During the location scouting of his latest film, a stubborn filmmaker experiences many things. He sees reality in the present, reality in the past, dream, what he expected things to be, and the mysterious dark side that he tries to hide and run away from it. Everything comes back and attacks him. In this film, Boonsong plays himself, his son plays him when he was a child, and his mother plays herself. This is another film that Boonsong tries to challenge the storytelling by crossing over fiction and documentary.
Golf, along with his friends and parents, lies to Bank about him still being alive. He told Tar that he still misses Bank. Tar and Parn reply that they feel bad about lying to Bank as well. This is the preview of a whole new chapter between Golf and Bank in the anticipated sequel series "My Bromance 2: 5 Years Later."
Голф - неблагополучный старшеклассник, выросший без родителей. Внезапно возращается отец, приведя с собой новую жену с сыном от первого брака. Бэнка подселяют в комнату Голфа, а в школе их усаживают за одну парту, но Голф отказывается принять "брата", считая его одним из виновников развала семьи. Стерпев грубости и унижения, добродушный Бэнк добивается-таки расположения "брата". Стремительное сближение заводит отношения парней далеко за пределы дружеских...