Joe Pontecorvo


Premiers pas dans les Rocheuses
BEARTREK is a conservation story wrapped in an adventure. Follow adventurer and renowned biologist Chris Morgan on an epic and entertaining journey to find the world's most elusive and endangered bears. Discover the threats facing them in the wild, meet the dedicated people racing to save them from extinction, and join the campaign to protect bears and their habitat.
BEARTREK is a conservation story wrapped in an adventure. Follow adventurer and renowned biologist Chris Morgan on an epic and entertaining journey to find the world's most elusive and endangered bears. Discover the threats facing them in the wild, meet the dedicated people racing to save them from extinction, and join the campaign to protect bears and their habitat.
BEARTREK is a conservation story wrapped in an adventure. Follow adventurer and renowned biologist Chris Morgan on an epic and entertaining journey to find the world's most elusive and endangered bears. Discover the threats facing them in the wild, meet the dedicated people racing to save them from extinction, and join the campaign to protect bears and their habitat.
BEARTREK is a conservation story wrapped in an adventure. Follow adventurer and renowned biologist Chris Morgan on an epic and entertaining journey to find the world's most elusive and endangered bears. Discover the threats facing them in the wild, meet the dedicated people racing to save them from extinction, and join the campaign to protect bears and their habitat.
BEARTREK is a conservation story wrapped in an adventure. Follow adventurer and renowned biologist Chris Morgan on an epic and entertaining journey to find the world's most elusive and endangered bears. Discover the threats facing them in the wild, meet the dedicated people racing to save them from extinction, and join the campaign to protect bears and their habitat.
Снежные обезьяны
В холодных долинах Японского Шигского нагорья отряд снеговых обезьян пробирается и воспитывает свои семьи в сложном обществе ранга и привилегии, где каждый знает свое место. Их лидер по-прежнему новичок в работе и что-то вроде уединения. Но одна маленькая обезьяна, невинно не подозревающая о своем скромном социальном ранге, обращается к этому одинокому вождю, образуя связь с ним, которая со временем согревает свое менее солнечное расположение. Это редкий и замечательный жест, который изменяет их жизнь. Изменение сезонов приносит новых младенцев, которым нужно заботиться, обилие насекомых и цветов, чтобы поесть, семейные разногласия, чтобы ссориться и трагедии преодолеть. Сезон спаривания приносит конкуренцию женщинам, так как дни растут короче и холоднее в спешке к зиме. Но с их теперь уверенным лидером, чтобы вести их и их семьи, чтобы укрыться и ухаживать за ними, этот отряд снежных обезьян готов встретить мир.
Nature: Bears of the Last Frontier
Director of Photography
Nature joins adventurer and bear biologist Chris Morgan on a year-long motorcycle odyssey deep into Alaska's bear country to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of these majestic animals as they struggle to make a living in five dramatically diverse Alaskan ecosystems: coastal, urban, mountain, tundra, and pack ice.
Nature: Bears of the Last Frontier
Nature joins adventurer and bear biologist Chris Morgan on a year-long motorcycle odyssey deep into Alaska's bear country to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of these majestic animals as they struggle to make a living in five dramatically diverse Alaskan ecosystems: coastal, urban, mountain, tundra, and pack ice.
Nature: Bears of the Last Frontier
Nature joins adventurer and bear biologist Chris Morgan on a year-long motorcycle odyssey deep into Alaska's bear country to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of these majestic animals as they struggle to make a living in five dramatically diverse Alaskan ecosystems: coastal, urban, mountain, tundra, and pack ice.