MacKenzie Cleveland


Мстители: Финал
После разрушительных событий в "Мстители: Войны бесконечности", вселенная лежит в руинах. Оставшиеся в живых участники команды Мстителей снова объединяются в попытке восстановить баланс во вселенной.
The Paper Boy
An unexplained event has given everyone super-human abilities, but it can be hard watching life unfold when yours is not-so-super.
The Paper Boy
An unexplained event has given everyone super-human abilities, but it can be hard watching life unfold when yours is not-so-super.
The Gatling Gun: Changing the World One Bullet at a Time
During the American Civil War the worlds first effective machine gun. The Gatling Gun fired five bullets at a time, and while never gaining traction during the war, went on to be a major mile stone in weaponry.