Vidar Magnussen

Vidar Magnussen


Vidar Magnussen


Arthur Berg
Тале 17 лет. Она только что переехала с родителями в маленький городок, после того, как ее мать получила новую работу в местной полиции. Она становится главным свидетелем жестокого убийства студента на вечеринке. Было ли этот убийцей животное? Волком?
The Olsen Gang - Last scream!
Kriminalinspektør Hermansen
The Olsen gang of Egon, Benny and Kjell are constantly looking for the big coup to become millionaires. They have laid out the perfect plan to break into the new Munch Museum in Bjørvika and steal "Scream".
The Wendy Effect
In the shadows of the outskirts of Oslo, every criminal has their place until the economical meltdown. The luxury prostitute Wendy might have the key to the problem, or at least to the heart of the bank, the criminals and even the police.
Here Is Harold
For over 40 years, Harold has been running a successful business, Lunde Furniture, together with his wife, Marny. This comes to an end when IKEA decides to open a new superstore right next door to Harolds small furniture shop. Harold and Marny lose both their shop and their home to the bank, and to make matter worse, Marny is starting to lose her memory. In mounting anger and desperation, Harold wants revenge. He arms himself with a pistol, gets into his old Saab, and sets off for lmhult, Sweden, to kidnap his nemesis, the founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad.
The Final Frontier
CPT. Greg
The distinguished crew on the spacecraft “The Final Frontier” are traveling through space, searching for intelligent life. Suddenly they stumble upon a beautiful white planet.
Kapteinen, piloten og sangerinnen
The Pilot
The captain and the pilot are both deeply captivated by the beautiful opera singer who performs in the opera house and competes to become her best friend, but the fight gets out of control and they are about to lose their entire friendship.
The film's protagonist has won Amanda (Norwegian Oscar) for best film script, but struggles with both self-confidence and a sequel script. He eventually writes his special one into script to win her favor, but also has to fight to gain recognition and attention in a tough industry.
Спящая красавица
Bjørn Hasle
Фильм начинается в Копенгагене, где Варг Веум находит 16-летнюю дочь богатого бизнесмена, своего клиента, чтобы привести ее домой к своей семье в Берген. У девочки всё складывается не лучшим образом, и, когда ее 21-летний друг вскоре оказывается мертвым в гостиничном номере в Бергене, Веум делает все возможное, чтобы защитить девушку от полиции, которая смотрит на нее, как на главную подозреваемую в убийстве.
Noen ganger gjør det vondt
A man does not accept that his girlfriend wants to break up and refuses to let go.
A relatively small hospital experiences a veritable gridlock in one narrow hallway with beds, patients, doctors and nurses all finding their movements unduly restricted. This necessitates an extreme measure imposed by one creative doctor in order to free the flow of traffic: much to the chagrin of one patient, whose bell can no longer be heard by those responsible for his care.
Dark comedy series about Bjarte and Steinar, who together with two friends created The Singles Club.