Yip San

Yip San


Yip San


Malevolent Mate
Chung Wai Kuen
A woman commits several grisly murders. A few days later, she's arrested by the police and tells in flashbacks which events lead her to commit those crimes.
A female murderer gets involved with a man and becomes intensely jealous.
Thou Shalt Not Swear
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
Days of Tomorrow
A young woman searches for information about her father who starred in the classic movie 'Days of Tomorrow', which she is helping to remake. She finds out about his restless youth, career in the 1970s Hong Kong film industry, and tragic love affair.
Do Unto the Other
Nam's Ex-wife
Hung is back from the previous film On Parole and ready for business.
Happy Partner
Yin lives with his uncle, a compulsive gambler who's piling up debts. Both love May. Yin chauffeurs for the shady Mr. Tanakawa who's selling a stolen missile guidance system. Two young thieves seem to know all Tanakawa's moves. Who's tipping them off? Meanwhile, a ghost whom Tanakawa raped and murdered 40 years before wants revenge and enlists the help of an apprentice Taoist priest. Yin, the ghost, the young thieves, and the apprentice must rescue the kidnaped May and face the forces of guns and magic that Tanakawa musters.
On Parole
Nam's Ex-wife
Women in Hong Kong who have been in prison open a restaurant, but a triad boss tries to shut it down.
No More Love No More Death
Tai zi's mother
The prequel to Taylor Wong's With or Without You finds Prince being raised as a trained assassin by his "father." Meanwhile, he falls in love with Tweedy, a singer who teaches him how to love.
Woman in Lust
Anna love her boyfriend Steven, when at the expense of the dancers, and the earned money is given to Steven to do business, hope one day to live a normal life, but Stephen is a liar .....
Лучший отряд 4
Руководящая курсом мадам Ли панически боится сделать что-нибудь не так. Поэтому неудивительно, что начальство планирует заменить этот отряд на более «продвинутый» – с этой целью в команду Ли поступает суперкрутая мадам Янг, оснащенная по последнему слову техники. Для Ли теперь единственный способ сохранить свой отряд – вернуть в него хотя бы кого-то из тех, кто принес ему славу в предыдущих частях.
Friday Gigolo
Donald (Simon Yam) is a photographer who on Fridays is gigolo. On one particular friday entertaining his client is Sophia (Yau Yuet Ching), a ravenous rich man's wife he witnesses a murder in the street. Unable to report to the police for fear of her husband (who is soon revealed to be Donald's boss!), so Donald reports it to the police and poses as the witness.
With or Without You
Ming's Girlfriend
A cop falls in love with a karaoke singer, while her violent, and psychotic gangster-boyfriend, known as Prince, is away on business.
Спаситель души
Недалекое будущее, Гонконг. Мэй, Чин и Сью Чун — «городские солдаты», как они сами себя называют, а на деле — частные детективы. Когда-то Мэй ослепила и посадила какого-то подонка, у которого был ученик Серебряный Лис, поклявшийся отомстить ей. Когда Лис начинает свою охоту, под удар попадает не только Мэй, но и Чин с Сью Чуном, поэтому Мэй решает покинуть их, несмотря на то, что оба ее друга уже давно влюблены в нее и уже оба сделали ей предложение.
Вечеринка многочисленной семьи
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Ms Liu
Ее взлет к славе был стремителен. Жуань Линъюй начала сниматься в кино в 16 лет и почти сразу стала любимой актрисой немого китайского кинематографа, но меньше чем через десять лет, в расцвете красоты и на пике успеха, свела счеты с жизнью…
Red Shield
A pair of detectives are after a smuggling ring, and when they come to the leader, they need back-up by a navy seals team - as the traffickers possess not only drugs, but heavy military equipment.
Лучший отряд 3
Наши старые знакомые офицер Кан и мадам Ву поженились, и мадам Ву по такому случаю даже уволилась из полиции – теперь она обычная домохозяйка. Поэтому когда начальство решает заслать группу инспекторш на плавучее казино, где творятся какие-то темные делишки, им приходится назначить их начальником Кана.
Семь воинов
In the early 1920's of China, seven former soldiers band together to defend a helpless village against a group of vicious bandits in this Hong Kong remake of Seven Samurai.
Starry Is the Night
As Cai Mei, a single 40 year old woman and a social worker starts a relationship with a teen-ager Tian-Ah, she remembers her relationship when she was young with her professor, a married man older than her.
Devil and the Ghostbuster
Beautiful Wan Wen Zheng plays a ghost bent on revenge. Originally killed while being raped, she gives supernatural fighting powers to a Kung Fu boxerin this rather slow, atmospheric, serious film.
Long Arm of the Law II
San's girlfriend
This sequel to the critically-acclaimed box-office winner Long Arm of the Law maintains the same stark realism of the original. In Saga Two, the Royal Hong Kong Police put into operation a new plan to counteract the problem of increasing violent crimes committed by new arrivals from across the border in China. In agreement with Chinese authorities, three Hong Kong detectives go undercover as illegal immigrants in order to infiltrate the powerful gang that is organizing the crime wave. The action is tough and graphic, reminiscent of The French Connection, Hong Kong style.
Ninja Evil Strike
Ninja Evil Strike is a Martial Arts movie starring Anthony Wong