Yves Arnault


Meurtres dans le Jura
Jean Prieur
François Delabre, billionaire on the decline, has locked himself inside his mansion. For several days, he has been hearing mysterious noises which seem to come closer… Actually, everything may have started on the day he found his wife overdosed. For weeks, her dead body has been left to decompose…
Day of the Comet
Professeur Fractal
In the summer of 1986, Halley's comet ended its race around the Earth, after 76 years of absence. As a meteorite debris disintegrates in the earth's atmosphere, Howard, Ana and Daryl, three residents of the small town of Mont-Vallée, each wish for a better life, believing to see a shooting star ... Three wishes answered literally that will generate the worst disasters in the neighborhood. And it is now armed with their only courage that our three "losers" will have to surpass themselves to repair the damage.
Книга теней
Le Directeur
В тюремной камере — четверо заключённых: обвинённый в мошенничестве директор фирмы Каррер, мечтающий о смене пола транссексуал Маркус, умственно неполноценный по прозвищу Маргаритка и обвиненный в убийстве жены пожилой интеллигент Лассаль. Однажды за вывалившимся из стены кирпичом сокамерники находят старую книгу: дневник заключённого по имени Данвер, сидевшего в их камере в начале прошлого века. В дневнике есть магические заклинания, которые могут помочь арестантам бежать из тюрьмы. Но вскоре после находки в камере начинают происходить жуткие и необъяснимые события…
L'amour ou presque
Without warning, Mélie disembarks on the cargo ship where her father has the sailor's blues. He remembers his drifts and his friend Max who used to get him into some crazy situations. He remembers Alice and Luc whom he decided to avenge. He has his grenade ready. But Melie has just arrived.