Фильм противопоставляет две грани войны середины девяностых годов в Сербии. Мерлин и Санела — трансвеститы-проститутки, живущие в пригороде Белграда. Мерлин мечтает о роскоши, Санела влюблена в культуриста и хочет выйти за него замуж. Для Мерлина и Санелы проституция — форма пацифизма, способ успокоить потенциальных насильников и игроков. Мерлину и Санеле противопоставлен Джонни, вернувшийся с войны в Боснии. Как и они, Джонни ищет покоя, но его способ состоит в убийстве других
The exploits of a depressed architect in Belgrade as he wanders about searching for the future in a land where the future no longer exists. Handsome Nikola is in his mid-thirties. He earned the nickname Champ because he used to race speedboats. He makes a decent living as a free-lance architect and his apartment is spacious and comfortable. Ana is attracted by the Champ's good looks and apparent prosperity. He is always pensive though; even when he is out drinking at the local clubs with his companions he cannot help but brood about the state of Belgrade. Though the city appears fairly normal on the outside, the presence of the war is signalled when a reluctant conscript in the army is dragged away.