Jacques Dhéry


Частный детектив
Prison director
Частному детективу Роже Пиляру предстоит найти и разоблачить серийного убийцу по кличке «Ястреб», который использует молодых людей для ограбления банков и ювелирных магазинов, не оставляет никаких следов и убирает сообщников. Но один из них чудом остался жив…
Венсан, Франсуа, Поль и другие
Le malade
Каждое воскресенье старые приятели собираются вместе. Они очень разные люди, у каждого свои проблемы. Винсент разорен и должен кучу денег, Франсуа вынужден наблюдать, как его жена меняет мужчин, Поль - писатель без собственных книг. Проблемы приходят и уходят. С годами меняется все - счет в банке, любовь, карьера... Только не меняется старая мужская дружба.
The Insolent
Having escaped from prison Ristack contacts his partner, to organize an attack on a van full of gold. The heist goes well but each man is trying to keep all the loot for himself...
Сезар и Розали
Henri Harrieu
Разведенная художница Роза живет вместе с богатым торговцем Сезаром, с которым ее связывают спокойные и стабильные отношения. Неожиданно Роза встречает бывшего любовника Давида, разрушившего ее брак. Роза потрясена его появлением, так как еще влюблена в него. Сезар, искренне привязанный к Розе, не желает терять ее и решается на неординарный шаг — приглашает Давида жить вместе с ними.
Le Droit d'aimer
The lieutenant
Helena hasn't seen her husband Pierre in two years. Pierre has been kept as a political prisoner in a near island, among other hundreds of men, with forced work. Dozens of men die every week due to tuberculosis, and despite Helena's constants applications to authorities, to be able to see her husband, they always deny them their right. One day, Helena receive a permission. She knows this may be the last time that she and her husband Pierre may be together.
La poupée rouge
La Parole est au témoin
A Swelled Head
A man inherits an old house in a very bad condition. With the help of a young mechanic, he begins to renovate this house.
Recourse in Grace
A police inspector
Mario di Donati, a deserter from the Italian army, lives in Paris under a false name with Germaine, his French lover. When the latter learns about his hidden past, she feels hurt by Mario's lack of trust in her and she distances herself from him. In despair, Mario surrenders to the law but, at the time of trial, he runs away to join the woman he loves.
Vive les vacances
Roger and Jeannot, two jolly good fellows, are workers in a car factory. When the summer holidays come they merrily mount their scooter and head for the French Riviera where they intend to live cheerful holidays. They finally reach their destination after going through a host of colorful misadventures on the road and are soon caught into an imbroglio. Indeed, after boarding a yacht following two sailors, the boat sails away and they are unable to disembark, at least for a while. This is only a minor problem since they are immediately hired as mechanics and cooks, to everyone's satisfaction. To crown it all, there is Graziella, the niece of the king of naphtha, whose endearing charms do not leave Roger insensitive. And the belle has a lady friend by the name of Ingrid, who happens to be as rich as she is, and who kindles Jeannot's flame. But things are not as simple as they appear.
Why Women Sin
La moucharde stars Dany Carrel as a young miss who loves neither wisely nor well. Duped into a life of crime, Carrel remains on the wrong side of the Law because she's hopelessly in love with a two-bit crook. Soon she becomes as jaded and hardened as her criminal cohorts. When the police threaten to throw her in the Bastille, Carrel agrees to turn informer, with the expected disastrous results.
The Country I Come From
One Christmas Eve, a carefree young man, Eric, arrives in a small provincial town. Here, he meets Julien, a bar pianist who is his exact double. Julien is in love with Marinette, a pretty waitress, but he is too shy to make any romantic overtures. Eric decides to give the course of true love a helping hand by pretending to be Julien. Meanwhile, Eric’s fabulously wealthy uncle has sent his minions out to bring him back home, so that he may celebrate Christmas in the bosom of his family.
Forgive Our Trespasses
In a port area of ​​France, clashes between a gang of young delinquents and a tribe of gypsies.
Tempest in the Flesh
A dam is under construction in the Pyrénées mountains. All the workers only have eyes for pretty, sensual Clara, the canteen waitress. And what she exchanges with many of them is more than just looks, this is for sure. Nevertheless, despite her frivolity, Clara falls truly in love with Tonio Borelli, the site foreman. The latter takes her to Paris and they marry. But Clara soon realizes that the call of the flesh still consumes her...