Sylvie Granotier

Sylvie Granotier

Рождение : 1961-03-19, Alger, Algeria


Sylvie Granotier


La vengeance sans visage
Marie is an executive in an airport. During a rafting trip, she meets Maxime, a parachuting and wingsuit enthusiast. However, she is unaware that Maxime and his gang are looting airport cash-in-transit vehicles and planning a robbery. To ensure Marie's silence, Sofia - leader of the gang - sabotages her parachute during an initiation. Marie falls 2,000 meters but miraculously survives. A year later, handicapped, she took refuge in her parents' house in Gap, her hometown. Until the day Marie meets Sofia, who thinks she is dead and does not recognize her. Marie decides to take revenge by luring them into a new robbery. But Luc Ferraz, a BRI officer looking for the source of the gang's information, is not to be trusted. Marie has the ideal profile. So Luc pretends to be an assistant to her in order to trace the robbers.
Тайны южного канала
Madeleine Richomme
Убита жена известного судьи, и талантливому парижскому полицейскому предстоит непростое расследование. Чтобы раскрыть дело как можно скорее, она берет в помощники местного жандарма, который хорошо знает район и все местные легенды...
D'un monde à l'autre
The Wake
Over there, in his village at the foot of the mountains, he’s dead. His face radiant and his body at peace, he lies on the bed. Then they can gather around him. Three days long they talk, drink, weep, fight and remember… And they smile, too.
Elles... Les filles du Plessis
In the 1970s, the house of Plessis welcomes young pregnant minors. Even though these unborn children are the fruit of love or rape, in this institution, a single slogan: put these girls in the right way. But the day when the revolt rumbles, the mechanism fails... A story deliberately based on real events.
The First Summer
Two sisters meet up late one summer to clear out the house of their deceased grandparents.
Silent Summer
The movie focuses on Kristine, an art historian. Kristine's personal life take a dramatic twist when the whole family is gathering together and the secrets of the past are being revealed at her gracious mansion in the French countryside.
Roxana's Hands
Marjorie Denker
Roxana Orlac, a famous violinist, loses the use of her hands in a terrible lift accident. Her career as a virtuoso seems to be over until Professor Christansen offers her a transplant of two new hands. What he omits to tell her is that the two hands in question belonged to a woman who murdered her own children. When unexplained incidents happen, followed by a murder in Roxana's entourage, she starts to wonder whether her new hands may be committing crimes of which she's unaware. Police Capitain Almeida, in charge of the investigation, falls in love with Roxana, but she remains the prime suspect. Is it possible that Roxana's hands are urging Roxana to do terrible things she's not even conscious of? Or is she the victim of some terrible plot?
Un soupçon d'innocence
In a rural setting on the weather-beaten French Atlantic coast, the ten year old daughter of a single mother is implicated in murder. Crime scene evidence contradicts the story of the talented, introverted child as expressed in her Mangas.
C'est mon tour
Не оглядывайся
Nadia 2
Жанна — писательница, замужем, имеет двоих детей. Она начинает замечать тревожащие её изменения в доме. Её тело начинает меняться. Но никто вокруг неё, кажется, этого не замечает. Семья списывает страхи Жанны на стресс, связанный с выходом её новой книги, но сама она понимает, что что-то другое, более глубокое и волнующее имеет место быть.Увиденное на фотографии побуждает Жанну отправится в Италию на поиски одной женщины. И там, преобразовавшись в другую женщину, РозаМарию, она наконец-то поймёт странный секрет её истинной сущности.
De sang et d'encre
Isabelle Beaulieu
Julie Martial, impetuous and headstrong young editor, receives large red envelopes crimes committed just 24 hours later. Marc Simon, of the homicide squad, try to make the connection between the victims, who do not know and apparently have nothing in common. The case caused an outcry in the press, which refers to "the murderer with the ink stamp." Because the murderer signs his crimes with a number branded on the forehead of its victims. While Marc Simon and his men face this conundrum, Julia receives a letter of great concern: this time, the mass murderer describes his own death ...
Frozen Memories
Isabelle Santini
Penn sardines
Madame Grivault
In 1924, female workers in a sardine cannery in Brittany went on strike.
Coup de vice
La femme
A woman picks up a stranded motorist on the side of the road. Once inside her vehicle, the two hear a radio report about the recent slayings of the Screwdriver Killer...
La femme de mon mari
Four years ago, the French authorities officially declared the death of Diane, taken hostage during a trip to South America. Her husband, Bruno, is about to bury this painful past. He is going to marry Marie, with whom he has opened a hotel-restaurant. But suddenly, Diane reappears. After moments of stupor and emotion, Bruno is overwhelmed by these two women who attract him and want, each, to keep him.
Мечта всех женщин
В маленьком прибрежном городке живут парикмахер Ивон Ранс и его дочь Летиция. Отец мечтает передать дочери мелкий семейный бизнес и опекать её всю жизнь. Однако перспектива провести все лучшие годы своей жизни в прозябающем парикмахерском салоне не очень-то прельщает юную красавицу, задумавшую стать кинодивой. И никакая сила не способна удержать её в тихом городке. Даже родной отец не в счёт, когда впереди дивное сияние огней большого города, феерический Париж, романтический блюз, первая любовь и безумная страсть.
Beware of My Love
Muriel, a writer nearing 50 whose older lover won't live with her in Paris, meets a man on a train - Samuel, an Arab. He's attracted to her and pursues her, dropping in, asserting himself. She's willing to connect. He's passionate, then boorish, then jealous and possessive. He seems fixed on "Who's the strongest?," while she wants respect and trust. She's self-possessed as well as sexually charged, willing to laugh, and alternately firm and forgiving. He has little money, no immigration papers, few prospects, and a gambling jag. What does each want, and why does she stick with it? Is this colonial strife, war between the sexes, or a love story?
Один шанс на двоих
Juliette Tomaso (voice)
Тебе — 20 лет, ты красива, с легкостью угоняешь машины и только что вышла из тюрьмы. Они — два претендента в твои папаши, легко собирающие «Магнум» с завязанными глазами и имеющие немалый опыт обращения со взрывчаткой. Когда вы вместе — вам не страшны ни французская полиция, ни русская мафия…
Новый Свет
Mrs. / Mme. Carrion
A young boy who worships all things American comes of age in Orleans, where over 14,000 American GIs were stationed.
Victim of a train accident, a man regains consciousness in the house of the woman who shared his compartment.
Coma dépassé
Mario Lipari
Colin and Mailland are small-time crooks on the run who are surprised to find the seven-year-old runaway Savannah is along for the ride. The police and her parents fear she has been kidnapped, and a massive manhunt is launched with orders to shoot to kill the alleged perpetrators. The lovable little girl soon melts the hearts of the crooks, as the trio enjoy an unlikely but sentimental friendship.
la libraire
Michel Mortez travels around France hosting a radio game show he created 25 years ago. He is famous among the average Frenchmen. Rivetot, his assistant and technician, always goes with him. He is the only one who knows what really lies under Mortez's appearance of a playful don Juan. When the program is canceled, Rivetot delays telling Mortez as long as possible... Both malicious and tender, this bitter comedy also shows nostalgia.
Диагональ слона
Непобедимым чемпионом мира, Акивой Либскиндом гордится весь Советский Союз, но его слабое сердце может оборвать цепь его побед. Его противник — Павиус Фромм, сбежавший из Советского Союза. Когда чемпионат начинается, Фромм пытается нарушить его расписание и таким образом сбить концентрацию Либскинда, опоздав на первый ход. Его привычная наглость и общее презрение к правилам вынуждают Либскинда подать формальную жалобу жюри. Когда Липскинд угрожает отъездом, Фромм подает назад и пишет формальное извинение, чтобы не потерять шанс победить чемпиона. В результате таких ходов вне шахматной доски оба шахматиста начинают сдавать — Либскинд физически, а Фромм — ментально. Но шахматисты, однако, всего лишь пешки в большой политической игре между Советским Союзом и Западом. Режиссер Дембо вынес на экран в первую очередь эмоциональную битву между двумя незаурядными личностями, а не саму игру.