Ago Ruus

Ago Ruus

Рождение : 1949-08-04,


Ago Ruus
Ago Ruus


Jüri - see mulk, ehk mis tuul müürile...
Director of Photography
Enn Säde's documentary about the Estonian filmmaker Jüri Müür (1929-1984) who was his colleague and friend.
Too Tired to Hate
Director of Photography
This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of violence and revenge is only broken when one person conquers himself and refuses to continue the vendetta. Siim, a 14-year old who grew up in the streets, is only spared the violence because he has a natural antipathy to it. Ultimately he too is caught up in the fighting when he tries to save money for his girlfriend's Christmas gift and the cash is stolen.
American Mountains
Director of Photography
A former goldminer who has run afoul of the law is made an unusual offer by the mafia. The power of money and popularity among women won't let him step down from the rollercoaster in order to make the right decisions.
Тайный агнец
Director of Photography
В основе сюжета забавного детского фильма, состоящего из трех детективно-криминальных сюжетов, - десятилетний поединок одиночки с призраками своего жилища.
Peace Street
Director of Photography
On Christmas Eve, the residents of Peace Street discover that there are military guards in front of their houses. Soon they have to start showing their passports when entering their homes. The residents are told by the authorities that in order to keep the peace they have to be ready to co-operate. It is an order and people stick to it. It is heard that the foreign troops will leave when the snow will be gone - so it won't be long until the everyday life will be normal again. When spring arrives, not only the snow disappears but also lots of residents. Those who stay will look forward to the Midsummer Day.
Только для сумасшедших
Director of Photography
В больницу маленького эстонского городка привозят молодого человека, пытавшегося покончить с собой. Парень не смог пережить страшный удар судьбы — выражаясь фигурально, в самый ответственный для юного любовника момент наш герой оказался несостоятельным. Одна из больничных медсестер, не молодая женщина, жалея несчастного юношу, помогает ему обрести душевное равновесие, жизнерадостность и мужскую уверенность в себе. Она приводит его ночью в одну из процедурных комнат и простейшим способом излечивает его от стремления к самоубийству, доказав, что страхи по поводу импотенции несколько преувеличены. За своё доброе дело она жестоко расплачивается...
Son of Torum
In the same vein as Meri's other documentations, this one takes advantage of the glasnost policy to discuss the social and ecologic impact of the Russian oil industry on the natives and the lands they inhabit.
Dance Around the Steam Boiler
Director of Photography
The movie travels through the 20th century by monitoring a steam boiler. We see the history of Estonia through life, agricultural work and people at different times.
Дикие лебеди
Camera Operator
Дочь короля Элиза отправляется на поиски своих одиннадцати братьев. Злая мачеха-ведьма превратила их в диких лебедей и заставила скитаться по свету. Добрые люди, скалы и ветер показывали девушке дорогу. Чтобы снять злые чары, Элиза должна сплести 11 рубашек из крапивы и набросить их на лебедей…
Серебряная пряжа Каролины
Музыкальная сказка о капризной принцессе Каролине, отвергающей женихов, и о мудром короле-претенденте Каспаре, который ради достижения заветной цели прикидывается бедным странником и увлекает принцессу музыкой волшебной прялки в дальний путь...
Замкнутый круг
В небольшом шведском городке происходит убийство Фрома — владельца фирмы по исследованию общественных отношений. День спустя убивают его друга Турена — комиссара полиции, ведущего расследование…
The Song of the Summer
Director of Photography
While suffering creative and emotional crisis, singer Katrin gives a poor performance at the pop music contest. She decides to turn over a new leaf and write a song that would convey an important message both for herself and for the audience. Katrin's personal drama - the story about her doubts and self-realization - is accompanied by the performances of well-known pop musicians of 1970s and 1980s.
Об озорном чертёнке, которому доброта людей и дружба с заблудившимися в лесу братом и сестрой (Кусти и Ити) помогли стать человеком.
The Master of Kõrboja
Director of Photography
A farmer, recently released from prison, throws all his energy into improving his property so he can marry his beloved. But he's crippled in an accident and, anguished at the thought that he will no longer be man enough for her, decides to kill himself.
Kiri Giuliale
Director of Photography
Of the deminers combing the landscape, a young man walking without a detector finds himself on a mine. Since his companions cannot help him, the young man wants to dictate his goodbye letter to his wife.
Forest Captain
Assistant Director of Photography
Sailing to South America, the sailing ship "Fortuna" gets stuck in a calm in the middle of the Atlantic. Heat and thirst drive the team crazy, knives are already flashing and the wind is being conjured in the darkness of the night. Captain Kihnu Jõnn has to tame desperate men and trade with heavenly forces in order to bring the ship's crew to the destination port, who want to leave him there.