these years, so that in 1870 his first book of poems “Zither und Hackbrett”, written in styrian dialect, was published.
Judit is up to her neck in art studies and the elitist art community but chucks it all to pursue a successful career as a billiard professional -- not exactly a likely alternative in real life, but certainly more lucrative. Just as she is finally at the apex of her chosen second field, Judit encounters male jealously and/or aggression in the form of intentional snubs from this different class of snobs, or in the worse instances, rape. Director Kitty Kino portrays many of the male figures in this film as weak, or drunk, or simply offensive, and because of the emphasis on those traits, the film will raise objections from some viewers. On the other hand, many women might see this film and feel that at least it brings up the difficulties women can face in getting ahead in a male-dominated arena, instead of side-stepping or ignoring the role of male prejudice.
Vienna in the eighties. An accidental meeting in a restaurant. She, Hannah, is Jewish and has a live-in lover, a young and successful architect. He, Friedrich, is a German and lives permanently in Vienna. Two worlds collide with another, begin to become entangled in each other. Friedrich too, has his problems. He is a "German", which fascinates and repels Hannah at the same time. She tries to get over her confusion by being ironic and flirtatious. Simultaneously, what she has tried to suppress breaks through in flashbacks...