Mark Fletcher


Patrick and the Whale
Marine videographer Patrick Dykstra explores the wondrous world of whales in this breathtaking and revealing documentary.
The Witness is a Whale
Archival footage, hidden documents, and personal records reveal one of the greatest environmental crimes of the 20th century: the secret and illegal slaughter of hundreds of thousands of whales by the Soviet Union and Japan during the Cold War.
Der Große Panda
Der Große Panda
Dream Big: Engineering Our World
Narrated by Academy Award® winner Jeff Bridges, DREAM BIG: Engineering Our World is a first film of its kind for IMAX® and giant screen theaters that will transform how we think about engineering. From the Great Wall of China and the world's tallest buildings to underwater robots, solar cars and smart, sustainable cities, DREAM BIG celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small, and shows how engineers push the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways. With its inspiring stories of human grit and aspiration, and extraordinary visuals for the world's largest screens, DREAM BIG reveals the compassion and creativity that drive engineers to create better lives for people and a more sustainable future for us all. DREAM BIG is a MacGillivray Freeman film produced in partnership with American Society of Civil Engineers and presented by Bechtel Corporation.
PBS Природа - Дом животных
Животные строят дома по тем же самым причинам, что и люди, но они начали это делать гораздо гораздо раньше человека... Дома животных могут быть очень простыми, но иногда ни похожи на настоящее архитектурное чудо. Все эти сооружения - вне зависимости от того, нора это, гнездо или еще что-либо - это места, где разворачиваются драмы и где порой происходят очень неординарные события... В этом фильме мы увидим признанных мастеров по части постройки домов - термитов и трудолюбивых бобров, а также подлинных гениев маскировки - птиц-шалашников, умело маскирующих вход в свое жилище яркими цветами, отвлекающими на него внимание... В этом фильме мы попробуем взглянуть на жизнь разнообразных обитателей дикой природы в их "домашних условиях"...
Desert Seas
Sir David Attenborough unveils the two stunning underwater realms of Saudi Arabia - the flamboyant Red Sea and the contrasting hot muddy Gulf, capturing for the first time the rare event of Palolo worms spawning at night.
Desert Seas
Sir David Attenborough unveils the two stunning underwater realms of Saudi Arabia - the flamboyant Red Sea and the contrasting hot muddy Gulf, capturing for the first time the rare event of Palolo worms spawning at night.
Nature: The Himalayas
The highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayan range is far reaching, spanning thousands of miles, and holds within it an exceptionally diverse ecology. Coniferous and subtropical forests, wetlands, and montane grasslands are as much a part of this world as the inhospitable, frozen mountaintops that tower above. The word Himalaya is Sanskrit for abode of snow, fitting for a stretch of land that houses the world’s largest non polar ice masses. Extensive glacial networks feed Asia's major rivers including the Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra. More than a billion people rely on these glacier-fed water sources for drinking water and agriculture. The Himalayas are not only a remarkable expanse of natural beauty. They're also crucial for our survival.
Ocean Oasis
Ocean Oasis is a fascinating journey into the bountiful seas and pristine deserts of two remarkably different, but inextricably linked worlds — Mexico's Sea of Cortés and the Baja California desert.