Peter Hammond

Peter Hammond

Рождение : 1923-11-23, London, England, UK

Смерть : 2011-10-12


Английский режиссер, поставивший более 50 фильмов.


Peter Hammond
Peter Hammond


Шерлок Холмс: Знатный холостяк
Американская наследница Генриетта Доран (известная как Хэтти) выходит замуж за лорда Сэма Симона, но она бесследно исчезает в день ее свадьбы, оставляя возбужденный Лондон. Позже полиция находит её свадебное платье в Серпентине, озеро в лондонском парке, с запиской в кармане платья. Расследуя дело, Холмс страдает от кошмаров, которые он видит в качестве фактора в тайне.
Шерлок Холмс: Король шантажа
Холмс и Уотсон пытаются сорвать схемы печально известного шантажиста Чарльза Августа Милвертона от шантажа леди Евы Блэквелл. Но всё не так просто, как и они рассчитывали, и Холмс должен пожертвовать своей моралью и своей честной карьерой, чтобы остановить Милвертона от разрушения ее брака.
The Death of the Heart
A young orphan girl, Portia, goes to live with her well-to-do aunt and uncle. As she is groomed to become a lady, she is confused by the young man who seems to be courting her. Surrounded by pretentious people who have no clue how to deal with teenagers, she soon loses her naïveté and thinks of running away.
The Children Of Dynmouth
The plot follows Timothy Gedge, a socially inept yet intrusive teenage boy as he wanders around the dull seaside town of Dynmouth, spying on the town's residents. At first this behaviour is seen as merely annoying, even comical, until people begin to realise that his purpose may not be as innocent as initially thought.
Знак четырёх
Молодой гувернантке Мэри Морстен каждый год приходит по одной редкой жемчужине. Причем отправитель неизвестен. Драгоценная посылка приходит в дни годовщины исчезновения отца девушки, который таинственным образом пропал вот уже как десять лет.
The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel is a sensual and stylish adaptation of Uncle Silas - Sheridan le Fanu’s influential Victorian literary masterpiece. Sheltered heiress Maud Ruthyn's troubles begin when her father hires a new governess. Madame De La Rougierre (played with considerable relish by Jane Lapotaire) is a cruel, brandy-swigging schemer with an unhealthy interest in Maud's inheritance and an approach to childcare that would make Mary Poppins faint. When Maud's father dies she has no choice but to live with her wicked uncle Silas, who will inherit the family fortune if Maud should happen to die. This is not a recipe for domestic bliss and soon it seems that everyone but Maud is either bad, mad, or both.
The House That Jack Built
For Jack, the dream was to live in a castle with grounds big enough to ride a horse for two hours. For Lu, it was the dream of love. Shelagh Delaney's drama Charts 10 years of a marriage from wedding night to the present day
Малыш по прозвищу «Призрак»
Президент Линкольн вызывает к себе двух спецагентов и приказывает сделать все, чтобы прекратились ограбления поездов на железной дороге. Спецагенты - двое мальчишек, наделенных неординарными способностями - приступают к выполнению приказа. Обстановка, с которой они столкнулись - беззаконие, драки в салунах, ограбления банков, ограбления поездов... Пришлось применить много сил для того, чтобы все это прекратить. И они побеждают.
Sea Song
Millionaire recluse Ray Carter takes part in a single handed race across the Atlantic - but soon discovers a stowaway.
The Square of Three
An army private decides one day that he's not taking any more orders, precipitating a crisis of confidence for the Medical Corps major assigned to investigate his case.
Spring and Port Wine
A stern father and lenient mother try to deal with the ups and downs of their four children's lives in working class Bolton.
Jack the Ripper
Scenario Writer
A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.
Model for Murder
An American officer scours Britain in search of his dead brother's girlfriend and becomes involved in a jewel heist.
Икс: Неизвестное
Lt. Bannerman
Повышенный радиационный фон на одной из военных баз Шотландии привлекает на поверхность неизвестную подземную форму жизни, которая оставляет после себя два солдатских трупа и бездонную дыру в земле. Очевидцы утверждают, что неведомая тварь абсорбирует радиацию, вследствие чего увеличивается в размерах.
It's Never Too Late
When a sedate wife and mother decides her family takes her for granted, she pens a movie script -- and it becomes a hit film. Suddenly faced with instant celebrity, she must choose between being a highly paid author and a middle-class housewife.
Spin a Dark Web
Bill Walker
A boxer is lured into a murder plot by a scheming woman.
The Deadliest Sin
A confession to a priest from a thief leads to the priest's life being threatened by his gang.
The Crowded Day
Michael Blayburn
One day in the lives and loves of the staff in a large department store.
Andy Fraser
Ace crime reporter Watling tries to discover the identity of a notorious jewel thief, but his informant is murdered. At a house party, Watling helps detective Adam expose the criminal.
Alf's Baby
Tim Benson
Three old bachelors 'inherit' an orphan baby, Pam, who is pursued by a car-stealing spiv after she turns 21.
Come Back Peter
George Harris
There's pandemonium in a country house when various relatives come to stay.
Father's Doing Fine
Lady Buckering, an English widow, has four daughters; Doreen, married to Dougall and about to give birth at home, and Gerda, Bicky and Catherine. The story revolves around the impending birth and the love affairs of the other three daughters; Bicky, with eccentric student Roly; Gerda, married to artist Wilfred; and Catherine, in love with the landlord's son, Clifford Magill. In addition, the impoverished Lady Buckering is being courted by Dr. Drew. Written by Les Adams
Fortune in Diamonds
Hendrik van Thaal
As the Boer War ends a South African soldier hides a cache of diamonds he finds on a body. He returns to the town he left three years earlier where his girl has married a disgraced English officer. Needing funds to get back to pick up the diamonds the Boer enlists the help of a fellow soldier as well as the Englishman and a local hotel keeper. This ill-assorted bunch set off into the bush intent on finding their fortune.
Sub-Lt. Oakley
Для экипажа британской субмарины «Троянец» это должно было быть обычное утро, пока их жизни навсегда не изменила непредвиденная катастрофа. После случайного столкновения с миной в мирных британских водах, сильнейший взрыв отправил лодку на океанское дно с запертыми внутри 12-ю моряками.
The Huggetts Abroad
Peter Hawtrey
Life is not going well for the Huggetts. Father has lost his job. Jimmy and his wife cannot get to South Africa where he has a new job. So the family decide that they should go to South Africa by truck. With their travelling companion they travel across the desert which includes a brush with the law.
Vote for Huggett
Peter Hawtrey
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Helter Skelter
Spencer Stone
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Fools Rush In
Howes plays Pamela Dickson, an impulsive young bride-to-be, while Guy Rolfe portrays her long-lost father Paul. Ostensibly a cad and bounder, Paul turns out to be just the opposite when he arrives for Pamela's wedding.
Here Come the Huggetts
Peter Hawtrey
The Huggetts have their first telephone installed, sleep rough on The Mall whilst waiting for the Royal Wedding and deal with a fire at the 'Oatibix' factory.
Fly Away Peter
George Harris
Director Charles Saunders' low-key domestic comedy, adapted from A.P. Dearsley's play, centers on a middle-aged London couple who react in different ways as their four children grow up, fall in love and make career choices.
Holiday Camp
Harry Huggett
The Huggett family go to a holiday camp, and get involved in crooked card players, a murderer on the run, and a pregnant young girl and her boyfriend missing from home.
They Knew Mr. Knight
Douglas Blake
After a chance train encounter with Laurence Knight, Tom Blake's family's fortunes prosper on the beneficence of the great financier. A developing friendship leads to the Knights selling their home to the Blakes when they move back to London. All looks rosy for the Blakes as share prices in Mr Knight's new business venture soar, but is their confidence misplaced?
Waterloo Road
During WW2 a former railway employee who had been drafted, goes AWOL to hunt down the spiv and draft dodger who is having an affair with his wife.