Milan Šećerović


Attack Against the Assembly
Milka is a state employee in the office for approval of the applications for registration of political parties. Her problem is how to make his escaped husband back, while her clients are only worried how to seize power.
Balkan Perestroika
Осовремененная комедия по роману Бранислава Нушича о жизни и работе «мелкого фабриканта», его профессиональных и семейных отношениях.
Happy End
Father goes on a honeymoon with his American wife, but the children go along with them.
The Balkan Mass-Media Sciences
An eminent communist wants to make his son a respected person so he could live without much trouble. He fails to accomplish that due to his son's different vision of success.
Ever-Ready Women
Seven women are sick of working in poor conditions on a farm. They steal a tractor and go to the city.
The Trojan Horse
During the WWII, the communist resistance, with the help of a few local anti-fascists, makes sabotage and obstructs the actions of the Yugoslav quislings.
Svetozar Markovic
A biopic of an influential Serbian political activist, literary critic and philosopher. Svetozar Markovic developed an activist anthropological philosophy with a definite program of social change, which set foundations for socialist ideals in his homeland.
The Last Race
Twelve-year-old son of a divorced parents live in a skyscraper, but the drab of urban living is somewhat improved by the proximity of hippodrome and horse farm. Boy's favorite is a former champion named Evergreen, a stud whom the administration decides to sell to the slaughterhouse. After an unsuccessful attempt to change their mind, children steal the horse and disappear. After realizing what this horse mean to them, they give it as a present to the boy's class.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
The Bitter Part of River
While trying to push away a little boy who keeps coming near his cottage at the river, a whimsical mayor meets boy's mother. These people find hard to make contacts because of their own troublemarks from the past, even though they know that the common effort is needed for the future and survival.