Estelle Robin-You


Juste Charity
Six years ago, Charity Jimohe left Nigeria for France. After ten months of forced prostitution to pay off a debt of 35,000 euros contracted with the traffickers who had brought her here, she walked through the door of a police station in Nantes to denounce the members of her prostitution ring.
Latin Noir
In the land of the Zapatistas, Augusto Pinochet, and Fidel Castro, what are the stories Latin Americans have been telling to confront their troubled past? The film travels to 5 Latin American cities, to meet with famous crime novelists Leonardo Padura (Havana), Luis Sepulveda (Santiago), Paco Ignacio Taibo II (Mexico City), Santiago Roncagliolo (Lima) and Claudia Pineiro (Buenos Aires). Through their stories, we discover a unique genre of flourishing literature, strikingly different from its North American or Nordic counterparts: it's political, dark, and crimes are committed by the state itself.
A Thousand Fires
Using their bare hands, married couple Htwe Tin and Thein Shwe draw oil from a pit they drilled themselves on the land next to their house. There are lots of these “artisanal” oilfields dotted around Myanmar, where people have swapped crop cultivation for selling the oil they pump from the ground by hand.
The Last Shelter
Deep in Mali, on the edge of the Sahel Desert, lies the peaceful city of Gao—a quiet way station for passersby with their eyes set on Europe in hopes of opportunity, safety and a better future.
À la légère
Bad Poems
33-years old Tamás Merthner is heartbroken, after his girlfriend Anna, who is on a scholarship in Paris, breaks up with him. While wallowing in self-pity, Tamás takes a trip down memory lane to figure out if love only exists when it's practically gone. As he's trying to pick up the pieces, he begins to realize what makes this current society so confused, which gives us a highly subjective view of Hungary's present.
Double Life. A Short History of Sex in the USSR
When Lyudmila Ivanova made her infamous claim during a US-Soviet TV programme in 1986 that ‘There is no sex in the USSR!’, her comment – although roundly mocked at the time – revealed a certain truth about Soviet attitudes towards sex and the ways in which it was controlled by the regime, rendering it largely invisible. With this documentary, the director takes us through 70 years of Soviet history to highlight the interplay between sex, politics and society and the changing meanings attached to sex and sexuality under different General Secretaries.
Dolphin Man
As well as providing the subject for Luc Besson’s The Big Blue, Jacques Mayol did more than anyone to establish the sport of free diving to enormous depths without an oxygen supply. Using breathing techniques derived from yoga, he went to 50, 60, and even 100 meters—depths no one had considered to be within the bounds of human possibility. Mayol was a sportsman, a mystic, a vagabond, but above all, a man who believed in testing the limits of experience. This visually stunning tribute shows a man’s quest to be at one with the vastness of the ocean and to have no fear of the abyss within, where lurks serenity, freedom and finally, death.
Девушки из Уагадугу
Девушки в школе автомехаников в столице Буркина-Фасо Уагадугу проживают важный жизненный этап — все их мечты, надежды и смелость сталкиваются с общественным мнением, страхами и ожиданиями — какой же должна быть женщина? Используя интересные нарративные решения, Тереза Траоре Дальберг изображает годы их ученичества на фоне картин жестокого прошлого и настоящего страны. Этот фильм о взрослении — ее дебют в полнометражном кино, в нем много тепла, улыбок, грусти и глубины.
These Heathen Dreams
Once described by the press as "one of the most controversial figures on the Australian art scene", avant-garde poet and playwright Christopher Barnett achieved a level of notoriety in the Melbourne underground theatre scene during the ‘70s and ‘80s, before self-exiling to France. He remains there today, running an experimental theatre lab working with the marginalised and underprivileged, applauded by the establishment (including former French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault) and faithful to his belief that art can change the world. These Heathen Dreams is an intimate portrait of Barnett's life and revolutionary philosophy. Combining archival footage dating back to the ‘60s with contemporary observational documentation and text from Barnett's writings, it is a poignant and inspiring study of the power of both art and political activism.
Coming Out of the Nkuta
Or 'Coming out of the Closet' as it means in Cameroon, is a criminal offence for the country's homosexuals. But Alice, a bold and intrepid lawyer, is standing alone to defend them. Ostracised by their families and imprisoned by their government, the people that Alice defends can only lead half lives in their own country. This heartbreaking documentary exposes their desperate search for acceptance.
Мой муж Андрей Сахаров
Фильм посвящён легендарному советскому академику, который придумал водородную бомбу и всю жизнь боролся за свободу. Повествование в фильме «Мой муж Андрей Сахаров» ведёт его жена - известная правозащитница Елена Боннэр. Её рассказ не только знакомит зрителей с биографией академика, посвятившего себя критике идеологии СССР, но и раскрывает характер Сахарова, позволяет проникнуть в личный мир человека, который до сих пор вызывает интерес и уважение всего мира.