During the Republic of China, a Beijing Opera actor named Wu Yuqin specializes in performing in female roles. He takes the stage name Qiu Haitang and is invited to dinner by an admiring warlord Yuan. He later meets Luo Xiangqi, a graduate of a female performance school. The two of them fall in love but it turns out that she is warlord Yuan's wife...
A melodrama about the couple Zhu Dongxin and Ma Nina.
Dr. Wang
В основу фильма положена судьба актрисы Ай Ся, которая покончила жизнь самоубийством в Шанхае в 1934 г. На следующий год актриса Жуань Линъюй, которая играет главную роль в этом фильме, также покончила с собой.
Xie Lijun, a young married woman, is bored by her husband Wang Qiping and attracted to Chen Mengtian, a superficially more appealing and apparently richer man. Chen tells her not to worry if her husband discovers their involvement: he will simply have a lawyer friend start divorce proceedings.