A romance between the painters and writers: Dr. Atl and Nahui Olin arises in this era, the 20's, while Jose Vasconcelos founded the Ministry of Education and call all the intellectuals of the country for this project. Mr. President Alvaro Obregon, who feels devotion for the intellectuals allows one of the most important cultaral crusades of our history. In this liberal atmosphere where gays, the divorce, the vote for women, began to be accepted, several of our protagonists are given in love within a whirl of ideas, passions, political and ideological propositions.
Aide de camp
An international award winning saga of old Mexico. In 1528, a Spanish expedition flounders off the coast of Florida with 600 lives lost. One survivor, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, roams across the American continent searching for his Spanish comrades. Instead, he discovers the Iguase, an ancient Indian tribe. Over the next eight years, Cabeza de Vaca learns their mystical and mysterious culture, becoming a healer and a leader. But soon this New World collides with the Old World as Spanish conquistadors seek to enslave the Indians, and Cabeza de Vaca must confront his own people and his past.
El rolo
The lives of Rolo, Chino and Boby take different courses since the student movement of the 60’s. Some years later, the friends meet again. Rolo has turned into a guerrilla fighter, Boby into a businessman and Chino into an embittered and solitary man.
The Cast Aways saga continues as the shipwrecked islanders discover a cave full of buried treasures, along with the bones of Pirates. They use the cave as a shelter and plan an escape with the loot. Before their plan is complete, a ship arrives with pirates, lead by a young woman, who have come to claim their treasure as their own, and a battle ensues between them and the shipwrecked islanders.The islanders discover by chance that the new arrivals have no claim to the treasure, and their leader a treasure hunting imposter.
Women escape from prison to search for a treasure whose location has been revealed to them by a dying old woman.
Guerrilla leader
Расселл Прайс воспринимает революцию в Никарагуа через камеру, чтобы дистанцироваться от реальности. В Манагуа его эмоциональная отрешенность от происходящего подвергается испытанию, когда он видит резкий контраст между жизнью сторонников президента Сомосы и тем, что приходится переносить всем остальным в стране…
Young man - mental hospital
Молодой американский журналист Чарли таинственно исчезает во время военного переворота в Чили. Его отец Эд Хормэн и жена отправляются на розыски. Упрямый Эд, твердо верящий в демократические ценности и непременную помощь со стороны «дяди Сэма», никак не может понять, что всякие представления о справедливости здесь надо выбросить за ненадобностью. Что американские представители здесь действуют рука об руку с военной хунтой, пришедшей к власти в результате переворота. Что на отдельного человека всем наплевать. Что Чарли давно убит, как и тысячи других…
Executive Producer
When a group of young filmmakers witness and film a crime of passion, the most outrageous blackmail of the century begins. By means of a fantastic plan, the filmmakers send to the murderer, a financial and industrial big shot, a copy of the movie that incriminates him and they demand him an improvement of the standard of living for the working class.
Antonio Orihuela
When a group of young filmmakers witness and film a crime of passion, the most outrageous blackmail of the century begins. By means of a fantastic plan, the filmmakers send to the murderer, a financial and industrial big shot, a copy of the movie that incriminates him and they demand him an improvement of the standard of living for the working class.
Sex-goddess movie star tries to adapt to housewife status.
Capitán español
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
Executive Producer
Rogelio’s story, a young man of humble origin in the neighborhood of Tepito, who falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy grocer, Michelle, but his marriage to her will be a failure and he will end up as a one more drunk.
Rogelio’s story, a young man of humble origin in the neighborhood of Tepito, who falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy grocer, Michelle, but his marriage to her will be a failure and he will end up as a one more drunk.
В фильме чилийского режиссёра Мигеля Литтина показывается одна из тёмных страниц истории Чили – жестокое подавление восстания рабочих на селитряных рудниках. Будучи в изгнании во времена правления Пиночета, Литин снимал этот фильм на севере Мексики, где климат и пейзаж соответствовали северу Чили – именно тем провинциям, где и происходили описываемые события. Сценарием к фильму послужил роман Патрисио Маннса, написанного им на основе рассказов очевидцев массовых убийств и пыток, происходивших в начале ХХ века, когда хозяевами Чили фактически являлись иностранные капиталисты. В целях адаптации к телетрансляции и, наверное, из морально-этических соображений из фильма были вырезаны сцены насилия солдат над задержанными рабочими и их жёнами в камере пыток, что в некоторой мере преуменьшает понимание эмоциональной составляющей борьбы за свои права и достойную жизнь.
A Jewish family suffers persecution and suffering in the 16th century when they are accused of practicing witchcraft.
Three boys, after participating in the events of 1968 in Mexico, find themselves in the need to get away from the social struggle