Martin Šec

Рождение : 1952-02-13,


Director of Photography
История о бывшем солдате, который пытается вернуться к нормальной жизни – и это даётся ему куда труднее, чем два десятилетия, проведённых на войне в качестве наёмника. Теперь ему нужно учиться жить по новым правилам и стать таким человеком, который умеет не только драться, но и слушать других людей. Сможет ли бывший солдат вести обычную жизнь, найти нормальную работу и удержать любимую женщину?
Director of Photography
Доверившись незнакомцу, пожилая женщина оказывается запертой в собственной квартире. Есть ли выход из ловушки, выстроенной неуравновешенным юношей?
Z lásky nenávist 2: Domácí násilí na mužích
Director of Photography
Z lásky nenávist
Director of Photography
Angel 2
Director of Photography
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
Každý milion dobrý
Camera Supervisor
По млечному пути
Director of Photography
История о любви, происходящая в период боснийской войны.
Svatojánský věneček
Разговоры с богами
Director of Photography
В альманахе раскрываются отношения людей разных религий с Богом.
Martin a Venuše
Camera Operator
Lucky Loser
Director of Photography
7 дней грехов
Director of Photography
Эта реальная история, произошедшая в Шумперском районе в мае 1945 года. Побег Агнес, немецкой жены чешского лесничего Яна Ольшана, окутан тайной. Только она сама знает, кто и почему ее ищет. Конец войны, тяжелое время, в приграничье возвращаются чехи из внутренних районов страны, возникают отряды гвардии и приходят солдаты. Судьба сводит вместе изгоя Яна и его немецкого шурина Юргена, который только что вернулся с Восточного фронта. Оба ищут одну и ту же женщину, Агнес. А она в это время бежит через дикие леса, преследуемая самым могущественным человеком в окрестностях из-за того ужаса, которому стала свидетельницей. Через горы ведет тернистый путь познания судьбоносности союза Яна и Агнес…
Director of Photography
Oldies but Goldies
Director of Photography
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
Oldies but Goldies
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
Santini’s Enigma
Director of Photography
During his routine work, Martin Urmann, employee of an advertising agency, discovers a series of cryptic messages inscribed by the architect into his structures, and sets out to decipher them. His way is lined with mysterious murders which are obviously connected with his search. The fascinating power of the world into which he is gradually descending makes it impossible for him to give up his intention. He has to reach the end, where he anticipates a revelation which will totally change his entrenched view of the world.
Director of Photography
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...
Tři životy
Director of Photography
Cesta do Vídně a zpátky
Director of Photography
Moje Praha
Director of Photography
Otakar Vávra walks through Prague in front of the camera and with the camera, and remembers those who in the 1930s determined the pulse of the cultural and political life of that time.
Director of Photography
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
Director of Photography
Hlavní výhra
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
В своем фильме Кустурица пересказывает знаменитую легенду, посвященную Пабло Пикассо. Во время оккупации Франции Пикассо оставался в Париже. Якобы в мастерскую Пикассо с обыском пришел некий немецкий офицер и, увидев репродукцию «Герники», спросил: «Это сделали вы?» «Нет, — ответил живописец, — это сделали вы». Дипломный фильм, в котором Кустурица был режиссёром, сценаристом и оператором, получил главный приз на фестивале студенческого кино в Карловых Варах. Это двадцатипятиминутная лента, снятая Кустурицей еще в годы учебы в на режиссерском факультете знаменитой пражской киношколы FAMU — рассказывает историю мальчика из еврейской семьи. С трудом понимающий реалии окружающего его мира ребенок интуитивно приходит к осознанию ужаса происходящей вокруг него немецкой оккупации сквозь призму знаменитой картины Пабло Пикассо.
Camera Operator