Kiyoko Hirai

Kiyoko Hirai

Рождение : 1914-09-24, Tottori, Tottori Prefecture, Japan


Kiyoko Hirai


The Woman Champion
Fifth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
The Pit of Death
Michiko Yukawa
Horror film directed by Koji Shima.
Большая белая башня
Профессор медицинского факультета одного из университетов собирается уходить на пенсию. На это место претендует молодой способный хирург Горо Дзайдзэн. Он талантлив. Он прекрасен своей щедрой одарённостью, своим ненасытным упоением жизнью и своими успехами, этот сын нищей крестьянки, с неимоверным трудом выбившийся в люди. И всё-таки Дзайдзэн конченый человек, ибо со студенческих лет принял условия игры, в которой все средства хороши. И его самонадеянность, пренебрежение к длительным клиническим исследованиям и к мнению товарищей по профессии вызывают опасения у профессуры университета. Чтобы получить большинство голосов на выборах, Горо использует любые средства для закулисных интриг: связи, подкуп, шантаж.
Beast Alley
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Teinen Taishoku
Новая повесть о Гэндзи
Хотя фильм снят не по прославленному роману Мурасаки-сикибу, а по произведению Мацутаро Кавагути, он довольно неплохо отражает дух классического источника и культуру Хэйян, основанную на чувствах, оттенках, обертонах и ароматах.
Женщина рождается дважды
По роману "Дневник Коэн" Цунэо Томиты. Томоко Исобэ сама ищет свою дорогу в жизни. Её родители погибли во время войны, и у неё нет другой возможности заработать, кроме как обслуживать клиентов в роли гейши Коэн. Она довольно расчетлива и бережлива, но мужчины всегда могут её обмануть. Наконец, она встречает пожилого архитектора господина Цуцуй, который не только готов её содержать, но и пытается воспитывать её, как дочь. Он озабочен тем, чтобы у неё было своё дело в жизни. Томоко старается изменить свои взгляды и идеалы.
Бродячая принцесса
Tsuruko Takahashi
Пу Цзе, младший брат императора Маньчжурии Пу И, женится на Рюко, дочери старой аристократической семьи — всё в интересах японских правителей, которые узаконивают отношения между Японией и её марионеточным государством. К удивлению всех, развивается глубокая любовь между Пу Цзе и Рюко. Когда Япония проигрывает войну, Маньчжурия распускается, и императорский двор должен бежать. Влюбленные теперь должны расстаться: Пу Цзе пытается сбежать в Японию со своим братом, а Рюко бежит со своей дочерью Эйсей по всей стране.
Gambler and the Princess
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
A Mother's Journey
Chance Meeting
Mrs. Sekine
Aya successfully stages a fashion show in Osaka and in the train on her way home to Tokyo accidentally treads on a man's foot. The man whose name is Rentaro is not amused. Just afterwards she notices that he is reading a magazine which carries her picture which he crushes and throws under his seat. One of her customers in Tokyo is a pretty girl named Kana for whom she had designed a dress which at first seems quite satisfactory. But a few days later Kana brings it back. It seems her brother thinks it terrible. But when Kana brings the dress back she meets Aya's brother, Takeshi, with whom she becomes friendly and Takeshi gives her a new dress which he smuggles out of his sister's office. When Aya finds Kana's discarded dress and misses one belonging to another customer she goes to see Kana's brother, and to her surprise finds him to be the fellow whose foot she'd stepped upon in the train...
Kodokan Under a Morning Moon
The picture tells of a tremendous conflict between ju-jitsu, an aggressive art practiced by vicious hoodlums led by Takamatsu, and judo, which is used only for self-defense and championed by Sugawara. All of which, comes to a mighty match between Sugawara and Takamatsu. It's loaded with dynamite, so to speak, and lasts five minutes on the screen, Sugawara, wins. Takamatsu, a poor loser, and his four ju-jitsu hoodlum companions later ambush Sugawara in the woods. This turns out to be a mortal combat. You'd like to learn the outcome, wouldn't you?
Dancing Girl
In Asakusa, Tokyo, a couple of a violinist Yamano and a revue dancer Hanae lives in poverty. One day Hanae’s little sister rolls into their apartment and begins to stir things up with her riotousness.
Tokyo Crime Map
An exciting film about thugs, in which murders and drugs, justice and resentment explode in the dark city of Tokyo with the help of guns and violence.
Warning from Space
Mrs. Matsuda
Large star shaped aliens travel to earth in hopes of warning them about an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about their appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.
The Romance of Yushima
Hayase, a schoolteacher, assists Sakai in editing a German-Japanese dictionary. Hayase owes much to Sakai, as Sakai raised him for 13 years after Hayase lost his parents in a war. Hayase has been secretly married to Otsuta, a former geisha, and has been unable to tell Sakai of the marriage, aware as he is that Sakai wants him to marry his daughter, Taeko. Otsuta wants Hayase to tell Sakai about her, but understands the difficulty of his position. At a festival, Otsuta is mistaken for a pickpocket and taken to the police. Because of her background as a geisha, newspaper reporters eagerly delve into her past and report that she has been married to Hayase. Unaware of what has been printed in the papers, Hayase decides to tell Sakai about his marriage. Sakai shows the newspaper to him and orders Hayase to part with Otsuta. Given no chance to explain, Hayase accepts Sakai's order.
A Geisha on Horseback
Based on the original work of Akutagawa Prize-winning writer Ashihei Hino, the film depicts the love of the proud geisha Nobukichi Hakata in the early Taisho era.
1953 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Zoku jûdai no seiten
Yuriko Shigeno
Film directed by Saeki Kozo with Wakao Ayako.
Zoku jûdai no seiten
Film directed by Saeki Kozo with Wakao Ayako.
This Way, That Way
An intellectual couple in a staid and tedious marriage are surprised when the wife’s niece, who has run away from home, turns up unexpectedly to stay with them. Their mundane lives are sent into disarray by the emotional and energetic Ako.
The Lady of Musashino
Tamiko Miyaji
Set in post-war Japan, The Lady of Musashino tells the story of Michiko, a disillusioned young woman trapped in a loveless marriage. She confides in her younger cousin, Tsutomo, and the two become close, but decide not to consummate their affair. He instead becomes involved with the flirtatious Tomiko, who is also conducting an affair with Michiko's husband. When Michiko finds that her husband has abandoned her, she decides to take her fate into her own hands.
Госпожа Ою
История о странном любовном треугольнике, в который попали он и две сестры. Шинносуке — завидный жених, которого прочат в мужья Шизу. Однако он влюбляется в старшую сестру невесты, вдовую Ою.
The Man Without a Nationality
Madam of Bar "Emerald"
Thriller drama by Kon Ichikawa
Паланкин в тумане
Исторический детектив, в котором необычный священник раскрывает истину о странной смерти служанки в гареме сёгуна.
Street of Violence
Toki Miyano
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.
The Rainbow Man
Shimako Maya
When a young woman is named as the prime suspect in a murder, her girlfriend and her girlfriend's boyfriend set out to prove her innocence. Their investigation leads them to an isolated, creepy house in the middle of nowhere, where sinister goings-on abound.
Ghost Tower
Horror film directed by Kôzô Saeki.
Palette knife no satsujin
Based on the short story The Psychological Test by Edogawa Rampo.
Masujiro Omura
A story about Ômura Masujirô