Vernon Steele
Рождение : 1882-09-18, Santiago, Chile
Смерть : 1955-07-23
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vernon Steele (18 September 1882 – 23 July 1955) was a Chilean-born British actor known for his appearances on the Broadway stage and in American films. He often played patrician young men in silent films. Steele was born in Santiago, Chile, the son of Daniel Antonietti, a professor of music, and his English wife, the former Grace Emma Bolton. Vernon Steele was christened Arturo Romeo Antonietti and his family eventually settled in London, England. His sister was actress Hilda Anthony.
Эмма Бовари — жена провинциального лекаря. Она выросла и живет в мелкобуржуазной среде, но тяготится ее пошлостью и пытается строить свою жизнь по образцам романтической литературы. Не удовлетворенная своим любящим, но недалеким мужем Шарлем Бовари, она пускается в любовные авантюры, бессознательно следуя сценариям то неистовой байронической страсти, то сентиментального «сродства душ».
Army Doctor
После атаки Перл-Харбора экипаж торпедных катеров в районе Филиппинских островов должен сразиться с превосходящими их силами японцев…
Captain Blair
Fur thieves, who murder trappers when they refuse to give up their pelts at a low price, occupy the attention of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. The leader of the gang is Victor Renaud, also the mayor of the small Canadian town where the gang is headquartered. Lucky Kerrigan is broken from the mounted service for apparent disobedience to orders, which results in the death of a fellow Mountie. Lucky, working undercover, aids the Mounties in rounding up the gang and gains back his uniform, and also the love of Gabrielle Renaud, Renaud's sister who was unaware of his criminal activities.
Фильм рассказывает об участии рядовых англичан в годы Второй мировой войны в обороне страны.
Nigel Partridge
In this mystery, a newspaper executive and three of his colleagues conspire to have the owner of the highly-respected London Sun committed to an insane asylum. The hapless publisher manages to escape. Soon after, the four collaborators begin dying one-by-one. Oddly their obituaries appear in a rival publication before they are actually killed.
Thomas Jefferson
This short subject is a lavish costumed color production which dramatizes the birth of the American Bill of Rights. It depicts leading political figures of the American Revolution and the despotic British colonial rule which led to the creation of the Bill of Rights.
RCMP Insp. Wylie
In this North western, a brave Canadian Mountie pursuing a gang of fur thieves finds himself drummed out of the RCMP and forced to run a gauntlet of Mountie whips. When the gang learns of this, they convince him to join them.
An evil villain steals a newly invented death ray.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
Lord Fenton (uncredited)
Вторую заокеанскую вариацию на темы Пэлема Вудхауса можно объединить с первой в своеобразную дилогию. Артур Тричер в роли хитроумного дворецкого Дживса действует здесь без своего хозяина. Просто сэр Вустер как был, так и остался в Англии, а вот Дживс вдруг взял и уехал в Америку.
Antonio Guerra is an unemployed Spanish immigrant in the USA. His brother and mother in Spain haven't heard about him for many years or even receive a letter. But one day, his brother receives a letter from him, telling that things are going well. But the reality is other. Antonio is passing a hard time in New Yor City, suffering the Years of Depression as many out of workers. One day, Antonio meets a nice Cuban seller, who invites him to eat at his poor house. The seller advices Antonio to visit a man, who has contacts and could help him to find a job. Nevertheless, Antonio is send with the leader of a group of gangsters, dedicated to the illegal traffic of alcohol. Antonio is offered a work of dealer, but he won't do anything out of the law.
Count Michael Montaine
A girl escapes marriage and hitchhikes with a young man in whose car a jewel thief has planted his loot.
Thomas Lawrence
Этот фильм рассказывает, через историю развития страховой лондонской компании «Ллойдс», историю двух людей, один из которых является исторической личностью — адмиралом Нельсоном. Два подростка Джонатан Блейк и Горацио Нельсон, отчаянные сорванцы, проникают на судно, думая, что это пиратский корабль и оказываются свидетелями сговора команды, которая задумала потопить корабль, захватить груз золота, а заодно получить и приличную сумму страховки. Друзья решили идти пешком за 100 верст в далекий Лондон, чтобы рассказать хозяину судна Ллойдсу о коварстве команды. Но Горацио утром забирают юнгой на судно, и Джонатану приходится совершить одному путешествие. Только в Лондоне он узнает, что Ллойдс это не человек, а страховая компания. Сведения мальчика помогают раскрыть обман и спасти компанию от внушительных убытков. Смышленого мальчика оставляют в компании. Проходит несколько лет и Джонатан растет вместе с компанией.
Detective Orderly Squires
В Трансильвании живет красавица, которая ненавидит зеркала. Вместо обычного отражения графиня Залеска видит в зеркале пустоту, потому что она дочь могущественного вампира Дракулы, унаследовавшая страсть к человеческой крови. Ее красота - страшная сила, прекрасная аристократка завлекает в свои смертельные объятия молодых и красивых мужчин из высшего общества, которые или погибают от ее поцелуя, или превращаются в упырей. Профессор Ван Хельсинг, избавивший мир от графа Дракулы, начинает охоту за его дочерью. Он знает, что вампиры наиболее уязвимы во время дневного сна в гробу. Охотник за вампирами должен найти гроб, в котором почивает графиня Залеска.
King James
Англия конца XVII века, междоусобные войны в самом разгаре. Доктора Питера Блада ошибочно причисляют к мятежникам и отправляют в рабство на плантации Ямайки. Там он быстро приобретает смертельного врага в лице губернатора Ямайки полковника Бишопа, но завоёвывает сердце его прекрасной племянницы Арабеллы. Питеру с друзьями удаётся бежать с острова, захватив испанский корабль, и вскоре он становится самым знаменитым и удачливым пиратом Карибского бассейна. Но ни морские сражения, ни охота за сокровищами — ничто не даёт забыть благородному пирату образ его возлюбленной…
Col. Gregor McGregor
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
Wedding Guest
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
An actor is jealous of his wife's stardom.
Saunders, the Chauffeur
A pair of lovers are secreting away to Paris for a quick divorce and marriage when they find themselves trapped in a "hotel" where they are forced to get to know each other better and reconsider their plans. They learn a lot about each other, and themselves.
Douglas' First Manager
Два Американца, драматург Томас Чамберс, чьи пьесы никто не ставит, и живописец-неудачник Джордж Куртис, снимающие одну квартиру в центре Парижа случайно в поезде знакомятся с художницей — карикатуристкой Гилдой Фаррелл, работающей в рекламном агентстве. Гилда производит на друзей неизгладимое впечатление. Эта белокурая особа сразу вскружила голову обоим крепким парням, и каждый из них готов отдать уже свою руку и сердце, но девушка решает для себя иначе. Из-за того, что она не может остановить своё предпочтение ни на одном из кандидатов, она предлагает ухажерам «Джентльменское соглашение», она будет им верным другом и критиком их работ и не более, — «о другом и не смейте мечтать». Неожиданно пьесу Тома покупает Лондонский театр, и он должен уехать на несколько дней. Гилда остаётся наедине с Джорджем…
Dr. Harold Rolph
As the demand for raw silk goes sky high, crooked businessman Wallace Myton corners the market with plans to drive up the price. Determined to fulfill his contracts, manufacturer Donald Kilgore imports $3 million worth of silk to Seattle and accompanies it by special train to New York. But when his secretary is found murdered, Kilgore soon discovers Myton has planted three killers on board with orders to stop the express and its passengers dead in their tracks.
The king of an unnamed European country abdicates and tries to recapture the happiness with the wife he had to give up for the throne.
A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.
Tom Armstrong
Elliot Worthington falls in love with Myra, the maid in his sister's household. Myra is dismissed; Elliot finds her, proposes marriage, and returns home with his new bride. She is snubbed by his relatives and shocked by the hypocrisy of his wealthy friends. Disillusioned, she runs away: Elliot follows and saves her from being hit by a train when her foot gets caught in a switch.
The Schoolmaster
M'liss, raised in the mountains as an unruly tomboy, is orphaned and is offered "protection" by Calaveras John and Johnny Cake, friends of her father's murderer. She shows no interest in anything until the new schoolmaster persuades her to tidy herself and get some education. Believing the schoolmaster to be in love with some other girl, M'liss decides to run off with another man.
Christopher Armstrong
Singer Anna Woodstock loses her voice, but a visit to a hypnotist, Dr. Joseph Kasimir, brings it back. What Anna doesn't realize is that her illness was purely psychosomatic and Kasimir is a swindler.
Society miss Sally Raeburn is left penniless and is helped out by an older woman. The woman makes it clear that to repay her, Sally must marry wealth, so when the very well-heeled Lester comes to her village, Sally goes after him. Lester has been traveling incognito in the hopes that no one will discover him, so when Sally wins him she feels guilty and confesses that she knew who he was all along.
Hillary Jesson
A woman attempts to regain the love of her husband, who constantly compares her unfavorably to his first wife.
Jasper Norton
The orphan Bernice (Stewart) is raised almost to womanhood by the good sisters in an Italian convent. Worshiping a picture of the Madonna and Child, she is seized by a great desire to have a child she can call her own. Running away to America, where she has been told babies are plentiful, she is taken in by Robert Bruce, an artist whose wife has refused to divorce him, and poses for his projected masterpiece, a Madonna. Bernice falls in love with the baby borrowed for this posing and is filled with sorrow when the child is taken away. Robert, who has become sincerely but honorably in love with the girl, adopts a baby for her. His wife meets Bernice and the baby, believes the worst, and insults her. Bernice takes the child and leaves the house, becoming lost in the city and finally finding refuge in a hospital where the child dies. Robert learns from his wife the reason for Bernice's departure, locates the girl, and, after divorcing his wife, marries her.
Captain Bob Tidewater
Professor Tidewater tours Ireland with his two daughters to investigate the origins of ghost stories. After the girls leave him at Belmore Castle, reputed to be haunted, the Hindu caretaker Sakes relates the following tale: Henry Claven, Sakes' master, courted his beautiful neighbor Betty Truesdale, but when she became engaged to Captain Bob Lambert, Claven precipitated a duel by telling Lambert that he knew his mother was a negress
Dick Hazelwood
Stella Derrick and Dick Hazelwood love each other, but their families want them to make better financial matches.
John Garret 'Garry' Hamil III
Sheila Cardross Malcourt shares only a loveless marriage with Louis Malcourt, but is unwilling to divorce him even to marry the man she really loves, for fear of hurting her foster parents. Instead, she stifles her feelings for Garry Hamil and strives to maintain her marriage. But when tragedy ensues, she finds herself faced with a new dilemma.
John Douglas the Minister
When circus aerialist Polly Fisher is injured, she is taken to the nearby home of minister John Hartley. The two fall in love and marry secretly. But when the news leaks out, the minister loses his pastorate over disdain by the parishioners for Polly's background as a performer. Polly must decide whether to stay with the man she loves or leave him for the good of his calling.
Jacques Desmond
On the eve of her wedding to a man she does not love, young Felicite (Marguerite Clark) stumbles upon a diary written by one of her ancestors.
Reverend Philip Morton
David Aldrich aspires to be an author. The publishers reject most of his manuscripts because they seem to lack realism. David struggles on, however, determined to succeed and kept happy by his love for Helen Chambers and for his bosom friend Morton, who is a young minister working among the people on the East Side.
Robert Sterling
The Vampire is a surviving 1915 silent film drama directed by Alice Guy and starring Olga Petrova. It is one of Petrova's and Guy's few surviving silent films.
In Czarist Russia, attractive Anna Ivanovna has consecrated her life to work among Russia's persecuted poor. She dispenses food, medicine, and funds to the needy, from a busy charity headquarters. Two men, separate in station, are in love with Ivanovna: Poor doctor Paul helps as much as he can, and wealthy merchant Serge donates money. The relentless and lascivious Chief of Police, also attracted by Ivanova's beauty and virtue, determines to possess her, and sentences all three to fifteen years in Siberia and East Russia on false charges.